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Table 2 Migraine Treatments Migraine Treatments by clinical setting

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1 Table 2 Migraine Treatments Migraine Treatments by clinical setting
Migraine Treatment Optimization in Multiple Sclerosis Soma Sahai-Srivastava, M.D, Shirley L Wang, M.D, Ceren Ugurlu, M.D, Lilyana Amezcua, M.D. Department of Neurology, University of Southern California, Los Angeles, California Background Table 2 Migraine Treatments n (%) Abortive 57(69) NSAID TRIPTAN CAFFEINE OPIOID 56(57) 10(10) 5(5) Preventative 12(14) Preventative and Abortive Antiepileptic Antidepressant 11(13) 6(7) Alternative/Lifestyle 58(70) Cold cloth/ice pack to forehead, lie down in dark quiet room, sleep 47(57) Relaxation 16(19) Tea/herb 10(12) Muscle relaxation/ biofeedback 4(5) Migraine is under diagnosed and under treated in the general population. Primary headaches, especially migraine headaches are more prevalent in Multiple Sclerosis (MS) patients than the general population. Migraine may be associated with more symptomatic course in MS patients. Migraine Treatment Optimization Questionnaire (M-TOQ) is a validated 5 item quick tool that can identify patients requiring change in their acute treatment. Table 3 Migraine T/t by clinic setting Private Clinic n (%) Public Clinic n(%) Optimized T/t 29(66) 19(49) Abortive 30(68) 27(69) Preventative 7(16) 5(13) Alternative 28(64) 30(77) Table 4 Migraine Treatments by clinical setting Private Clinic n (%) Public Clinic n(%) Abortive NSAID TRIPTAN CAFFEINE OPIOID 30(39) 8(10) 2(3) 4(5) 26(61) 2(5) 3(7) 1(2) Preventative Antiepileptic Antidepressant 3(6) 4(9) Methods Cross sectional interview based study of 233 consecutive MS patients. Detailed questionnaires, M-TOQ and HIT-6 was used. Results Conclusion: 50% MS migraineurs non optimized treatments regardless of migraine regimen, race or walking disability. 56% of MS patients with headache are moderately/severely impact in daily life (HIT-6). Optimized t/t higher in private clinic; Alternative t/t was more common in public clinic. Abortive treatment was similar regardless of treatment setting We recommend M-TOQ in clinical practice for patients with MS with migraines Total n=233 n (%) Female 156(67) Mean Age 40.5 Headache 115(50) Migraine 83(36)

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