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The Future Tense You need to use the Future Tense to help you

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1 The Future Tense You need to use the Future Tense to help you
achieve a Grade C and above. There are 2 future tenses in Spanish, as there are in English… I will…(do something) I am going to …(do something) Read through this Powerpoint, write notes into your exercise book and complete all of the exercises.

2 Él/ella/Ud. Va + a + the infinitive(eg. Comer) Nosotros Vamos
The near future allows you to talk about the future using the structure “ir + infinitive”. It is the English equivalent of “I am going to…” Person The part of ‘Ir’  yo Voy tú Vas Él/ella/Ud. Va + a + the infinitive(eg. Comer) Nosotros Vamos Ellos/ellas/Uds. Van EXAMPLES…. 1. Voy a jugar al fútbol = I am going to play football 2. Va a jugar al fútbol = he / she is going to play football 3. Vamos a estudiar el arte = we are going to study art 4. Van a estudiar el arte = they are going to study art

3 Translate the sentences into Spanish using the FUTURE tense
¡A practicar! Translate the sentences into Spanish using the FUTURE tense 1. I’m going to write a letter_________________________________________ 2. He is going to play football ________________________________________ 3. We are going to listen to music ____________________________________ 4. Are you (sing.) going to watch television? ____________________________ 5. They are going to eat paella. _______________________________________ 6. I am going to go to university _______________________________________ 7. She is going to study Spanish _______________________________________ 8. It is going to be fun _______________________________________________ 9. We are going to travel by plane _____________________________________ 10. I am going to eat more vegetables __________________________________

4 Translate the sentences into English
¡A practicar! Translate the sentences into English 1. Voy a hablar con mi profesor_________________________________________ 2. Va a comprar un coche nuevo________________________________________ 3. Vamos a celebrar tu cumpleaños______________________________________ 4. ¿Qué vas a hacer después de tus examenes?____________________________ 5. Van a mandar mensajes ____________________________________________ 6. Voy a escribir una carta_____________________________________________ 7. Ella va a trabajar en un teatro________________________________________ 8. Voy a leer un libro en francés ________________________________________ 9. Vamos a beber una botella de agua____________________________________ 10. Va a ser una experiencia maravillosa__________________________________

5 Simple Future The simple future allows you to talk about what you will do in the future. This is an easy tense to remember as the same endings get added to all the infinitives. Person Whole verb ending in -ar-er-ir I whole verb + -é You (singular) whole verb + -ás He/she/it whole verb + -á We whole verb + -emos You (plural) whole verb + -éis They whole verb + -an Estudiar = the whole verb (to study) then add the appropriate ending EXAMPLES…. 1. Estudiaré el chino = I will study Chinese 2. Viajará por todo el mundo = He / she will travel around the world 3. Trabajaremos con niños = We will work with children 4. Verán una película en español = they will watch a Spanish film

6 Translate the sentences into Spanish using the FUTURE tense
¡A practicar! Translate the sentences into Spanish using the FUTURE tense So, look up the verb ‘to talk’ and add the appropriate ending for ‘her’ 1. I will talk to my sister. _____________________________________________ 2. He will study Spanish. _____________________________________________ 3. We will go to Mexico. _____________________________________________ 4. Will you (sing.) live in England? _____________________________________ 5. They will drink wine.______________________________________________ 6. I will probably stay at Arnold. _______________________________________ 7. I think I will look for a job as a nurse. _________________________________ 8. I will live in Blackpool forever._______________________________________ 9. Anis and Bliss will get married (casarse) in ten years. _________________________________________________________________ 10. Fiona will perhaps live in Spain. (quizás = perhaps)

7 Translate the sentences into English
¡A practicar! Translate the sentences into English TO HELP: Work backwards! Look at the ending to identify the person, then remove the ending to find the verb 1. Iré a Francia para las vacaciones_____________________________________ 2. Vivirá con su abuela ______________________________________________ 3. Cantarán una canción de JLS________________________________________ 4. Beberemos mucho _______________________________________________ 5. Compraré unos regalos para mis amigos_______________________________ 6. ¿Visitarás al museo Prado en Madrid?_________________________________ 7. Buscaré trabajo como periodista _____________________________________ 8. Me levantaré a las 5.30 – qué horror_______________________________________ 9. En dos años terminaré mis Alevels _________________________________________ 10. En el futuro descancarán más ___________________________________________

8 There are, however, some irregular verbs:
Write them down in your book . Poner = to put yo pondré = I will put Decir = to say yo diré = I will say Haber = to be (used with weather) habrá = it will be Salir = to go out yo saldré = I will go out Hacer = to do / make yo haré = I will do / make Poder = to be able to yo podré = I will be able to Tener = to have yo tendré = I will have Venir = to come yo vendré = I will come Querer = to want / love yo querré = I will want / love Saber = to know yo sabré = I will know

9 TRANSLATE: this is a mixtures of the two future tenses!
El Futuro Inmediato El Futuro Simple I am going to play You (s) are going to live We are going to read They are going to make You (pl) are going to be He is going to have I am going to listen We are going to write They are going to study You (s) are going to travel I will play You (s) will live We will read They will make You (pl) will be He will have I will listen We will write They will study You will travel

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