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Unit3 Under The Sea.

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1 Unit3 Under The Sea

2 Sea Star海星 Coral 珊瑚 jellyfish 水母 clown fish小丑鱼

3 Under the Sea sea-turtle 海龟

4 Dolphin海豚

5 Under the Sea Shark 鲨鱼

6 Killer whale虎鲸 White whale白鲸

7 Quiz

8 1. Which kind of whale can grow to be the largest ?
sperm whale (抹香鲸) blue whale(蓝鲸) humpback whale (座头鲸) B(21-27m , tons) 2. Humans have been hunting whales for more than ____ years. A B C. 500 A 3. Is it true or false that killer whales are likely to attack people and eat them? false

9 4. Does a female killer give birth to a live young or lay eggs?
Give birth to a young 5. Does the killer belong to the family of dolphins or whales? Dolphins 6. killers are highly social animals that travel in groups called pods. Pods usually consist of ____ whales. A B C A

10 The whale hunting at the beginning of 20th century.
_______whales killer blow-hole a ______ whale baleen whale help/assist catch/kill whalers Killer whales help whalers catch (baleen )whales .

11 Intensive Reading Old Tom the killer whale

12 Scanning Do you know other characters in this text? Clancy, George, Old Tom, Red, James, Jack

13 3. _________was swimming by the boat showing the whalers the way.
Clancy 1. ___________was 16 years of age when he went to work at the whaling station. 2.__________ordered Clancy to go to the boat as there was a whale out there in the bay. 3. _________was swimming by the boat showing the whalers the way. 4._________told Clancy that they would return the next day to bring in the body of the whale. 5._________was carried by the waves further and further away from the whalers. 6. __________knew that Old Tom would protect James. George Anecdote One Old Tom Jack James Anecdote Two Red

14 1. What is the situation of James in the second story?
2. How did Old Tom help James? 3. Why do you think Old Tom did this? James was washed off the boat, the sea was rough and a shark was coming towards him. Held up James . He treated humans as friends.

15 Anecdote One Read through Para. 1 and tell the main idea of it.

16 Put the following sentences into correct order.
He heard a loud noise coming from the bay. Clancy and his men killed the baleen whale with the help of the killers The killers ate the lips and tongue of the baleen whale. Clancy arrived at the whaling station The killer whale guided the team to the hunt. The men went to the boat and headed out for a whale hunt He saw a huge animal in the water which was Old Tom, the killer whale The men returned for the baleen whale the next day. Correct order: d a g f e b c h

17 How did Old Tom tell the whalers there was a whale?
He threw itself out of the water and then crashed down again. You think the killer whale’s action is _______. A. patient B. energetic C. anxious D. annoyed B

18 throw…out of, crash down
Find out words that show killers are energetic before the hunting throw…out of, crash down While the hunting after the hunting How the killers help whalers catch whales attack, throw… on top of, race drag …swiftly

19 Retelling Retell Anecdote One according to the key words.

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