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ANSI-ESO MEETING 21-22 February 2017

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1 ANSI-ESO MEETING 21-22 February 2017 High Level Dialogue on Possible Sectorial Areas for Cooperation: Bio-based products Jeff Grove, ASTM International 2016 Metrics 18 October 2015

2 Background: Transatlantic Economic Council 2011-2016
TEC Statement of Nov 2011 – called upon industries and standardisation bodies on both sides of the Atlantic “to further intensify cooperation in the field of standardisation for various biobased product groups and the bio- economy as a whole, taking also actively into account the availability of different standardisation deliverables including various Technical Reports, Technical Specifications and Norms from CEN and ASTM.” Outcomes to Date – ASTM was invited to present to the European Commission Expert Group on Biobased Products ASTM Committee D20 invited the Commission and a member of CEN TC 411 to make a presentation at a ASTM technical committee meeting revisions to both ASTM D6866 and CEN norms such as that have enhanced technical convergence in determining the biobased carbon content of products using the radiocarbon methods TEC Statement of Nov leaders Jean-Luc Demarty, Director General of DG Trade and Catherine Novelli, Under Secretary of State, released a joint statement recognizing that “participants also regularly share best practices and discuss joint approaches that stimulate innovation in the sustainable use of bio-based products through compatible standards.” 2016 Metrics 18 October 2015

3 Joint Workshop on 5 April
ASTM/CEN Workshop on Degradable, Biodegradable and Biobased Products Standards Sheraton Centre Toronto Hotel Ontario, Canada Choose Insert > Header and Footer to change Presentation Title Choose Insert > Header and Footer to change Date

4 U.S. and EU Expert Presenters
US Dept of Agriculture Michigan State University Biodegradable Products Institute North Carolina State University U.S. Army Research Lab EU Swedish Standards Institute NEN – Netherlands Organic Waste Systems (BE) Novamont (Italy) Symphony Environmental (UK) June 2, 2015

5 Potential Outcomes & Summary
Objectives Observations Promote dialogue between ASTM and CEN regarding testing and specification of biobased, biodegradable and degradable materials and products Engage more individuals from both sides of the Atlantic into the discussions Educate participants and stakeholders on the standards that exist today, potential issues with them, and what revised or new standards are needed for the future Ideally, a prioritization of work will also occur – which could lead to a roadmap for standards development and industry Technical experts have recognized a need to exchange information, understand the similarities and differences in approaches, and to seek greater convergence where possible The European Commission and U.S. Government have struck a nice balance between encouraging technical exchange and cooperation, but not intervening or mandating actions Consistent with the voluntary nature of the U.S. and EU systems of standardization Could be a model for future collaboration 2016 Metrics 18 October 2015

6 Thank you
2016 Metrics 18 October 2015

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