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Have a wonderful Christmas break!

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1 Have a wonderful Christmas break!
Westdown Newsletter December 2017 Cherry Class and Maple Class The Little Fir Tree was performed by Maple and Cherry Class in the Parish Hall on 7th Dec. The children thoroughly enjoyed performing in front of a large audience. They overcame their nerves, looked fabulous in their costumes and spoke and sang confidently. An enjoyable and entertaining evening was had by all. Well done Maple and Cherry! On 5th Dec, Maple Class made Christingles. In the afternoon, Maple and Cherry Class children reflected on the significance of their Christingles and lit their candles. Willow Class This term year 3’s have been doing forest school which they have all really enjoyed. They have learnt all different kinds of things and really enjoyed sitting around the fire having hot chocolate and biscuits. Year 4’s have had a taster session at gymnastics they really enjoyed learning new skills these sessions will continue in the New Year. Oak Class Remembrance Oak class took part in a joint remembrance service with the West Down W.I. The children laid poppies knitted by the W.I. on the graves of men from West Down who had served in the First World War. Twitchen Farm In mid-November we visited Twitchen Farm. Willow Class joined us, to learn about organic farming, wildlife habitats, soil, poo and sustainability. A huge thank you to Wayne and Caroline Copp for making us so welcome and giving us such a fantastic trip. Christmas Tree A few weeks later it was time for our annual hike out to Lower Aylescott, to select the school Christmas tree, kindly donated by Nick Williams. We were fortunate with the weather, it proved to be a fantastic hike and a great opportunity to brush up on our map reading skills. Senior Dudes’ Meal This year saw another fantastic Senior Dudes’ Meal. We had nearly 60 grandparents and senior members of the community join us for a festive meal prepared, cooked and served by members of Oak Class. The feedback was fantastic and everyone is looking forward to next year! A big thanks to Turton’s Butchers for donating the turkey, sausages and bacon! (Pop along to Turton’s if you need any meats for your Christmas table). Willow & Oak Willow and Oak class led us on a magical Nativity around the village with lanterns that had been made in school. Nobody minded that it was a bit on the chilly side as we all had a good old sing song on the way around. PTFA News There have been various PTFA events and the PTFA would like to say a huge thank you to parent’s who have helped at events. If there are any parents that would like to be more involved then can you please see Jayne Lewis we are always looking for volunteer's. The children have really enjoyed the events this term and without parents helping then we wouldn’t be able to run these events. We are all looking forward to the Christmas break but we are also aware that Christmas can be a difficult time for some. lists the opening times of various services along with contact numbers. If you’re concerned about a child’s safety you should contact the MASH on Messages for school can be left on the school answerphone or ed to Messages will be picked up in the New Year. E-SAFETY Cold darks nights and new tech can mean that children spend more time online during the Christmas Holiday. Make sure that any new tech has all the appropriate parental controls and that family safety filters are applied before your child uses it. Talk to your child about what behaviour you expect from them when they are online – what are they allowed to do and what are they not allowed to do? Make sure that your child knows that they should talk to you about anything that worries them online. When visiting friends and family, be aware that other households will have different rules and different online access available to your children DATES FOR YOUR DIARY Wednesday 3rd January Back to School Monday 8th January Swimming R-Yr 6 Friday 9th February Last day of School Monday 19th February Back to School Thursday 29th March Last day of School Monday 16th April Back to School 14-18th May SAT’s week Friday 25th May Last day of School Thursday 7th June Back to School 11-15th June Phonics test week 27-29th June Beam House Year 3 & 4 9-13th July Year 5 & 6 residentialFriday 27th July Last day of school Important News Swimming - Please note that swimming will start on Monday January 8th Yr 1 to Yr 6. Please remember your kit. Swimming costume/short, swimming hat and towel. Gymnastics will start again in January for Year 4 for the remaining sessions that were missed this term. After School Clubs Maths Club – Every Tuesday 3.15 – 4.15pm No charge Year 5 and 6 Fun Fitness Club – This club will run for 6 weeks, starting Wed 8th November. £15 made payable to Emily Adams on the first week of the club. Football Club – Dates to be confirmed in the new term. DINNER MONEY – Please ensure your child’s dinner money is up to date over the holiday. If you are having issues with ParentMail please bring cash to the office. Thank you! Have a wonderful Christmas break!

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