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Presentation on theme: "ENVR 101: ENVIRONMENTAL HEALTH"— Presentation transcript:

Basic Concepts

2 What is the environment?
Not us - outside Where we live Attributes

3 Definitions Environmental Science:
The systematic study of the chemical, physical, and biological functioning of the environment, including as a central theme the role of Homo sapiens in this functioning

4 Definitions Environmental Health:
A subset of environmental science that specifically considers the role of environmental agents or contaminants on human health

5 The environment is useful
Provides food Provides space Provides other essential resources Assimilates wastes


7 Why protect the environment?
Spaceship earth This is all we’ve got Since we all require food, space, essential resources, and waste assimilation from the same Earth, we, Homo sapiens, are all in relationship with each other and all other species

8 To pollute is: To introduce into an environment any factor which decreases the beneficial uses of the environment

9 Nature's solution to pollution is dilution
Various natural processes can ameliorate the effects of pollution Only if the concentration of the pollutant is low Harm results only when something ‘harmful’ is present in harmful amounts

10 What determines the concentration of pollutants?
# of persons / area TIMES Amount of consumption / person Amount of pollutants / amount of consumption EQUALS The amount of pollutants per area (concentration)

11 Concentration is a function of:
Population density Per capita consumption Amount of pollutants produced in producing and using consumables

12 World Population Growth
6 5 Population (billions) 4 3 2 1950 1960 1970 1980 1990 2000 Year

13 Materials Use and Population Growth
U. S. A, 3000 2500 2000 Tons of Materials Population Millions of Tons or People 1500 1000 500 1890 1910 1930 1950 1970 1990 Year

14 Consumption in the US At the present time the US, which has about 5% of the world’s population, consumes about 30% of the world’s resources.

15 Model of Environmental Harm and Pollution Control Opportunities
Sources of Emissions Transport / Transform Fate / Effects Mitigation / Control Policies / Technologies

16 Environmental Science considers the processes that:
Produce pollutants (sources) Transport / transform these through the environment Determine the fate and effects of these contaminants May be used to control the concentration or harm of pollutants

17 Environmental Health:
Is particularly concerned with controlling the effects of environmental contaminants on human health This requires understanding the sources, transport / transformation, and fates of particular environmental contaminants


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