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Today’s Agenda and essential questions

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1 Today’s Agenda and essential questions
**Take out a full sheet of paper for today’s lesson and write your name on top!** Agenda Essential Questions 1. Bellwork- Numeracy Vocabulary 2. Identifying Different Parts of a Bar Graph 3. Reading and Annotation- “For French Teen, Smoking Has More Allure Than Stigma” 4. Review and Discussion of Article 5. Reading Analysis Questions and Discussion 6. Exit Ticket 4. How do you ask and answer information questions? 13. What basic vocabulary terms are specific to the region being studied? 19. What are basic cultural perspectives of the region studied? 28. What are some differences and similarities in value systems in both cultures? 29. What are differences and similarities in lifestyles in both cultures?

2 You have 4 minutes to complete this task!
BELLWORK 1. On your paper, write the word “Bellwork.” 2. Underneath the word “Bellwork,” write down the seven key terms to the right. 3. To the right of each of these key terms, write down your knowledge level using the following rubric: -Knowledge Level 4: I understand the term and I could easily use it in a sentence. -Knowledge Level 3: I understand the term and I'm not confused about any part of what it means. -Knowledge Level 2: I'm a little uncertain about what the term means, but I have a general idea. -Knowledge Level 1: I'm very uncertain about the term. I really don't understand what it means. *EXAMPLE- 1. Bar Graph- Knowledge Level 4* Key Terms: 1. Bar graph 2. Title 3. Axes and their Labels 4. Bars 5. Group Data Access 6. Frequency Data Access 7. Axes Scale You have 4 minutes to complete this task!

3 Key Term Review- Class Discussion
Bar Graph – A visual display used to compare the amounts or frequency of occurrence of different characteristics of data. This type of display allows us to compare groups of data and make generalizations about the data quickly. Title – Gives an overview of the information being presented in the graph. Noted at the top of graph. Axes and their labels – Each graph has two axes. The axes labels tell us what information is presented on each axis. One axis represents data groups; the other represents the amounts or frequency of data groups. Bars – The bars are rectangular blocks that can have their base at either vertical axis or horizontal axis. Each bar represents the data for one of the data groups. Grouped Data Axis - The grouped data axis is always at the base of the bars. This axis displays the type of data being graphed. Frequency Data Axis – The frequency data axis has a scale that is a measure of the frequency or amounts of the different data groups. Axes scale – Scale is the range of values being presented along the frequency axis.

4 Key Term Visual Title Bars BAR GRAPH Axes Scale Frequency Data Axis
ggrad Frequency Data Axis 2 minutes Bars Axes and Labels Grouped Data Axis

1. WHAT – Read the title and write WHAT the graph is describing in your own words using complete sentences. 2. DESCRIBE – Explain what the graph is telling or attempting to tell the reader using actual EVIDENCE presented by the graph. (Describe what is being measured and by what measuring tool.) 3. LABEL – Identify data points (What does the graph tell you?) 4. ANSWER THE QUESTIONS – Using active reading strategies answer questions about the graph. **This last step will be done with today’s article!** THE FOUR STEPS FOR USING GRAPHS

6 Reading: “Beatlemania »
1. Take ten minutes to read AND annotate the article. 2. If you finish the article before the ten minutes is over, re- read it to be sure you understood everything.

7 Annotation in Grades 9-12 Underline the major points.
Circle keywords or phrases that are confusing or unknown to you. Use a question mark (?) for questions that you have during the reading. Be sure to write your question. Use an exclamation mark (!) for things that surprise you, and briefly note what it was that caught your attention. Draw an arrow (↵) when you make a connection to something inside the text, or to an idea or experience outside the text. Briefly note your connections. Mark “EX” when the author provides an example. Numerate arguments, important ideas, or key details and write words or phrases that restate them.

Partner review 1. Find a partner (someone near you) 2. Decide who is person A and who is person B. 3. PERSON A- You have 30 seconds to explain the sales of Digital to person B. ***30 SECONDS ON THE CLOCK*** 4. PERSON B- You have 30 seconds to explain the sales of Physical to person A. Please go back to your original seats!

9 Class discussion of ARTICLE/GRAPH
1. Who can explain to the whole group what the difference in sales is between Digital and Physical? 2. Let’s look at the chart as a group and answer the chart analysis questions: WHAT – Read the title and write WHAT the graph is describing in your own words using complete sentences. DESCRIBE – Explain what the graph is telling or attempting to tell the reader using actual EVIDENCE presented by the graph. (Describe what is being measured and by what measuring tool.) LABEL – Identify data points (What does the graph tell you?)

10 Partner questions Using the article and the chart, answer the following questions in COMPLETE SENTENCES with a partner. Each of you should be writing the answers on your own paper: 1. Using the text, explain what the controversy about the Beatles’ long hair was? Using the graph and the text, infer whether the magnitude of the controversy would have been greater or lower today? 2. Using the graph and the text, explain how a show like the Ed Sullivan Show had such a big audience? 3. Using the graph and the text, explain how the Beatles “hit it big.”

11 Exit ticket Answer the following questions in COMPLETE SENTENCES:
1. What are the four steps for using graphs? Explain them. 2. According to the article, “[t]he Beatles are known today as the most successful musical group in total sales.” Would the Beatles have been as big of a hit on the scene in instead of 1963? 3. How does the bar graph included in today’s reading connect to the information in the reading?

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