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Globalisation U4.

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Presentation on theme: "Globalisation U4."— Presentation transcript:

1 Globalisation U4

2 Introduction The unit will dwell on the following:
Defines globalisaion Identify core drivers of globalisation Examines benefits of globalisation Analyse critics about globalisation Assess the table containing opposing views on globalisation

3 What is globalisation? Expansion of the flows of trade, capital, technology and information in the world Spatial expansion of social relations and are influences by those occurring in other parts of the world.

4 Core drivers Advancements in transportation technology enabled intercontinental trade Advancement of technology has accelerated the trend of globalization. Eg, telecommunications technology in the form of telephone calls, s and video conferences etc This advancing technology allows for commercial opportunities on broader market scales as well as exchanges of cultural elements to an unprecedented degree.

5 Benefits and criticism
The benefits of globalisation are numerous (see SG p.62) For criticism od disadvantages of globalisation refers to SG p.63)

6 Table of opposing points of views about globalisation
On this refers to SG p.65

7 Conclusion Recap Review questions Next Topic: N-S and S-S relations

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