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I think my work is good I am really pleased because it worked out the I thought it would I think it’s nice The parts/sections I’m pleased with are the.

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Presentation on theme: "I think my work is good I am really pleased because it worked out the I thought it would I think it’s nice The parts/sections I’m pleased with are the."— Presentation transcript:

1 I think my work is good I am really pleased because it worked out the I thought it would I think it’s nice The parts/sections I’m pleased with are the following…because here I was able to…. I like it My design/work satisfies me because I have been able to show the following...and I feel I have done this to the best of my ability It worked well It worked well because I was able to…. I don’t want to change anything I believe that this…will not require any alterations or modifications because when it was tested/completed/written it worked as well as I had anticipated it would It worked first time I can report that the testing/drafting was successful first time I am pleased with it I am satisfied by my work because I put some effort and thinking into it which I believe does me justice My friend liked it In asking friends their opinion of my work they reported that they thought it was impressive…effective…really well thought out…made carefully…..really unusual…better than they could have done….just what was wanted

2 I couldn’t have done any better
I know from previous experience that this work represents the best that I can do I would do it the same next time What this has shown me is that in doing it again no major changes would be needed as the first attempt was largely successful against the criteria given I’ve learnt from it What this……….has shown me is that I have learnt to do…write…design…plan…..make…cost…evaluate.. more effectively The teacher thinks it’s really good My teacher has said that the piece/design/writing is very effective…successful….well thought out….meets all the criteria…is really impressive….does me justice The teacher is surprised by how well you’ve done The teacher has noted that this work is…..very good indeed because they are impressed by the way I did it…worked at it ….thought about it carefully …..

3 It didn’t go as well as I thought it would
This … has been difficult for me because…. There are some things about the piece/the design/ the writing I don’t like I now realise in evaluating it that there are things that I would now change such as …… There are things you would change now I’ve tried it There are elements of my work that I now think can be improved because…and they are…this will lead to….. People didn’t think it was that good When I asked others to evaluate what I had done their responses were mixed and showed that they felt the..….could be improved I’ve had other ideas that I would want to use I now know that this……. could be improved by doing the following…. My first idea wasn’t the best Having tried out my first thoughts I think I now need to work on these or maybe think again.. I’m not confident about it anymore I have some doubts about my first ideas because I now think….. I would want to do it differently My design/writing/piece will require a re-think about several things…

4 Parts of it could definitely be improved
There are some parts of my work that I will want to work on to improve them because…… I didn’t think about it enough the first time I did not give the work enough thinking time at the planning stage and I now realise that this lets it down I’ve learnt from it I learnt several thing about doing this work…. Firstly I need to………then………... The teacher thinks it could be improved The teacher, when evaluating it, has made the comment that it could be improved, and asked me to consider this now and decide what the next step should be……I think……… The teacher thinks I could try it again taking a different approach to it The teacher has suggested that I may need to rethink the…..…and develop some new ideas for it Everybody agrees it needs a second attempt The general opinion is that I need to rethink my first thoughts and to develop a new way for it to progress…it was not as good as they thought I could do…

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