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Written by Tanner Meeks the Amazing!

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Presentation on theme: "Written by Tanner Meeks the Amazing!"— Presentation transcript:

1 Written by Tanner Meeks the Amazing!
The Amazing Blue Whale Written by Tanner Meeks the Amazing!

2 Hey is every one ready to learn about the Blue whale
Hey is every one ready to learn about the Blue whale? We are going to learn all of its features, how it moves, what it eats, predators, and we’re going to learn how it protects itself. So let’s learn! PS { I love this } whale

3 My animal looks like this
It colors are blue , gray , white , and black. Its skin is smooth , and its up to 160 tons. It can grow to be this all around 82.5 [ Ft ]! It looks like a shark. It is solitary too.

4 Movements and Noise Its sound is a song like a hum, squeaking, and rumbles. It also uses echolocation to find food too. Its speed is 20kph and it lives in polar and subtropical waters. Blue whale whale

5 What my Animal eats My animal eats tuna, krill, zebra fish, crustaceans, and small fish. It will eat a shark! My animal can eat anything smaller than it. Whale and dolphin

6 My Animal’s Enemies The blue whales enemies are us and killer whale pods and there almost extinct so lets help these animals.

7 How my Animal protects itself
This animal is not able to swim fast so other stuff can catch it. It is almost … We know extinked “crrecto”.

8 Conclusion I hope you learned all kinds of agitates and stuff like that. Thank you for reading

9 Bibliography world book online encyclopedia

10 Photos

11 sounds Whale series

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