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Stellar Writing Frank Dudish Assistant Professor

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1 Stellar Writing Frank Dudish Assistant Professor
Dr. Ray G. Lacina, M.A., Ph.D., G.D.D.E.T., I.M.M. Tenured Assistant Professor

2 Outline of Talk Introduction (Done) Outline of talk (2/7ths done)
Overview of Courses (soon to be done) Connections between Courses Assignments The Good, the Bad and the Ugly Your thoughts and questions

3 The classes: AST 111: Introduction to Astronomy
ENG 112: College Composition II

4 What connections do you see?

5 The Scientific Method Make Observation Analyze Results
If existing theories explain results, choose simplest theory. If no theory explains results, modify existing theory or develop new theory. Test selected theory Propose new experiment or observation. Make predictions from new or modified theory Test new theory

6 Does draft meet requirements of writing situation?
The Writing Process Brainstorm/Research Write Review/Analyze Does draft meet requirements of writing situation? Yes No Mission accomplished!

7 The Scientific Writing Process Method
Gather Information Analyze results Develop theory/prepare document Test/Review If need be, GOTO 1

8 Develop theory/prepare document
“SWaPeM”© Gather Information Analyze results Develop theory/prepare document Test/Review Swap ‘em If need be, GOTO 1

9 Linking OOs AST111 Outcomes and Objectives
ENG 112 Outcomes and Objectives So, for example:

10 “Identify astrology as a pseudoscience”
What components of an English class might this question be used to address?

11 “Demonstrate the ability to distinguish between the meaning one makes of a text and the author’s intended meaning.” What components of an introductory astronomy class might address this desired outcome?

12 Let’s look at a few assignments….
In class exercise – writing context First essay – writing process, including research, audience analysis, exploring a theme Related astronomy assignment: observing log

13 For the English class this…
provides a context for doing independent research presents a real-world framework for critical thinking has natural examples of writing for different audiences

14 For the Astronomy class, this…
has the students independently researching astronomy outside of class gives students time to flesh out concepts that we ordinarily couldn’t cover puts the students in a position to ‘do’ science

15 The Good More Astronomy time for students
ENG helps AST students express themselves more precisely AST provides context for developing critical thinking and reading skills for ENG Increased depth of learning Students form closer bonds Collaboration generated new, creative ideas

16 The Bad Coordinating classes with another teacher can be challenging.
Students sometimes get a little tired of astronomy. (They don’t know what’s good for them!) Challenge of balancing astronomy linked exercises with some degree of freedom in writing assignments.

17 The Ugly Low student enrollment since students must need BOTH courses.
Students might WANT one class, and find themselves stuck in the other.

18 The Scientific Course Design Process Method
Have brilliant idea for Learning Community Design LC Run LC Test/Review/Be Totally Humbled Without a doubt, GOTO 1

19 Questions? Comments?

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