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19th October 2015 Representation Slumdog Millionaire Django Unchained

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1 19th October 2015 Representation Slumdog Millionaire Django Unchained
Guardians of the Galaxy


3 Representations of women
Representation Recap Representations of women With reference to your three main texts, discuss how women are represented in your chosen industry

4 Key Representations - Today
Representation Recap Key Representations - Today Understand How Representations are constructed

5 Representation Recap Techniques used to create representations of people; Narrative of text (roles) Attitudes Actions & Behaviour Appearance/Clothing Stereotypes

6 Representations of women
Traditional representations in film; “Damsel in distress” “Princess” role (Male prize)

7 Source – New York Film Academy

8 Source – New York Film Academy

9 Source – New York Film Academy

10 Source – New York Film Academy


12 A wide variety of prominent female actors have spoken our against gender inequality including Jennifer Lawrence and Hillary Swank. According to Swank, “My male counterpart will get paid 10 times more than me—10 times. Not double, but 10 times for the same job.” Jennifer Lawrence spoke out when it was revealed that she and Amy Adams were paid significantly less that their male co-stars in the film ‘American Hustle’

13 Representation Recap Our Main texts…

14 Slumdog Millionaire Vast majority of roles within this text are male.
Only one main female role. Female role within the narrative centres around the story of the male lead characters. Narrative of text dictates gender roles? Female enslaved by male villain, rescued by male hero. Representations also dictated by society at the time and place text was set. Princess role?

15 Django Unchained Main character male as suggested by the title of the text. Majority of main characters are, again male. Reflection of society in the era of the texts narrative? Women under-represented in the text which reflects attitudes in American south during this period. Princess role?

16 Role of females within these two texts is very similar.
Females enslaved by villains (male role) Main protagonists (Jamal and Django) cast in the hero role and are able to save the main female. Can be linked very closely to the narrative theory of Propp (character roles)

17 Guardians of the Galaxy
More equal casting – Balance of male and female characters but still weighted towards male dominant cast Female characters more developed and included more within the texts narrative Exaggerated representations of males and more sensible, realistic representations of women. Propps theory – Princess role not really fulfilled by a woman despite brief suggestions of a romance between main protagonist and Gamora, this never develops fully.

18 Overall conclusions Women Under-Represented Generally in Film Industry? Limited roles. Vast majority of main characters male in key texts Representations reflect society during time/setting of text? Bechdel Test Potential links with Propps narrative theory?

19 “we have more than a film problem when it comes to valuing girls and women. We have a human problem." International study on gender images in global films

20 Representation Recap With reference to your three main texts, discuss how women are represented in your chosen industry Discuss; Introduce the industry, texts and topic you will be discussing Traditional representations of women in the film industry The role of women within our three key texts Conclusions on how women are represented within the film industry and how this is evident or challenged in your texts

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