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Above Ground Environment

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1 Above Ground Environment

2 Above Ground Environment
Temperature Air Water Light

3 Other elements Pollution Insects Diseases Animals
Climate – regional extremes

4 Temperature Between 32-100 degrees - Ideal …
Some are adapted to temperature Examples: Higher Temperature Low Temperature Smaller leaves grow low to the ground Thicker cuticle HARDINESS  ability of a plant to withstand low temperature.

5 Hardiness zone map

6 Temp as a trigger Temperature & day length can be cues for plant changes -fall color – abscission layer Moving food down underground for winter Accumulated cold to break dormancy

7 Light Must be present for photosynthesis
3 important characteristics about light Color of Light Duration of Light Intensity of Light Measured by a photometer

8 Light - Color

9 Light – Color Visible Light Spectrum
Plants need mostly red and blue light Activates chlorophyll Special grow lights have some of both

10 Duration Duration  Photoperiod – length of light Photoperiodism – plants response to light length Short Day Plant (SDP) – plants which begin to flower when nights are over 12 hours long Long Day Plant (LDP) – plants which begin to flower when nights are under 12 hours long Day Neutral Plant (DNP) – flowering response is NOT affected by photoperiod

11 Light as a Trigger Plants respond to light (&temp.) to cue changes of seasons etc.

12 Intensity Sun provides light  Measured in foot candles or lumins (light intensity) The sun is what it is…sometimes can reduce or increased by clouds, seasons, exposure, barriers etc. Plants have evolved “preferences”: Examples: Exposure s N, S E & W or Full sun, filtered bright light, indirect light, part shade, full shade.

13 Important to Look at Nativity
From what location is a plant native? What type of place is it? Climate, temps, light, soil, etc. Usually a plant grows best when it is placed in its native habitat or one that is similar. Clue to what it tolerates or thrives in.

14 Air Plants need both oxygen and carbon dioxide for photosynthesis and respiration. Air is needed above ground and below ground. (aquatic plants are unique) Watch greenhouse levels of oxygen – may need to ventilate or add carbon dioxide.

15 Poor quality air Plants grow best in clean air.
Plants can “clean” the air and act as air purifiers indoors and add Oxygen! They like circulated air as well. Pollution has negative effects on plants and disorders.

16 Water Why is water necessary for plants? Photosynthesis & Respiration
Holds the plant up Roots absorb minerals BUT only if dissolved in water Water makes up a large percentage of the plant cells, tissues and organs Water Quality a factor – pollution, acid rain, tap water & fluoride. Let tap water sit.

17 Water cont… Wilting – when a plant gets too dry (or hot) loss of water and pressure. Turgidity – Full of water, good pressure, leaves and stems stand up BECAREFUL… Roots need both water and oxygen Should be watered all the way through the root zone to encourage even growth Drainage holes – allows drainage and oxygen

18 Water Deep for Deep Roots - Not Shallow for shallow roots


20 Shallow roots – thin soil & shallow watering

21 What are PGRs? Chemicals which affect the plant – they regulate plant growth Cell division Differentiation Root and shoot growth Flowering Ripening fruit Plant hormones are plant growth regulators made by the plant.

22 Commercial Uses of synthetic PGRs:
Sprayed on plants Poinsettias, Easter Lilies, and Chrysanthemums to reduce size and to make shorter, bushier, and more attractive. Help plants root more completely Ethylene gas is used commercially to ripen bananas and induce flowering in pineapple crops.

23 Specific Info. & Culture
The cultural growing requirements vary for each plant – need to understand each plants needs, where it is native, if it belongs to a special ecosystem etc. Knowing these things will make growing plants easy – knowledge is a green thumb!

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