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XW36 and MG67 MK 205 Mod 1/2 Catapult Cartridge MK 113 Mod 0/1 Rocket Motor Assembly Tina Simms CAD/PAD Logistics 23 May 2017.

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Presentation on theme: "XW36 and MG67 MK 205 Mod 1/2 Catapult Cartridge MK 113 Mod 0/1 Rocket Motor Assembly Tina Simms CAD/PAD Logistics 23 May 2017."— Presentation transcript:

1 XW36 and MG67 MK 205 Mod 1/2 Catapult Cartridge MK 113 Mod 0/1 Rocket Motor Assembly
Tina Simms CAD/PAD Logistics 23 May 2017

2 XW36 and MG67 MK 205 Mod 1/2 Catapult Cartridge (XW36)
Used to provide upward thrust of the ejection seat. MK 113 Mod 0/1 Rocket Motor Assembly (MG67) The Wind-Oriented Rocket Deployment (WORD) Motor Assembly assists in the initial downwind deployment of personnel parachute during low velocity, low altitude ejections. Items are used on both AV-8 and TAV-8 Aircraft MK 205 /XW36 MK 113 /MG67

3 Issue and Status Obsolescence issues have created a shortfall in production of new units Previous vendor was unable to deliver successfully Limited vendor base available to solicit Propellant quality issues continue to hamper current production Extremely low stock levels available world-wide for XW36 and zero stock available for MG67 Stock is issued by priority/deploying aircraft

4 Plan Forward XW36 and MG67 units are being managed on through Service Life Extensions (SLE) XW36 Units extended up to 108 months shelf MG67 Units extended up to 148 months shelf New plan/process approved and production has been initiated Ongoing effort to produce new acceptable propellant Expectations are to have the entire fleet of AV-8 and TAV-8 aircraft changed out by 2 Qtr FY18 Due to LAT failures and Eng Investigations FAT was invoked on both items. Once MK 205 passes FAT it will satisfy the FAT requirement for both MK 113 and MK FAT and LAT are to be done concurrently which is scheduled for completion Dec 17.

5 MG67 RED STRIPE UPDATE On 18 Apr 2017 during OA testing of MG67, UPC07F /-005A had a catastrophic failure resulting in a Red Stripe Condition Code F and J TAC05J lot assets were tested and recertified by Indian Head engineering for installation back into the fleet to replace the failed lot Contracting efforts are ongoing in an attempt to expedite delivery of new MG67s Propellant has been cast and is currently in the cure process

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