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A Babysitting Nightmare

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1 A Babysitting Nightmare
It all starts when your mom asks you to babysit Tommy, your little brother. You don’t really mind—Tommy is usually well-behaved. The two of you go for a walk. The sky turns dark and cloudy and it looks like rain. You decide to go home, but that means taking a shortcut past the “castle,” a dark, scary-looking house that everyone tries to avoid. It is particularly gloomy today. In the dim light, the thorn bushes are like monsters reaching out at you. You jump when you hear a voice behind you. Keep Reading… References

2 When you turn around, you see Tommy running through the front door!
An elderly couple has stopped in front of the house to ask for directions. Relieved, you explain what they need to know. When you turn around, you see Tommy running through the front door! You run up to the door and knock. No one answers. You knock once more… no answer. Then you hear loud shrill laughter. “Tommy!” you yell. The door is unlocked, so you run in… Click on the door to enter.

3 Click on this door to enter the attic.
Click on this door to enter the basement. Tommy is in here somewhere, and you have to find him. Ahead of you are two doors. It looks like one door goes up into the attic and the other down into the basement. Which one should you go through?

4 As I went up to attic, there was a putrid smell in the air
As I went up to attic, there was a putrid smell in the air. I made me want to vomit. When I made it to the attic, there where skeletal remains strewn everywhere in the room. Unfortunately, I didn’t Tommy anywhere ,but I did find Tommy’s lucky rabbit foot on the ground. I had to choose the door on the left that went to the library or the one on the right down the hall that went to some secret compartment. Click to go back.

5 You are in the secret compartment room
You are in the secret compartment room. As you look around the room you notice Tommy’s Air-Jordan shoes in the floor. Tommy never takes these off, something must definitely be wrong. As your frantically look around the room to find a clue where Tommy could be, you accidently hit a lever that makes a mysterious portal appear. You must decide whether you want to go in it or go back to find Tommy. What do you do? Go Back Go through the portal

6 Through the portal, you are able to discover the location of Tommy
Through the portal, you are able to discover the location of Tommy. He is being held by the dreaded monster of the haunted house. He is alive and well, but the monster has been known to eat people when he is hungry. You access the situation and realize that you will have to have some help. As you ponder on what to do, a strange figure walks up to you and offers to help you get Tommy away from the evil monster. Reluctantly you agree. Then you both go to monster’s hidden room. You and the strange figure are able to subdue the lizard like creature You are able to free Tommy and make a run for it with him.

7 As I walked toward the basement, I heard the sound something following me as I moved toward my destination. When I turned around, it was a zombie that looked like Miley Cyrus. I started running very fast to get to the basement. I tripped over a shovel that was on the stairwell. I landed in a murky muddy basement that smelled like rotting flesh. When I turned around, the zombie was on me trying to bite me. I managed to kick her off of me. When she hit the wall, she exploded into a thousand pieces. Then I looked at what was left and said, “You didn’t come in like a wrecking ball you came in like a bomb and exploded.” I saw two doors that were in this stinky basement. The door on the left said to the old church and the door on the right said do not enter. Click to go back.

8 You have made it to the old church
You have made it to the old church. As you look around, you notice that you are not alone. There is an army of zombies outside with torches. They move close to the church. You have to make a decision. You must sneak jump to the portal on the left or go to the exam room. Go through the portal To the Exam Room

9 The exam room was a trap set by the zombies
The exam room was a trap set by the zombies. You are now the main course for their dinner. You are trapped , and it looks like Tommy will not be rescued.

10 As I went through the door to the library, I heard a loud scream
As I went through the door to the library, I heard a loud scream. Then I heard the sound of Tommy crying. I starting running to the library really fast. When I arrived at the library, there was book shelves that were overturned, and I saw cloudy dark figure hovering over the library. When It saw me, it rushed out of the library. “This place is definitely haunted!” There was no door or secret page in the library it appeared to be a dead end. Then I set on this chair and the entire library started to move to a lower level.

11 You have made it to the lower level beneath the library.

12 You are at a dead end. You will have to return back and take the other door if you want to find Tommy. GO Back if you want to find Tommy!

13 You made it. (write about your reaction to escaping the haunted house

14 References Slide 1 Martin…T. Spooky House. August 19, Slide # Last name, first name of creator. Title. Date created (if available). Website location (URL).

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