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Hideyuki Sakamoto CM22, RAL 19/10/08

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1 Hideyuki Sakamoto CM22, RAL 19/10/08
Tracker DAQ Hideyuki Sakamoto CM22, RAL 19/10/08

2 Tracker DAQ with EPICS By the last week, DAQ using DATE with EPICS has been checked to work correctly by the following procedures. Installation of DATE package Write test code Rebuild trigger logic Take data of C1-4 counters with DATE Check data Take data of C1-4 and 8 VLSBs Check data with that taken by EXCEL Replace code of AFE with EPICS one

3 R8 cosmic-ray test stand
In R8, cosmic-ray test for Tracker#1 is running, and Tracker DAQ has been tested this time. Trigger counter (C3,4) Light-guides Light-guides Tracker#1 Cryo#1 Cryo#2 Lead block Trigger counter (C1,2)

4 AFEIIt (512 channels/board)
Light-guides Light to VLPC LVDS To VLSB Clock from VLSB trigger board DATA FGPA D-FGPA A-FGPA ADC Tript preamp Signal VLPC array in bottom of cassette convert light to signal

5 VME modules a b c d e f SBS VME bus adaptor CAEN V977 I/O Register
CAEN V792N QDC (16ch-lemo) MIL-1553 VLSB Trigger module VLSB module a b c d e f From AFEIIt From C1-4

6 DATE installation Installed
on 15thOct08 Installed

7 Notes on v6.28 Few codes were needed to fix to start readout process.
Path to readout exe. file is changed as below. ${DATE_SITE}/hostname  ${DATE_SITE}/aloneldc

8 List of equipments at cosmic-ray test
Name Description Type D T #/pars. VME VME bus adapter 40 AFE AFEIIt boards 50 1 V977 CAEN I/O Register 60 2 V792N CAEN QDC (16ch-lemo) 70 VLSBSlave VLSB board 80 6 VLSBMaster VLSB trigger board/ VLSBSlave controller 90 10 Type : Number to identify the equipment D : GENDATA T : GENTRIGGER #/pars. : Number of parameters registered in MySQL

9 Responsibility of DATE and EPICS in Tracker DAQ
Readout data from VLSB Enable/Disable trigger of VLSB Clear VLSB buffer EPICS Configure AFEIIt boards Enable/Disable trigger of AFE Read temp./heater values of cassette

10 GUIs for EPICS 2 1 3 4 5 1. EPICS server 2. RunControlUI 3. Logger
4. ConfigurationUI 5. AFEIItMonitor 1 2 3 4 5

11 Embedding EPICS code in DATE
EPICS - wrapped with C++ DATE - written by C Compile equipmentList file by g++, then linked with other DATE object files to make readout exe. file. ~10 lines in “infoLogger.h” were changed as below. - extern void infoLog  extern “C” void inforLog #ifdef __cplusplus #endif __cplusplus

12 Start run ArmAFE() 1. Check if AFEIIt boards are configured
If no, run stop, and User configures boards using EPICS ConfigurationUI. 2. Enabling trigger of AFE boards by EPICS

13 Event loop AFEIIt Coin. V977 I/O T560 VLSB Trig 2 3 4 6 MIL1553 1, 5
VETO Delay module TTL clock AFEIIt Coin. V977 I/O T560 VLSB Trig Triggger C1-4 2 3 4 LVDS 6 MIL1553 EventArrivedVLSBMaster 1, 5 VLSB 7 ReadEventVLSBSlave 1 Enable trigger of VLSB 2 Reset VETO 3 Wait until trigger is arrived 4 Check if trigger was accepted to AFE. If no, go back to 2 5 Disable trigger of VLSB 6 Enable monitoring  Read Temp/Heat of cassette  Disable monitoring 7 Read VLSB data  Clear VLSB buffer

14 Data taking Latest run(#323) is currently taking data, now it has 2k events. Trigger rate is about Hz (1 event/min)

15 Decoding There 3 equipments to record data
V792N: ADC of trigger counters (4 channels) AFE: Temp/Heater of 4 cassettes (32 channels) VLSBSlave: ADC/TDC of 8 VLSBs (4096 channels)

16 V792N (QDC) Data Format V792N 32bit data format: name #/words
description data 16 Raw data (ch0 – ch15) V792N 32bit data format:

17 AFE Data Format name #/words description cassetteSize 1 #/cassettes (currently 4) tempSize #/temperatures (should be 8) temperature Temperature (9.0 etc.) heaterSize #/heater values (should be 8) heatervalue heatSize Heater value (100 etc.) …continue to the next cassette Note that, temperature is NOT integer. Use float (4 bytes) to read its value. Heater value is integer.

18 VLSB Data Format name #/words description trigSize 1
#/triggers (currently, 1) bank1Size #/data (180, etc..) bank1data VLSB 32bit data bank2Size bank2data bank3Size bank3data bank4Size bank4data …continue to the next trigger VLSB32bit data format: 31 30 29 28 27 26 25 24 23 22 21 20 19 18 17 16 15 14 13 12 11 10 Counter Status bits Data flag Pair1 Pair0 syncbit Chan/ADC/TDC Chan/ADC/TDC

19 C1-4 ADC distribution

20 Temperatures/Heater values of Cassettes
Data unpacked from recorded data

21 VLPC ADC distribution

22 Summary Tracker DAQ based on DATE in combination with EPICS has been tested and checked to work correctly at R8 cosmic-ray test stand. Next step is to take data for Step II.

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