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UNCEEA working group on coordination

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1 UNCEEA working group on coordination
Telling Canada’s story in numbers 23rd meeting of the London Group, San José, Costa Rica Kevin Roberts Director, Environment, Energy and Transportation Statistics Division October 17, 2017

2 Background UNCEEA is creating a variety of new working groups to carry out parts of its mandate: Coordination (lead: Statistics Canada) Methodological development – SEEA EEA (lead: Eurostat) Development of global databases for SEEA (lead: OECD) Implementation and statistical capacity building (lead: Statistics South Africa) Applying environmental accounting to emerging policy issues (lead: ABS) SDG indicators (lead: INEGI) October 2017

3 Working Group on Coordination – Mandate
To foster collaboration, integration and complementarity of programs relevant to environmental-economic accounting. For the time being, focus is on: Training initiatives Reporting initiatives October 2017

4 Objectives Expanding use of SEEA in the development and reporting of indicators, on analysis, on decision-making Leveraging the use of existing training tools in order to make them more readily accessible, and where necessary, help to develop new tools that use consistent concepts and standards October 2017

5 Coordination of training
Create a central repository on the UNSD website for existing learning tools to expand the accessibility of these materials Examples: WAVES SEEA-CF Train the Trainers course Regional workshops Eurostat courses October 2017

6 Coordination of training
If necessary, work on new training initiatives to create original and/or generic materials that are consistent with SEEA concepts Develop a “supercalendar” of upcoming SEEA training to be posted on the UNSD website October 2017

7 Coordination regarding reporting initiatives
The Working Group will ensure that SEEA guidelines are used as much as possible in the development of new international reporting initiatives Initial focus on ensuring coordination with UN regional reporting initiatives (e.g., UNECE task forces on climate change indicators and on waste statistics). This will be accomplished by working group member participation in both Task Forces (including Statistics Canada) The SDG is a special case in this area. Coordination of these indicators with SEEA will form part of its own working group October 2017

8 Next steps Terms of reference has been finalized
Invitation letters to be sent out in the next few weeks First meeting to take place in November or December 2017 A work plan to be developed within three months of the first meeting October 2017

9 Discussion questions Are there any other areas where additional coordination would be beneficial? The group’s initial approach prioritizes leveraging training materials, but not on coordinating the training initiatives themselves. Is this sufficient for now?

10 Thank you Kevin Roberts
Director, Environment, Energy and Transportation Statistics Division Statistics Canada / Government of Canada October 2017

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