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Results for the Kiwanis Pavilion
The OSA’s Provincial Residential Care Survey 2016/2017 The BC OSA’s Residential Care survey was a province wide initiative that was launched in June Data collection continued on a provincial level until the end of April 2017, and included two separate surveys: the resident survey and the most frequent visitor survey. This was the first province-wide coordinated survey to include all publicly-funded care homes in the province and was led by the OSA.
Background To provide the opportunity for all residents living in BC’s long-term care homes the opportunity to have a voice by providing feedback on the quality of their care. To survey each resident’s most frequent visitor about their perceptions of their loved one’s care and about their own experiences in the care home. To identify systemic issues in long term care. To identify areas of strengths and opportunities for improvement at the care home level. All care homes that receive public funding were included in the OSA’s survey. The BC OSA’s survey was a province wide initiative that had two overarching goals: To provide the opportunity for every resident in every publicly funded care home in BC to have a voice. This goal was focused on empowering as many residents as possible to engage in a structured conversation using a standardized survey instrument. The OSA worked to achieve this goal through having trained Volunteers come to care homes to conduct in person interviews with residents. To learn what is working and what is not working from the perspectives of all residents in BC and their most frequent visitors, who are usually family members, but not always. This project included two separate surveys for these two different populations that to allow data collection from two distinct perspectives: the residents and the most frequent visitor. The surveys were also separate in that it did not matter if the resident wanted to or was able to participate in an interview, if the site identified a loved one who visited the resident in the care home, that person received a survey.
Survey Methodology Resident Most Frequent Visitor Who was included?
All residents* Matched sample How was the survey conducted? In-person interview (conducted by a trained Volunteer Interviewer) Mailed Survey (paper-based or online) When was the survey conducted? December February 2017 November 2016 – March 2017 The Resident Survey was: Conducted by Volunteer Interviewers specifically recruited, screened, trained, and supported for this project In the preparation phase, logistics (e.g. time, place) for onsite interviews were decided in advance of volunteers coming on site with the care home with the care home team The Volunteer Interviewers were trained to engage with residents in a meaningful and respectful manner Volunteers were instructed to approach residents, regardless of cognitive ability, length of stay etc and were “blind” to individual characteristics. However, a check-in was required at the start of every Volunteer shift so that Volunteers did not approach residents who were considered end of life or who were not appropriate to approach from a safety perspective. Each care home’s Facility Coordinator was the resource to guide these decisions. The Facility Coordinator for our care home was (insert name of your Facility Coordinator). The Most Frequent Visitor Survey: A mailed survey to the person who came to see the resident the most, where possible Mailed out by the survey vendor, with the option for the family member/visitor to respond online 2-wave mailing – the family member/visitor received a second survey with reminder letter two weeks after the first survey was sent if the vendor did not receive a response back If a resident did not have someone identified, then there was no matched family member/visitor survey for that resident Note about populating dates: the dates for your care home’s Resident and Most Frequent Visitor surveys is located on the “Cover Page” of the Frequency Table Report. * Please Note: A small number of residents were not included in the survey. For example, residents who live in a designated behavioural or special care unit, who were at the end-of-life at the time of the onsite survey, or who posed a safety risk to the volunteer interviewers.
Groups or Themes of Questions
The surveys included questions asking Residents and MFVs to evaluate their experiences and satisfaction and those questions are organized into the following groups/themes: Privacy Staff-Resident Bonding Food & Meals Activities Safety and Security Personal Relationships Comfort Their Medications Make Daily Decisions Their Doctor Respect by Staff Their general physical and emotional health Staff Responsiveness All questions on both surveys are grouped into scientifically defined themes based on the use of the interRAI survey instruments across Canada and internationally. Each theme or group of questions measures a different element of the resident’s/MFV’s experience of care. BC developed questions that are grouped into Medications and Doctor/Physician Care. In addition, residents and their MFV’s were asked about general health, and physical and emotional health status using a survey called the VR-12.
Who Participated in the Surveys?
35% 59% This slide shows the proportion of your resident and most frequent visitor population that participated in both surveys. Although, nearly all residents were approached by Volunteers, not all residents were able to participate. The response rate reflects all residents who participated in the survey over all residents who participated plus all residents who refused to participate. The response rate for the Most Frequent Visitor survey reflects the number of surveys returned divided by the number of surveys mailed out (minus all surveys that could not be delivered due to address errors). Note about populating figures: The response rates for your care home’s Resident and Most Frequent Visitor surveys can be found on the “Cover Page” of your Report. of our Residents of our residents’ Most Frequent Visitors
Residents: Overall Quality
The Overall Quality of Care question provides us with a general measurement or indicator of the overall quality of care and services in your care home. The other survey questions (see: Groups/Themes Questions slide), will allow you to look a little deeper into specific areas. We will get to that in a couple of minutes. Prompting questions prior to moving to next slides: What are your initial reactions to the scores that you see here? Are the results what you expected? Based on the Groups/Themes of Questions slide, what areas do you think Alpha Care Home is the strongest in? Based on the Groups/Themes of Questions slide, what areas do you think will be opportunities for improvement? Note about populating figures & creating graphs: The response rates for your care home’s Resident and Most Frequent Visitor surveys is located on the “Frequencies interRAI & BC” tab of your Report. If you go down to row 6662, you will see the breakdown of response option for the Overall Quality of Care & Services question. To update the data please follow the steps below: Right click the graph and select “Edit Data” from the drop down menu An Excel spreadsheet will open up where you can edit the percentages for each response option When you have finished updating the figures, press “Save” and close the Excel window. The graph in the PowerPoint should be updated.
Families/Visitors: Overall Quality
The Overall Quality of Care question provides us with a general measurement or indicator of the quality of care and services in your care home from the perspective of your MFV’s. The other survey questions (see: Groups/Themes of Questions slide), will allow you to look a little deeper into specific areas. We will get to that in a couple of minutes. Prompting questions prior to moving to next slides: What are your initial reactions to the scores that you see here? Are the results what you expected? Based on the Groups/Themes of Questions slide, what areas do you think Alpha Care Home is the strongest in? Based on the Groups/Themes of Questions slide, what areas do you think will be opportunities for improvement? Note about populating figures & creating graphs: The response rates for your care home’s Resident and Most Frequent Visitor surveys is located on the “Frequencies interRAI & BC” tab of your Report. If you go down to row 6662, you will see the breakdown of response option for the Overall Quality of Care & Services question. To update the data please follow the steps below: Right click the graph and select “Edit Data” from the drop down menu An Excel spreadsheet will open up where you can edit the percentages for each response option When you have finished updating the figures, press “Save” and close the Excel window. The graph in the PowerPoint should be updated.
Residents: Results by Question Theme
Each question on the survey can rolled up into different groups of questions or themes that represent different elements of the residents’ experience of care. The scores that you see represent all Top Two Box scores rolled up into one theme score. Note about populating figures & creating graphs: The response rates for dates for your care home’s Resident and Most Frequent Visitor surveys is located on the “Theme Scores” tab of each respective Frequency Table Report. In this tab, you will see the percent positive results for each group/theme. To update the data please follow the steps below: Right click the graph and select “Edit Data” from the drop down menu An Excel spreadsheet will open up where you can edit the percentages for each response option When you have finished updating the figures, press “Save” and close the Excel window. The graph in the PowerPoint should be updated. You can also copy/past the graph directly from the “Theme Scores” tab from the Frequency Report into this slide.
Families/Visitors: Results by Question Theme
Each question on the survey can rolled up into different groups or themes that represent different elements of the MFV’s experience of care. The scores that you see represent all Top Two Box scores rolled up into one theme score. Note about populating figures & creating graphs: The response rates for dates for your care home’s Resident and Most Frequent Visitor surveys is located on the “Theme Scores” tab of each respective Frequency Table Report. In this tab, you will see the percent positive results for each Scale or theme. To update the data please follow the steps below: Right click the graph and select “Edit Data” from the drop down menu An Excel spreadsheet will open up where you can edit the percentages for each response option When you have finished updating the figures, press “Save” and close the Excel window. The graph in the PowerPoint should be updated. You can also copy/past the graph directly from the “Theme Scores” tab from the Frequency Report into this slide.
From Your Residents: Strengths
Survey Question Top-Two Box Score Get help to the toilet when needed 100% Treated with respect by staff 89% Know what taking medications for Staff respond quickly 87% Can get health services when needed 88% Staff know what they are doing Treated with respect by other residents Family/friends can visit when they choose 86% Feel safe alone Staff respect likes/dislikes of residents 85% When we present survey data we make choices about how the data/results should be presented. The goal is to present the results in an unbiased manner and in a way that facilitates decision-making. The Top-Two Box score is one way to present survey data. It shows the sum of the percentages for the top two highest (best) response options on the experience or satisfaction scale. For the questions below, the Top-Two Box score reflects the percentage of residents who selected Always + Most of the Time. Note about populating the table: The figures to populate this table are found in the “Top & Bottom Performing Items” tab in the Frequency Report. Please use the figures from the “10 Highest Scores” table to populate this table. Alternatively, you can copy and paste the “10 Highest Scores” image directly from the Frequency Report into this slide.
Comments from Residents
Re Comfort: “There is nothing I really need in my things. It suits me this place. I don’t know how other people are.” Re Medications: “I knew what drugs I was taking and why but now I forgot.” Staff Responsiveness: “I don’t ask for many things but staff responds timely and efficiently. I am not much of a problem.” There is lovely staff here. Try best to keep me happy.” Note about populating the speaking bubbles: Resident and Family Member/Visitor comments can be found in the “Resident/MFV Comments” tab in the Frequency Report. Comments have been transcribed directly from the surveys and have only been edited if the respondent provided any identifiable information (e.g. the name of themselves, room numbers). The comments provided in the Frequency Report have been grouped into themes that correspond with each section of the respective survey (E.g. Activities, Food, Privacy). The comments have also been coded into positive, negative, neutral or both valences. Re Food: “[I] would like a pickle.”
From Your Families/Visitors: Strengths
Survey Question Top Two Box Score Staff address concerns of family 100% Treated with respect by staff 99% Privacy is respected during care 98% Staff know what they are doing Staff respond quickly Know what taking medications for Staff respect likes/dislikes of residents 97% Family involved in decisions about care Family can express opinions without fear Care home smells good When we present survey data we make choices about how the data/results should be presented. The goal is to present the results in an unbiased manner and in a way that facilitates decision-making. The Top-Two Box score is one way to present survey data. It shows the sum of the percentages for the top two highest (best) response options on the experience or satisfaction scale. For the questions below, the Top-Two Box score reflects the percentage of residents who selected Always + Most of the Time. Note about populating the table: The figures to populate this table are found in the “Top & Bottom Performing Items” tab in the Frequency Report. Please use the figures from the “10 Highest Scores” table to populate this table. Alternatively, you can copy and paste the “10 Highest Scores” image directly from the Frequency Report into this slide.
Comments from Families/Visitors
Re Food: “The fact that they have their own kitchen and prepare food on-site is a great bonus and I believe affects the health of residents a lot.” Re Laundry: “The laundry is a challenge and my parent has lost clothes and been given others’ clothing.” Re: Staff Responsiveness: “I’m sure staff and family members would appreciate a higher ratio of staff to patients.” Note about populating the speaking bubbles: Resident and Family Member/Visitor comments can be found in the “Resident/MFV Comments” tab in the Frequency Report. Comments have been transcribed directly from the surveys and have only been edited if the respondent provided any identifiable information (e.g. the name of themselves, room numbers). The comments provided in the Frequency Report have been grouped into themes that correspond with each section of the respective survey (E.g. Activities, Food, Privacy). The comments have also been coded into positive, negative, neutral or both valences. Re Activities: “I regret that there is not much in the way of activities on the weekends.”
From Your Residents: Areas for Improvement
Survey Question Top Two Box Scores Participated in meaningful activities in past week 37% Enjoyable things to do in evening People to do things with 34% Another resident is close friend 31% Can explore new skills/interests 28% Staff know life story of resident 27% Have opportunities for affection/romance Have special relationship with staff 25% People ask resident for help/advice 14% Doctor visits when NOT sick 13% When we present survey data we make choices about how the data/results should be presented. The goal is to present the results in an unbiased manner and in a way that facilitates decision-making. The Top-Two Box score is one way to present survey data. It shows the sum of the percentages for the top two highest (best) response options on the experience or satisfaction scale. For the questions below, the Top-Two Box score reflects the percentage of residents who selected Always + Most of the Time. Note about populating the table: The figures to populate this table are found in the “Top & Bottom Performing Items” tab in the Frequency Report. Please use the figures from the “10 Lowest Scores” table to populate this table. Alternatively, you can copy and paste the “10 Lowest Scores” image directly from the Frequency Report into this slide.
From Your Families/Visitors: Areas for Improvement
Survey Question Top Two Box Scores Enjoyable things to do on weekends 34% Care staff instruct where to get handwashing products 29% Enjoyable things to do in evening 25% Most frequent visitor attends Family Council Bathe or shower as often as want 23% Care staff show visitor proper handwashing 21% Have opportunities for affection/romance 17% People to do things with 16% Another resident is close friend People ask resident for help/advice 3% When we present survey data we make choices about how the data/results should be presented. The goal is to present the results in an unbiased manner and in a way that facilitates decision-making. The Top-Two Box score is one way to present survey data. It shows the sum of the percentages for the top two highest (best) response options on the experience or satisfaction scale. For the questions below, the Top-Two Box score reflects the percentage of residents who selected Always + Most of the Time. Note about populating the table: The figures to populate this table are found in the “Top & Bottom Performing Items” tab in the Frequency Report. Please use the figures from the “10 Lowest Scores” table to populate this table. Alternatively, you can copy and paste the “10 Lowest Scores” image directly from the Frequency Report into this slide.
Contacts If you would like additional information or have any questions about the survey process and results, please reach out to: Region Contact Information BC Patient Centred Measurement Working Group Deborah Harver Suzanne (Katie) Mukai The BC LTC Consultation Group Member Carmela Vezza
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