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The past particple - re verb

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Presentation on theme: "The past particple - re verb"— Presentation transcript:

1 The past particple - re verb
By Ebonnie-rose , Macie , Darcy , Josh G , Tom ,Sam & ellie Introduction to our presentation

2 In order to start ; we need to have our pronouns …
Je Il Elle On

3 Once you have your pronoun you must then take your verb .
The verb you need is avoir - to have To put them together you need your pronoun (je) + verb (ai) = j’ai You remove the ‘e’ because in french you cant put a vowel next to a vowel !

4 Now you have to find your past participle
Now you have to find your past participle . In order to complete this for an re verb ;you need to change this into the past tense. You take the ‘re’ »»» ‘u’ . For example : Attendre(to expect)=Attendu(expected) Perdre(to lose)= Perdu (lost ) Vendre (to sell) = vendru (sold) `

5 So this is what we end up with when we put them together …
Pronoun Avoir Past paticiple Je ai Attendu Il/elle Perdu On vendu So this is what we end up with when we put them together … J’ai attendu trois pantalos or I sold 3 trousers .

6 I hope you enjoyed ; Merci !
Thanks for watching our presentation please complete the worksheet provided on this subject . Have a great day :) x

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