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Title: The Dangers of Polystyrene to Health and Environment PROFESSIONAL ENGLISH 2 (BYPE 2152) Prepared by: Jifrry Bin Jidih : Mohd Farouk Bin.

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Presentation on theme: "Title: The Dangers of Polystyrene to Health and Environment PROFESSIONAL ENGLISH 2 (BYPE 2152) Prepared by: Jifrry Bin Jidih : Mohd Farouk Bin."— Presentation transcript:

1 Title: The Dangers of Polystyrene to Health and Environment PROFESSIONAL ENGLISH 2 (BYPE 2152) Prepared by: Jifrry Bin Jidih : 209160059 Mohd Farouk Bin Hussin : 202170079 Lecturer: Mr. Fauzi Bin Abdul Hamid

2  This presentation aim to highlight some of the effect of polystyrene to both our health and environment. The presentation will also recommend preventive measure by using biodegradable product. 1.0 Purpose

3 Example of polystyrene in everyday life Housing for things like hair dryers, TV and toys Drinking cups and food containers 1.2 Background The Dangers of Polystyrene to Health and Environment

4  A recent study on health by National Toxology Program, National Institute of Environmental Health Sciences (2011) found the federal government recently declared styrene to be a likely carcinogen.  The production, use, and disposal of Polystyrene causes adverse environmental and health effects. According to the Environmental Production Agency, Styrofoam is the fifth largest source of hazardous waste in the United States. Background Cont’ VIDEO : REPORT

5 1.3 Method of Investigation- (Secondary data) By using journals and books 1.Cancer incidence among boat ‐ building workers exposed to styrene. American Journal of Industrial Medicine 2.Pluto: New Horizons for a Lost Horizon-Astronomy, Astrology, and Mythology. North Atlantic Books.

6  This presentation looks into five possible reasons for the rise in polystyrene effected: Possible carcinogen, food contamination, expanded polystyrene is non-biodegradable, effect on global warming, marine pollution. 1.4 Scope

7 2.0 Findings 2.1 Possible Carcinogen  According to Ruder, A. M., & Bertke, S. J. (2017), American Journal of Industrial Medicine, The International Agency for Research on Cancer had already established styrene as a possible human carcinogen in 2002. So does a 2014 National Toxicological Program report on carcinogens which classifies styrene as "reasonably anticipated to be a human carcinogen" and being linked to occurrence of leukemia and lymphoma cancer.  A study by National Toxology Program, National Institute of Environmental Health Sciences (2011) found the federal government recently declared styrene to be a likely carcinogen. EPS is made using the monomer, Styrene, a lab animal carcinogen and a possible human carcinogen and neurotoxin. Styrene can migrate from polystyrene containers into food and beverages when heated, or in contact with fatty or acidic foods..

8 2.2 Food Contamination  According to Lau, O. W., & Wong, S. K. (2000). Contamination in food from packaging material. Journal of Chromatography, food in Styrofoam containers can be contaminated by chemicals that leach into the food, affecting human health and the reproductive systems.  National Institutes of Health (NIH) report points out, containers are only one way that styrene can get into human bodies.

9 2.3 Expanded Polystyrene Is Non- Biodegradable  According to Grossinger, R. (Ed.). (2015). Pluto: New Horizons for a Lost Horizon-Astronomy, Astrology, and Mythology. North Atlantic Books.  Styrofoam appears to last forever as it is resistant to photolysis, or the breaking down of materials. Cleveland State University states that it requires more than a million years to decompose.

10 2.4 Effect on global warming  According to Johnson, C. (2004). Cal Polystyrene. Moebius, Polystyrene products are made with petrole, a non-suitable and heavily polluting resource. Do not burn polystyrene with your garden rubbish. Burning polystyrene on bonfire releases carbon monoxide, which extremely hazardous to our health. The Dangers of Polystyrene to Health and Environment

11 2.5 Marine pollution The Dangers of Polystyrene to Health and Environment J.G.B. Derraik (2002) indicates polystyrene breaks down small pieces that marine animals easily mistake for food. Plastics, including EPS, photodegrade. That is, they break down into smaller and smaller pieces and marine animals easily mistake polystyrene for food. Roughly 80 percent of marine debris originates from land-based sources. Plastics comprise 90 percent of floating marine debris. A study of beach debris at 43 sites along the Orange County coast found Expanded polystyrene foam(EPS) was the second most abundant form of beach debris.

12 Photodegrade

13 3.0 Solution  Say goodbye to polystyrene drinking cups and food containers  Develop biodegradable product – environmental friendly The Dangers of Polystyrene to Health and Environment

14 4.0 Conclusion  According to the International Agency on Research on Cancer and the Environmental Protection Agency, Styrene can cause a variety of cancers, such as breast and prostate.  Furthermore, styrene can mimic the properties of the female hormone, oestrogen, and cause thyroid problems as well as other related health problems.  So, wake up Malaysians! Don’t ‘tapau’ (take away) steaming hot foods and drinks in styrofoam containers. The Dangers of Polystyrene to Health and Environment

15 5.0 Recommendation  Bring your own tiffin carrier the next time you ‘tapau’ hot foods and drinks. Also make sure hot soup is served in a ceramic bowl and not in a plastic bowl.  A “biodegradable” product has the ability to break down into the raw materials of nature and disappear into the environment. Compared to polystyrene plates, cassava-based plates are more environmentally friendly and also edible.  Cinnamon is also one of the choices. It is easy to dispose of as it is made from natural ingredients. Cinnamon plate also has a shelf life of two years and safe to be consumed. The Dangers of Polystyrene to Health and Environment

16 Questions? VIDEO The Dangers of Polystyrene to Health and Environment

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