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Early Church History 100 AD to 500 AD.

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1 Early Church History 100 AD to 500 AD

2 The Mission of the Church
In the period from 100 to 500 AD, the church spread rapidly! Through God’s grace, the church spread throughout the Roman Empire Grace was evident in the faith and life of the early members The seeds of the Gospel were implanted in much of Europe, Northern Africa and the Middle East Christianity flourished in these areas

3 Christian Living Christians continued to pray together and to celebrate the Eucharist They were motivated by their profound love for Jesus They were also known for their love and service for others They reached out to the poor, homeless and unwanted

4 Writings Accounts of the Church during this time period are found in the writings of the Church Fathers, Doctors of the Church, and historians They all attest to the great concern of the people of God for one another They show that Christians welcomes all races and nations into their midst

5 It is important… To remember that, while the Church is always guided by the Holy Spirit, it is composed of imperfect human beings People can make mistakes and are capable of sinning Therefore, conflicts, controversies and corruption are found throughout the history of the Church

6 Councils During this time period, many Church councils were held to correct false teachings of Christian beliefs. 1.The Council of Nicea in 325 AD Defined the Christian belief that Jesus is begotten of God not made by God as other creatures are Jesus is not simply one of God’s creations because he shares in the very substance that is God

7 Councils 2. The Council of Ephesus in 431 AD
Declared that Jesus is truly a divine person as well as fully human Declared that his mother is therefore the Mother of God 3. The Council of Chalcedon in 451 AD Declared that the son of God is one person with two natures One human and one divine Jesus is therefore true God and true man

8 Significant Members Saint Ignatious of Antioch
Saints Perpetua and Felicity (Martyrs) Saint Jerome Saint Monica Saint Augustine of Hippo Saint Patrick

9 Struggles and Upheavals
Persecutions continued throughout this era Christians refused to worship false gods or obey unjust laws Many Christians were martyred or sent into exile under the reign of Roman Emperor Diocletian

10 Progress The first Roman emperor to become a Christian was Constantine. After his conversion, he issued the Edict of Milan in 313 AD This ended the persecution of the Church in the Roman Empire and recognized the right of Christians to worship in accordance with their faith As a result of this new freedom, Christianity spread more rapidly throughout the Roman Empire

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