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Confused about nutrition?

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Presentation on theme: "Confused about nutrition?"— Presentation transcript:

1 Confused about nutrition?

2 Nutrition and Hydration
Training Diet 01 Pre Run Nutrition 02 During Run Nutrition 03 Post Run Nutrition 04 Hydration 05 Nutrition and Hydration

3 Carbohydrate Bread, pasta, rice, potatoes, cereals, root veg, cakes, biscuits, honey, jam, sugar, fruit, juice, yoghurt Stored in liver, blood and muscles as glycogen Main source of fuel for running

4 Protein Meat, nuts, dairy, milk, yoghurt, cheese, fish, beans, quorn, tofu, eggs etc Important for muscle growth, repair, immune function, recovery and is appetite stabilising Have protein at every meal

5 Fat Don’t be scared of fat.
Important for balanced nutrition, weight management and good health Fat in natural forms – oils, dairy, meat, nuts, avocado – all good. Avoid processed. Strong argument for Mediterranean way of eating – chicken, fish, olive oil, whole grains, fresh fruit and veg, nuts and seeds. Little processed food or red meat.

6 Carbs are fuel for runners
Carbs are stored in the body as glycogen. Carbs = Fuel Without fuel, a car won't run. Your body is a car!



9 Carbs are important Eliminate carbs = risk vitamin deficiency (B vitamins), lack of fibre Chronic Glycogen depletion = increased cortisol & depressed immune function For athletes low glycogen = difficult to train hard, fatigue. Not realistic in real life?

10 But not THAT important…
Carbs not used for energy = fat Reduce portion sizes Choose Low GI and Low GL meals for day to day - Jenny Brand Miller et al Increase protein and fat intake TRAIN!



13 Portion size is important


15 Carbohydrate Depletion
75 mins at 85% (10km pace) = complete glycogen depletion Glycogen depletion = spike in cortisol = reduced immunity Hit wall ! Purpose of LONG SLOW RUNS – train body to use fat Caffeine preserves glycogen stores

16 Timing around Training
Time meals to fit in around training Fuel during day for evening run – top up 2 hours before Split meals and snacks up Don’t training ‘starving’ or ‘stuffed’ ! Morning – 1 hr before run. Banana, smoothie, powerbar


18 Change the focus Training Diet Pre Run During Run Post Run
Regular meals – focus protein and fat Maintain hydration Training Diet Increase carbs – 1-2 hours Choose low GI Pre Run Carbs and fluids High GI – easy to digest During Run 30 min window to refuel Carbs:Protein 3:1 Post Run

19 During-Run Nutrition 60-90 mins
Train with fuel you plan to use – high GI Carry fluid/electrolytes – camelbak or stash bottles 1g Carbs/kg bodyweight/per hour – 58kg = 58g carbs (absorb 30-60g per hour) More isn’t better! You can only absorb so much Don’t wait until you’re feeling tired/fuzzy/grumpy!


21 Recovery post-exercise

22 Recovery Nutrition Fail to refuel = fatigue, reduced recovery, performance, lowered immunity Match re-fuelling strategy to training intensity/duration Ideal post exercise – low fat, high carbs, inc protein. Fluid is good! Carb:Protein ratio of 3:1 – 500ml choc milk

23 Sarah’s recovery shake
300ml milk 1 banana tsp honey Scoop protein powder ½ tsp Cinnamon

24 Hydration Don’t rely on ‘thirst’ = 1% dehydrated
Fluid losses = 2 litres in 1 hour At 2% dehydrated: (75kg – 1.5kg) Performance decreases by 10% approx 4:30 marathon = 27 mins slower!

25 Aim for pale pee!

26 General Fluid intake Aim for straw coloured, plentiful urine
Urinating every 2-3 hours is a sign of good hydration Increase fluids before (24hrs) and after exercise Keep a bottle of fluid with you when out and about Drink small amounts regularly – bladder will quickly adapt


28 Hyponatremia Dilute electrolytes
Serious health risk – can lead to death Rare but on the increase Don’t be ‘over zealous’ with water Use electrolyte drinks

29 Avoid the ‘The Wall’ T.P.E
Train Pace Eat

30 Book Recommendations

31 Long Run/Race Nutrition Plan
Day Before General Night Before Main Meal Morning Breakfast During Run Post Run Goal To hydrate well and eat regular carb intake Fuel up with carbs Easily digestible & timing Timing and intake Immediately post run re-fuel Meals Snacks Drinks Hydration drink all day – avoid getting dehydrated Eat regular meals and snacks, don’t enter the hungry zone Pasta with tuna sauce for dinner. Smoothie & croissant 1 hour before – get up early! & top up with fluid Pack go bites, 1 banana and SOS rehydrate – 500ml for 2 hour run Choc Milkshake and banana in car for after run

32 Long Run/Race Nutrition Plan
Day Before Night Before Main Meal Morning Breakfast During Run Post Run Goal Meals Snacks Drinks

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