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General Presentation of The Code of Ethics FY 18

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Presentation on theme: "General Presentation of The Code of Ethics FY 18"— Presentation transcript:

1 General Presentation of The Code of Ethics FY 18
Georgia Professional Standards Commission General Presentation of The Code of Ethics FY 18 Georgia Professional Standards Commission

2 Professional Standards Commission
Certification Educator Preparation Ethics

3 Who makes up the PSC? Committee of 18
9 teachers (1 from private school) 2 school board members 3 business representatives 2 administrators 2 higher ed-1 from private college and 1 from a state college Governor appoints-3 year term

4 Newest Members

5 Legal Authority of the PSC Ethics Division
Standard Two states that an educator should always maintain a professional relationship with all students, both in and outside the classroom. The first three examples in this standard would also be criminal acts and would require reporting under the statute concerning child abuse. The fourth example relates to harassment. Educators should never harass a student on the basis of race, gender, national origin, religion or disability. Sarcasm is usually a deadly weapon in the hands of a teacher who has great influence in a student’s sense of self-worth. The fifth example involves personal relationships with students. Teachers should be warned about encouraging an inappropriate relationship by means of , telephone, written messages (notes, letters, cards, etc.) Educators should not date students . Educators should not develop a personal relationship with students that creates an emotional dependency on the educator. Educators should not furnish or allow a student to consume alcohol, illegal or unauthorized drugs. Educators should not furnish tobacco to students. Georgia Professional Standards Commission

6 20-2-984.1. Adoption of a Code of Ethics.
 It shall be the duty of the commission to adopt standards of performance and a code of ethics for educators… which are generally accepted by educators of this state.  

7 20-2-984.1. Adoption of a Code of Ethics.
The standards of performance and code of ethics adopted by the commission shall be limited to professional performance and professional ethics. The PSC does not care what you do in you personal lives as long as it does not carryover into your professional lives.

8 Definition of Educator
(2) "Educator" means education personnel who hold, have applied for, or been denied certificates, permits, or other certification documents issued by the Georgia Professional Standards Commission.  

9 3 Main Duties of Educators
Teach the Children Protect the Students Act Professionally and Ethically

10 TEST Name the 3 Richest People in the World
Name the MVP of the 2015 World Series Name the 2016 Miss USA Beauty Pageant winner Name the most recently appointed Supreme Court Justice Name 3 teachers who have had a positive impact in your life

11 What is Ethics?

12 Ethics Knowledge-codes, rules, knowing right from wrong
Conduct-behavior that aligns with knowledge Ethics-courage to execute in the midst of pressure Doing what is right when no one is looking

13 Georgia Professional Standards Commission
Legal Compliance Standard Two states that an educator should always maintain a professional relationship with all students, both in and outside the classroom. The first three examples in this standard would also be criminal acts and would require reporting under the statute concerning child abuse. The fourth example relates to harassment. Educators should never harass a student on the basis of race, gender, national origin, religion or disability. Sarcasm is usually a deadly weapon in the hands of a teacher who has great influence in a student’s sense of self-worth. The fifth example involves personal relationships with students. Teachers should be warned about encouraging an inappropriate relationship by means of , telephone, written messages (notes, letters, cards, etc.) Educators should not date students . Educators should not develop a personal relationship with students that creates an emotional dependency on the educator. Educators should not furnish or allow a student to consume alcohol, illegal or unauthorized drugs. Educators should not furnish tobacco to students. Georgia Professional Standards Commission Georgia Professional Standards Commission 13

14 Standard 1 An educator shall abide by federal, state, and local laws and statutes. Standard Two states that an educator should always maintain a professional relationship with all students, both in and outside the classroom. The first three examples in this standard would also be criminal acts and would require reporting under the statute concerning child abuse. The fourth example relates to harassment. Educators should never harass a student on the basis of race, gender, national origin, religion or disability. Sarcasm is usually a deadly weapon in the hands of a teacher who has great influence in a student’s sense of self-worth. The fifth example involves personal relationships with students. Teachers should be warned about encouraging an inappropriate relationship by means of , telephone, written messages (notes, letters, cards, etc.) Educators should not date students . Educators should not develop a personal relationship with students that creates an emotional dependency on the educator. Educators should not furnish or allow a student to consume alcohol, illegal or unauthorized drugs. Educators should not furnish tobacco to students. Georgia Professional Standards Commission

15 Legal Compliance Unethical conduct includes but is not limited to the commission or conviction of: a felony or any crime involving moral turpitude. any criminal offense involving a controlled substance or marijuana. any sexual offense specified in Code Section 16. any laws applicable to the profession.

16 Standard #1 Legal Compliance
The Educator was certified in Ga. 8/7/14. The educator was arrested for theft by taking (felony) on 9/27/14. The educator was indicted and participated in a pre-trial diversion which included 40 hours of community service, 12 week class work, and $1400 restitution. The case was nolle prossed 7/13/16 after program was completed. The educator was certified and employed throughout the criminal case proceedings and never reported it to PSC

17 Georgia Professional Standards Commission
Conduct with Students Standard Two states that an educator should always maintain a professional relationship with all students, both in and outside the classroom. The first three examples in this standard would also be criminal acts and would require reporting under the statute concerning child abuse. The fourth example relates to harassment. Educators should never harass a student on the basis of race, gender, national origin, religion or disability. Sarcasm is usually a deadly weapon in the hands of a teacher who has great influence in a student’s sense of self-worth. The fifth example involves personal relationships with students. Teachers should be warned about encouraging an inappropriate relationship by means of , telephone, written messages (notes, letters, cards, etc.) Educators should not date students . Educators should not develop a personal relationship with students that creates an emotional dependency on the educator. Educators should not furnish or allow a student to consume alcohol, illegal or unauthorized drugs. Educators should not furnish tobacco to students. Georgia Professional Standards Commission Georgia Professional Standards Commission 17

18 Standard 2 An educator shall always maintain a professional relationship with all students, both in and outside the classroom. Standard Two states that an educator should always maintain a professional relationship with all students, both in and outside the classroom. The first three examples in this standard would also be criminal acts and would require reporting under the statute concerning child abuse. The fourth example relates to harassment. Educators should never harass a student on the basis of race, gender, national origin, religion or disability. Sarcasm is usually a deadly weapon in the hands of a teacher who has great influence in a student’s sense of self-worth. The fifth example involves personal relationships with students. Teachers should be warned about encouraging an inappropriate relationship by means of , telephone, written messages (notes, letters, cards, etc.) Educators should not date students . Educators should not develop a personal relationship with students that creates an emotional dependency on the educator. Educators should not furnish or allow a student to consume alcohol, illegal or unauthorized drugs. Educators should not furnish tobacco to students. Georgia Professional Standards Commission

19 A student is anyone under the age of 18.
There are several definitions at the beginning of the code. A student is any individual enrolled in GA’s private or public schools from preschool through grade 12 or any individual between and including the ages of 3 and 17. An 18-year-old who is enrolled in school is a student. A 17-year old who has graduated is a student. Please emphasize with educators that it is not permissible to have a relationship with any student anywhere. Georgia Professional Standards Commission Georgia Professional Standards Commission 19

20 Georgia Professional Standards Commission
OR, a student enrolled in grades Pre-K to 12 in a public or private school. There are several definitions at the beginning of the code. A student is any individual enrolled in GA’s private or public schools from preschool through grade 12 or any individual between and including the ages of 3 and 17. An 18-year-old who is enrolled in school is a student. A 17-year old who has graduated is a student. Please emphasize with educators that it is not permissible to have a relationship with any student anywhere. Georgia Professional Standards Commission Georgia Professional Standards Commission 20

21 For the purposes of the Code of Ethics, the enrollment period for a graduating student ends on August 31 of the year of graduation.

22 Revocation Sexual Abuse of Students
Georgia Professional Standards Commission 22

23 Sexual Relationship with Students
O. C.G. A Person who has supervisory or disciplinary authority over a student who engages in sexual contact with students… New thing in Georgia

24 Sexual Relationship with Student

25 Standard #2 Conduct With Students
Theeducator was witnessed by a parent and a teacher in a physicla altercation with a student. Their accounts and video footage are consistent with the student’s report that the educator grabbed him by the neck, threw him on the ground, and put his knee to his stomach. The educator stated that he did not physically hurt the student but was only trying to detain him

26 Standard #2 Conduct With Students
The educator admitted to sending inappropriate text messages to students. No criminal charges were filed and the educator resigned.

27 Be Friendly, Not a Friend.
Student Relationship Guidelines Phone Calls Be Friendly, Not a Friend. Gossip Parties Inappropriate Jokes Photographs

28 Choose Appropriate Settings
Student Relationship Guidelines Home Auto Choose Appropriate Settings Closet Dark Room

29 Alcohol or Drugs Standard 3
Standard Two states that an educator should always maintain a professional relationship with all students, both in and outside the classroom. The first three examples in this standard would also be criminal acts and would require reporting under the statute concerning child abuse. The fourth example relates to harassment. Educators should never harass a student on the basis of race, gender, national origin, religion or disability. Sarcasm is usually a deadly weapon in the hands of a teacher who has great influence in a student’s sense of self-worth. The fifth example involves personal relationships with students. Teachers should be warned about encouraging an inappropriate relationship by means of , telephone, written messages (notes, letters, cards, etc.) Educators should not date students . Educators should not develop a personal relationship with students that creates an emotional dependency on the educator. Educators should not furnish or allow a student to consume alcohol, illegal or unauthorized drugs. Educators should not furnish tobacco to students. Georgia Professional Standards Commission

30 Standard 3 An educator shall refrain from the use of alcohol or illegal or unauthorized drugs during the course of professional practice. Standard Two states that an educator should always maintain a professional relationship with all students, both in and outside the classroom. The first three examples in this standard would also be criminal acts and would require reporting under the statute concerning child abuse. The fourth example relates to harassment. Educators should never harass a student on the basis of race, gender, national origin, religion or disability. Sarcasm is usually a deadly weapon in the hands of a teacher who has great influence in a student’s sense of self-worth. The fifth example involves personal relationships with students. Teachers should be warned about encouraging an inappropriate relationship by means of , telephone, written messages (notes, letters, cards, etc.) Educators should not date students . Educators should not develop a personal relationship with students that creates an emotional dependency on the educator. Educators should not furnish or allow a student to consume alcohol, illegal or unauthorized drugs. Educators should not furnish tobacco to students. Georgia Professional Standards Commission

31 Alcohol Unethical conduct includes but is not limited to: being on school premises or at a school-related activity involving students while under the influence of, possessing, or consuming alcoholic beverages.

32 The … code of ethics … shall be limited to professional performance and professional ethics.  

33 Standard #3 Drugs and Alcohol
The educator admitted that a partially empty can of Bud Light that her principal found in a file cabinet drawer in her classroom was hers. She said she had forgotten it was in her bag that she brought to her classroom a few weeks earlier and had forgotten about it. Her principal had found it when he was in her room looking for a receipt book. He noted that it was 1/3 empty and the can was still cold. She resigned the next day.

34 Question How many Educators are guilty of going to a restaurant on a Friday evening and consuming a bottle of beer or a glass of wine with their meal, and then going to a high school football game? What level of intoxication is acceptable when an educator is interacting with students or community members at school events?

35 Standard 4 Honesty Standard Two states that an educator should always maintain a professional relationship with all students, both in and outside the classroom. The first three examples in this standard would also be criminal acts and would require reporting under the statute concerning child abuse. The fourth example relates to harassment. Educators should never harass a student on the basis of race, gender, national origin, religion or disability. Sarcasm is usually a deadly weapon in the hands of a teacher who has great influence in a student’s sense of self-worth. The fifth example involves personal relationships with students. Teachers should be warned about encouraging an inappropriate relationship by means of , telephone, written messages (notes, letters, cards, etc.) Educators should not date students . Educators should not develop a personal relationship with students that creates an emotional dependency on the educator. Educators should not furnish or allow a student to consume alcohol, illegal or unauthorized drugs. Educators should not furnish tobacco to students. Georgia Professional Standards Commission

36 Standard 4 An educator shall exemplify honesty and integrity in the course of professional practice. Standard Two states that an educator should always maintain a professional relationship with all students, both in and outside the classroom. The first three examples in this standard would also be criminal acts and would require reporting under the statute concerning child abuse. The fourth example relates to harassment. Educators should never harass a student on the basis of race, gender, national origin, religion or disability. Sarcasm is usually a deadly weapon in the hands of a teacher who has great influence in a student’s sense of self-worth. The fifth example involves personal relationships with students. Teachers should be warned about encouraging an inappropriate relationship by means of , telephone, written messages (notes, letters, cards, etc.) Educators should not date students . Educators should not develop a personal relationship with students that creates an emotional dependency on the educator. Educators should not furnish or allow a student to consume alcohol, illegal or unauthorized drugs. Educators should not furnish tobacco to students. Georgia Professional Standards Commission

37 Honesty Unethical conduct includes but is not limited to falsifying, misrepresenting, or omitting: professional qualifications, criminal history, college or staff development credit and/or degrees, academic award, and employment history;

38 Honesty Unethical conduct includes but is not limited to, falsifying, misrepresenting, or omitting: information submitted to federal, state, local school districts and other governmental agencies;

39 3. information regarding the evaluation of students and/or personnel;
Honesty Unethical conduct includes but is not limited to, falsifying, misrepresenting, or omitting: 3. information regarding the evaluation of students and/or personnel;

40 reasons for absences or leaves;
Honesty Unethical conduct includes but is not limited to, falsifying, misrepresenting, or omitting: reasons for absences or leaves;

41 Honesty Unethical conduct includes but is not limited to, falsifying, misrepresenting, or omitting: 5. information submitted in the course of an official inquiry/investigation; and

42 6. information submitted in the course of professional practice.
Honesty Unethical conduct includes but is not limited to, falsifying, misrepresenting, or omitting: 6. information submitted in the course of professional practice.

43 Standard #4 Honesty The Educator holds a pre-service certificate and was doing her student teaching. She completed the edTPA assessment and submitted to Pearson for scoring. In two modules, submissions were 99% and 77% exact wording as another student’s submission a year earlier

44 Standard #4 Honesty The educator answered no to the personal affirmation question on the PSC application regarding criminal history on 10/17/13. On a subsequent application dated 1/30/17, the educator self-reported a criminal history by answering yes. The educator was convicted for theft on 2/14/96 and served probation, paid court costs and a fine of $120.

45 Standard #4 Honesty The educator failed to hold appropriate meetings for student IEPs. The educator claimed to have met with parents over the phone due to parents being unable to attend.

46 Public Funds & Property
Standard 5 Public Funds & Property Standard Two states that an educator should always maintain a professional relationship with all students, both in and outside the classroom. The first three examples in this standard would also be criminal acts and would require reporting under the statute concerning child abuse. The fourth example relates to harassment. Educators should never harass a student on the basis of race, gender, national origin, religion or disability. Sarcasm is usually a deadly weapon in the hands of a teacher who has great influence in a student’s sense of self-worth. The fifth example involves personal relationships with students. Teachers should be warned about encouraging an inappropriate relationship by means of , telephone, written messages (notes, letters, cards, etc.) Educators should not date students . Educators should not develop a personal relationship with students that creates an emotional dependency on the educator. Educators should not furnish or allow a student to consume alcohol, illegal or unauthorized drugs. Educators should not furnish tobacco to students. Georgia Professional Standards Commission

47 Standard 5 An educator entrusted with public funds and property shall honor that trust with a high level of honesty, accuracy, and responsibility. Standard Two states that an educator should always maintain a professional relationship with all students, both in and outside the classroom. The first three examples in this standard would also be criminal acts and would require reporting under the statute concerning child abuse. The fourth example relates to harassment. Educators should never harass a student on the basis of race, gender, national origin, religion or disability. Sarcasm is usually a deadly weapon in the hands of a teacher who has great influence in a student’s sense of self-worth. The fifth example involves personal relationships with students. Teachers should be warned about encouraging an inappropriate relationship by means of , telephone, written messages (notes, letters, cards, etc.) Educators should not date students . Educators should not develop a personal relationship with students that creates an emotional dependency on the educator. Educators should not furnish or allow a student to consume alcohol, illegal or unauthorized drugs. Educators should not furnish tobacco to students. Georgia Professional Standards Commission

48 Public Funds & Property
Unethical conduct includes but is not limited to: misusing public or school-related funds; failing to account for funds collected from students or parents; submitting fraudulent requests or documentation for reimbursement of expenses or for pay; co-mingling public or school-related funds with personal funds or checking accounts; and using school property without the approval of the local board of education/governing board or authorized designee.

49 Standard #5 Public Funds and Property
The educator stole approximately $6500 worth of electronic equipment from the school district and pawned the merchandise at multiple locations. The educator ultimately admitted the thefts and repaid the school system. The educator was charged with 3 counts of felony “Theft By Taking”. The criminal charges were dismissed after completing a pre-trial diversion program

50 Standard #5 Public Funds and Property
The educator was a paraprofessional and president of the softball booster club. She was in possession of the club’s debit card and was responsible for accounting for the funds raised and the items purchased. There were multiple instances of inappropriate use of the debit card for the paraprofessional’s personal use such as groceries, layaway items, and an Ipad. Eventually, she admitted the charges and repaid the school system $627. .

51 Remunerative Conduct Standard 6
Standard Two states that an educator should always maintain a professional relationship with all students, both in and outside the classroom. The first three examples in this standard would also be criminal acts and would require reporting under the statute concerning child abuse. The fourth example relates to harassment. Educators should never harass a student on the basis of race, gender, national origin, religion or disability. Sarcasm is usually a deadly weapon in the hands of a teacher who has great influence in a student’s sense of self-worth. The fifth example involves personal relationships with students. Teachers should be warned about encouraging an inappropriate relationship by means of , telephone, written messages (notes, letters, cards, etc.) Educators should not date students . Educators should not develop a personal relationship with students that creates an emotional dependency on the educator. Educators should not furnish or allow a student to consume alcohol, illegal or unauthorized drugs. Educators should not furnish tobacco to students. Georgia Professional Standards Commission

52 Standard 6 An educator shall maintain integrity with students, colleagues, parents, patrons, or businesses when accepting gifts, gratuities, favors, and additional compensation. Standard Two states that an educator should always maintain a professional relationship with all students, both in and outside the classroom. The first three examples in this standard would also be criminal acts and would require reporting under the statute concerning child abuse. The fourth example relates to harassment. Educators should never harass a student on the basis of race, gender, national origin, religion or disability. Sarcasm is usually a deadly weapon in the hands of a teacher who has great influence in a student’s sense of self-worth. The fifth example involves personal relationships with students. Teachers should be warned about encouraging an inappropriate relationship by means of , telephone, written messages (notes, letters, cards, etc.) Educators should not date students . Educators should not develop a personal relationship with students that creates an emotional dependency on the educator. Educators should not furnish or allow a student to consume alcohol, illegal or unauthorized drugs. Educators should not furnish tobacco to students. Georgia Professional Standards Commission

53 Standard #6 Remunerative Conduct
The Educator sent a letter home with the students offering tutoring services for a fee. The educator was instructed to send a letter to parents stating she could not charge for tutoring service because it was a violation of Standard 6. She claimed she called the parents instead and told them she could not tutor her own students for a fee.

54 Standard # 6 Remunerative Conduct
The Educator admitted to giving out of season batting lessons. The Educator did not keep an account of how much money he received for batting lessons. He admitted he knew he could not accept compensation during the season but thought it was okay to charge during the off-season

55 Confidential Information
Standard 7 Confidential Information Standard Two states that an educator should always maintain a professional relationship with all students, both in and outside the classroom. The first three examples in this standard would also be criminal acts and would require reporting under the statute concerning child abuse. The fourth example relates to harassment. Educators should never harass a student on the basis of race, gender, national origin, religion or disability. Sarcasm is usually a deadly weapon in the hands of a teacher who has great influence in a student’s sense of self-worth. The fifth example involves personal relationships with students. Teachers should be warned about encouraging an inappropriate relationship by means of , telephone, written messages (notes, letters, cards, etc.) Educators should not date students . Educators should not develop a personal relationship with students that creates an emotional dependency on the educator. Educators should not furnish or allow a student to consume alcohol, illegal or unauthorized drugs. Educators should not furnish tobacco to students. Georgia Professional Standards Commission

56 Standard 7 An educator shall comply with state and federal laws and state school board policies relating to the confidentiality of student and personnel records, standardized test material and other information. Standard Two states that an educator should always maintain a professional relationship with all students, both in and outside the classroom. The first three examples in this standard would also be criminal acts and would require reporting under the statute concerning child abuse. The fourth example relates to harassment. Educators should never harass a student on the basis of race, gender, national origin, religion or disability. Sarcasm is usually a deadly weapon in the hands of a teacher who has great influence in a student’s sense of self-worth. The fifth example involves personal relationships with students. Teachers should be warned about encouraging an inappropriate relationship by means of , telephone, written messages (notes, letters, cards, etc.) Educators should not date students . Educators should not develop a personal relationship with students that creates an emotional dependency on the educator. Educators should not furnish or allow a student to consume alcohol, illegal or unauthorized drugs. Educators should not furnish tobacco to students. Georgia Professional Standards Commission

57 Confidential Information
Annual performance evaluation records of school personnel Health services provided to an insured Individual student performance data, information and reports School records of students with disabilities A student's education record

58 Standard # 7 Confidential Information
The Educator admits she allowed one of her students to type notes related to another student’s IEP. She contends the notes did not discuss the student’s disability but admits the IEP student was recognizable to the student who did the typing.

59 Abandonment of Contract
Standard 8 Abandonment of Contract Standard Two states that an educator should always maintain a professional relationship with all students, both in and outside the classroom. The first three examples in this standard would also be criminal acts and would require reporting under the statute concerning child abuse. The fourth example relates to harassment. Educators should never harass a student on the basis of race, gender, national origin, religion or disability. Sarcasm is usually a deadly weapon in the hands of a teacher who has great influence in a student’s sense of self-worth. The fifth example involves personal relationships with students. Teachers should be warned about encouraging an inappropriate relationship by means of , telephone, written messages (notes, letters, cards, etc.) Educators should not date students . Educators should not develop a personal relationship with students that creates an emotional dependency on the educator. Educators should not furnish or allow a student to consume alcohol, illegal or unauthorized drugs. Educators should not furnish tobacco to students. Georgia Professional Standards Commission

60 Georgia Professional Standards Commission
An educator shall fulfill all of the terms and obligations detailed in the contract with the local board of education or education agency for the duration of the contract. Standard Two states that an educator should always maintain a professional relationship with all students, both in and outside the classroom. The first three examples in this standard would also be criminal acts and would require reporting under the statute concerning child abuse. The fourth example relates to harassment. Educators should never harass a student on the basis of race, gender, national origin, religion or disability. Sarcasm is usually a deadly weapon in the hands of a teacher who has great influence in a student’s sense of self-worth. The fifth example involves personal relationships with students. Teachers should be warned about encouraging an inappropriate relationship by means of , telephone, written messages (notes, letters, cards, etc.) Educators should not date students . Educators should not develop a personal relationship with students that creates an emotional dependency on the educator. Educators should not furnish or allow a student to consume alcohol, illegal or unauthorized drugs. Educators should not furnish tobacco to students. Georgia Professional Standards Commission 60

61 Abandonment of Contract
The PSC expects educators to honor their contracts. The PSC has identified circumstances that warrant educators leaving their contracted positions without a release. Educators and systems are expected to act professionally and make every effort to minimize the effect on the students experiencing the loss.

62 Standard #8 Abandonment of Contract
Current Practice The PSC will not sanction a certificate if resignation submitted before June 15 After June 15, the PSC will not sanction a certificate for spousal transfer requiring unreasonable commute, serious illness in the immediate family which requires Educator to provide care, or a promotion in the field of Education (not higher pay)

63 After June 15…6 Reasons Documented spousal transfer which requires unreasonable commute Documented health problems of family member or educator which results in educator being unable to fulfill contract obligations Documented promotion in the field of education which meets the following 3 criteria

64 Criteria Increase in Job Responsibility Increase in Job Prestige
Reasonable increase in Salary Must meet all 3 criteria unless movement from classroom to service area. Ex. Media, Technology, Instructional Coach, Guidance, etc.

65 After June 15…continued School Systems issues “at will” employment contract to educator School District fails to fulfill its obligation in the contract such as not providing reasonable instructional support as requested or needed Payment of Liquidated Damages prior to June 15 will be considered a release from contract

66 Sanctions Educators (Superintendent, HR, Principal) in School/Systems providing a contract to an educator after June 15 without a letter of release from current school system may be subject to sanction

67 Standard #8 Abandonment of Contract
These revised guidelines from PSC will go into effect in January of 2018

68 Standard #8 Abandonment of Contract
The Educator submitted an to human resources on 12/30/16 informing the district she would not be returning to school after the break because she had found another job. The school principal contacted the educator and told her she was expected to return to school on January 4, She returned, removed her personal belongings and left without seeing the principal.

69 Required Reports Standard 9
Standard Two states that an educator should always maintain a professional relationship with all students, both in and outside the classroom. The first three examples in this standard would also be criminal acts and would require reporting under the statute concerning child abuse. The fourth example relates to harassment. Educators should never harass a student on the basis of race, gender, national origin, religion or disability. Sarcasm is usually a deadly weapon in the hands of a teacher who has great influence in a student’s sense of self-worth. The fifth example involves personal relationships with students. Teachers should be warned about encouraging an inappropriate relationship by means of , telephone, written messages (notes, letters, cards, etc.) Educators should not date students . Educators should not develop a personal relationship with students that creates an emotional dependency on the educator. Educators should not furnish or allow a student to consume alcohol, illegal or unauthorized drugs. Educators should not furnish tobacco to students. Georgia Professional Standards Commission

70 An educator shall file reports of a breach of one or more of the standards in the Code of Ethics for Educators, child abuse, or any other required report. Standard Two states that an educator should always maintain a professional relationship with all students, both in and outside the classroom. The first three examples in this standard would also be criminal acts and would require reporting under the statute concerning child abuse. The fourth example relates to harassment. Educators should never harass a student on the basis of race, gender, national origin, religion or disability. Sarcasm is usually a deadly weapon in the hands of a teacher who has great influence in a student’s sense of self-worth. The fifth example involves personal relationships with students. Teachers should be warned about encouraging an inappropriate relationship by means of , telephone, written messages (notes, letters, cards, etc.) Educators should not date students . Educators should not develop a personal relationship with students that creates an emotional dependency on the educator. Educators should not furnish or allow a student to consume alcohol, illegal or unauthorized drugs. Educators should not furnish tobacco to students. Georgia Professional Standards Commission

71 Requirement The law states an educator shall make a report on suspected child abuse immediately and no later than 24 hours

72 Standard # 9 Required Reports
In December 2016, an 8th grade student reported to the educator her father physically abused her. With the help of the school counselor, he made a report to DFCS. The educator received further info from the student via social media over winter break indicating she had been sexually abused by her father 3 times the previous year and describing another incident that just occurred . He did not report the incident until 1/25/17

73 Standard # 9 Required Reports
The educator was shown a video of a student having sex. The educator was a coach and knew the Mother of the student because he had coached and taught the student the previous year. The educator talked to the student about the incident

74 Professional Conduct Standard 10
Standard Two states that an educator should always maintain a professional relationship with all students, both in and outside the classroom. The first three examples in this standard would also be criminal acts and would require reporting under the statute concerning child abuse. The fourth example relates to harassment. Educators should never harass a student on the basis of race, gender, national origin, religion or disability. Sarcasm is usually a deadly weapon in the hands of a teacher who has great influence in a student’s sense of self-worth. The fifth example involves personal relationships with students. Teachers should be warned about encouraging an inappropriate relationship by means of , telephone, written messages (notes, letters, cards, etc.) Educators should not date students . Educators should not develop a personal relationship with students that creates an emotional dependency on the educator. Educators should not furnish or allow a student to consume alcohol, illegal or unauthorized drugs. Educators should not furnish tobacco to students. Georgia Professional Standards Commission

75 Standard 10 An educator shall demonstrate conduct that follows generally recognized professional standards and preserves the dignity and integrity of the teaching profession. Standard Two states that an educator should always maintain a professional relationship with all students, both in and outside the classroom. The first three examples in this standard would also be criminal acts and would require reporting under the statute concerning child abuse. The fourth example relates to harassment. Educators should never harass a student on the basis of race, gender, national origin, religion or disability. Sarcasm is usually a deadly weapon in the hands of a teacher who has great influence in a student’s sense of self-worth. The fifth example involves personal relationships with students. Teachers should be warned about encouraging an inappropriate relationship by means of , telephone, written messages (notes, letters, cards, etc.) Educators should not date students . Educators should not develop a personal relationship with students that creates an emotional dependency on the educator. Educators should not furnish or allow a student to consume alcohol, illegal or unauthorized drugs. Educators should not furnish tobacco to students. Georgia Professional Standards Commission

76 Standard #10 Professional Conduct
The Educator was a coach who exhibited unprofessional conduct during an away basketball game. He directed foul language toward players, coaches, and referees during the game.

77 Standard 11 Testing Standard Two states that an educator should always maintain a professional relationship with all students, both in and outside the classroom. The first three examples in this standard would also be criminal acts and would require reporting under the statute concerning child abuse. The fourth example relates to harassment. Educators should never harass a student on the basis of race, gender, national origin, religion or disability. Sarcasm is usually a deadly weapon in the hands of a teacher who has great influence in a student’s sense of self-worth. The fifth example involves personal relationships with students. Teachers should be warned about encouraging an inappropriate relationship by means of , telephone, written messages (notes, letters, cards, etc.) Educators should not date students . Educators should not develop a personal relationship with students that creates an emotional dependency on the educator. Educators should not furnish or allow a student to consume alcohol, illegal or unauthorized drugs. Educators should not furnish tobacco to students. Georgia Professional Standards Commission

78 Standard 11 An educator shall administer state mandated assessments fairly and ethically. Standard Two states that an educator should always maintain a professional relationship with all students, both in and outside the classroom. The first three examples in this standard would also be criminal acts and would require reporting under the statute concerning child abuse. The fourth example relates to harassment. Educators should never harass a student on the basis of race, gender, national origin, religion or disability. Sarcasm is usually a deadly weapon in the hands of a teacher who has great influence in a student’s sense of self-worth. The fifth example involves personal relationships with students. Teachers should be warned about encouraging an inappropriate relationship by means of , telephone, written messages (notes, letters, cards, etc.) Educators should not date students . Educators should not develop a personal relationship with students that creates an emotional dependency on the educator. Educators should not furnish or allow a student to consume alcohol, illegal or unauthorized drugs. Educators should not furnish tobacco to students. Georgia Professional Standards Commission

79 Major Testing Violations
Breach of Test Security Fail to provide or attend training Fail to follow directions specified in the manual Coach, prompt, alter or provide answers to students during the test Interpret, explain, or paraphrase test items Copy or take notes on test items

80 Standard # 11 Testing The Educator was observed by the Testing Proctor and several students assisting students during the Georgia Milestones Math Test. The test results of three students had to be invalidated by the GaDOE.

81 Standard # 11 Testing The educator administered a gifted test to students in a video monitored room. According to the video footage, on three separate occasions, the educator appeared to be erasing and writing in test booklets. When confronted, she said she was merely erasing stray marks. A review of students’ test materials revealed numerous erasures changing the incorrect answer to correct answers.

82 Teacher’s Role Attend training
Ensures security of test booklets before, during, and after testing Follow directions Arrange seats to promote individual work Circulate about the classroom to prevent cheating and other violations Be familiar with allowable student accommodations Account for all testing materials

83 Lessons Learned Establish an environment conducive to student learning and test score improvement Require training for all participants with similar information and format at all training sessions Require available staff to monitor during testing Test security is paramount

84 Lessons Learned Investigate all allegations and complaints thoroughly - consider involvement of outside investigators Large increases in student test scores are a red flag Having knowledge of testing violations and failing to report jeopardizes teaching certificate Superintendents, Principals, and Test Coordinators are ultimately responsible

85 PSC Receives approximately 125 complaints a month
Any resident of Georgia can file a complaint as long as it is signed Between educators are sanctioned each month

86 Enforcing Sanctions The superintendent and the superintendent’s designee for certification shall be responsible for assuring that an individual whose certificate has been revoked, denied, or suspended is not employed or serving in any capacity in their district. Both the superintendent and the superintendent’s designee must hold GAPSC certification.

87 Year Denied Revoked Voluntary Total Surrender

88 Sanctions-June, 2016-June, 2017 Legal compliance-35
Conduct with Students-142 Alcohol and Drugs-47 Honesty-111 Public Funds and Property-16 Remunerative Conduct-5 Confidential Information-1

89 Sanctions-June 2016-June 2017 Abandonment of Contract-43
Required Reports-22 Professional Conduct-78 Testing-23 Total-523

90 Sanctions Warning Reprimand Suspension-1 day to 3 years Revocation
Denial Sanctions are permanent and remain on the certificate Suspensions and higher are reported to national database

91 RESA Totals FY 2017 FY 2016 CSRA-49 Chattahoochee-53 Coastal Plains-29
First District-80 Griffin-57 Heart of Georgia-12 Metro-620 Middle Georgia-45 North Georgia-35 CSRA-50 Chattahoochee-45 Coastal Plains-42 First District-77 Griffin-59 Heart of Georgia-16 Metro-410 Middle Georgia-42 North Georgia-22

92 RESA Totals FY 2017 FY 2016 NE Georgia-33 NW Georgia-57 Oconee-20
Okefenokee-7 Pioneer-32 SW Georgia-59 West Georgia-21 RESA Avg-76 RESA Total-1209 NE Georgia-37 NW Georgia-53 Oconee-17 Okefenokee-14 Pioneer-21 SW Georgia-37 West Georgia-26 RESA Avg-61 RESA Total-968

93 Open Cases by RESA -Teachers Listed on CPI Report
2017 2017 CSRA-.009 Chattahoochee-.016 Coastal Plains-.008 First District-.009 Griffin-.008 Heart of Ga.-.008 Metro-.013 Middle Ga.-.098 North Ga.-.007 NE Ga.-.006 NW Ga.-.007 Oconee-.02 Okefenokee-.004 Pioneer-.006 SW Ga.-.017 W. Ga.-.005 Avg.-.010

94 ADVICE Take testing seriously
Be friendly but not a friend to the students—you are not their friend but their supervisor and role model Honesty and Integrity are important Educators are held to higher standards Educators are mandated reporters if they are aware of violations of Code of Ethics Do not interact with students via social media

95 Quote From an Educator My goal for the school system is NOT to be used as an example in Paul Shaw’s power point presentations

96 Contact Information Paul A. Shaw Phone #

97 Georgia Professional Standards Commission

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