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Presentation on theme: "Payroll."— Presentation transcript:

1 Payroll

2 Our Role and Who We Are Process bi-weekly pay for all staff (Faculty, Admin, Support Staff) We also process ROE’s and T4’s We work in conjunction with HR – They provide the information and we process it. There are three payroll clerks working to make sure that payroll is processed accurately and on time Wendy Crawford (Manager) Theresa Busch Julie Orobko Donna Bloxom

3 Pay TRU Payroll is biweekly and runs from Thursday to second Wednesday
Pay days are on Thursday (one week after the cut-off) and payments are direct deposited Biweekly Payroll Schedule 2017 is available on MY TRU- It is located under Employee resources tab and on right side under Important links

4 What you need to do to get paid on time?
Support staff have to complete and SUBMIT their timesheet on time. Timesheets are due by 4:00 PM on Wednesday on the pay cut off. Approver (Supervisor) has to APPROVE timesheets by 10:00AM on Thursday Timesheets can not be access by employees or approvers shortly after their respective deadlines. Yes, you can fill them in advance – i.e. going on holidays You Approver HR Payroll

5 What you need to do to get paid on time?
Faculty and Admin are salary based Faculty and Admin only fill out exception time on their timesheet (Sick, Vacation, etc.)

6 Timesheets Timesheets are available on MYTRU
Additional information on how to fill out timesheet is available on TRU Home > Human Resources > New Employees>Timesheet Information>MYTRU Only approved timesheets are included in the payroll run Information on approving timesheet is available in the Frequently Asked Questions in the employee portal pdf

7 What to do if you miss submitting your timesheet or your approver doesn’t approve it on time?
Send your approver an with the days, type and hours of work Nov 2 – 7 Reg Nov 3 – 4 Reg, 3 Sick Nov 4 – 7 Vac Your approver will review your hours then forward the to with a comment that the hours are APPROVED Your pay will be processed outside of the regular payroll run. The payment will be deposited to your bank as normal. As manual pays are not processed during a regular payroll run there may be a delay in receiving your pay. It can take 2 – 4 days for payment to be received. Best to ensure that you timesheet is SUBMITTED and APPROVED on time 

8 Common Questions on Timesheets Completion
Missed Hours The total missed hours (by earn code) should be entered on the 1st day of the pay period (if a STAT then enter on the next working day). Enter as earn code “AHR” for regular missed time on next timesheet Include a comment detailing the AHR hours by day. This is for Record of Employment purposes Stat Hours No regular time should be entered on a Stat day. If the employee qualifies for pay for a STAT it is entered by the payroll system. If an employee works on a STAT the hours should be entered at their appropriate overtime rate NOT as regular hours. Christmas Break Watch and read s regarding time coding and earlier cut-off deadlines

9 Assigning Proxy for timesheet approval
Proxy Setup is done when you are unable to approve your timesheets and you can assign someone else to do it in your absence  Update Approval Proxies Proxy Set-Up To add someone select their name in the bottom row (will default to William Travis Aback, change this name to the person you want to add). Click on the Add checkbox. Then Save The employee listing is organized by last name (even though you see the names listed First Name Last Name) To remove someone click on the Remove box beside their name. Then Save

10 Your Payroll Information
On My TRU – You can access Paystubs; Leave details (vacation, sick, banked OT, etc.) T4’s; Timesheets; Updating contact information; Payroll calendars; and more.

11 Contact Information We are located in the Finance Office in Old Main You can reach us by at Please included your T-id when communicating with payroll. During regular pay run (Thursday- Monday) be aware that we are focused on processing pay. Queries may not be answered until after the pay run tasks are complete.

12 Questions?

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