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Invasive Species By:Cody Greene. Invasive Species By:Cody Greene.

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2 Invasive Species By:Cody Greene

3 What is an Invasive Species?
An invasive species is an organism not natural or native to a certain place. For example, kudzu is a species not native to America . It was transported here from another country and is spreading rapidly across N.C. Invasives can be an animal or plant. Bugs also count. Any living organism not natural to a certain place is an invasive species.

4 How did they get where they are now?
They can get here by land, sea, and air. Like the wooly Adelgade. I think it came by a wood shipment to America. They found the hemlocks and they chowed down. Now some Invasive Species where brought and released for a reason. Like the cane toad for instance it was brought to America to keep the insects down in fields. They have spread rapidly on the insects I think.

5 How do they effect the environment?
They effect the environment by sometimes spreading rapidly. For example kudzu grows up like green bean stalks. When kudzu grows up other plants it can shade out the plants from the sun soon those natural plants die out. Then the kudzu keeps growing out of control killing other plants.

6 More Invasive Species that where brought here to America.
Brown Marmorted Stinkbugs Kudzu Cane toad Wooly Adelgade Burmese pythons

7 How We Can Help? Don’t bring wood here that Comes from place faraway
2) If you happen to see an invasive then maybe try to get rid of it. 3) Be careful of What you take with you on a trip to a faraway place.

8 Questions, comments? Do you want to know more?
Do you understand Invasive Species? Do you want to help the issue?

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