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International Agreements and Transboundary Conservation

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Presentation on theme: "International Agreements and Transboundary Conservation"— Presentation transcript:

1 International Agreements and Transboundary Conservation
Dr David Mallon, SLN

2 Snow leopard: historical distribution
Range map

3 National borders often follow mountain ridges
10,000+ km of international borders in range of Snow Leopard 20+ protected areas situated within 50 km of an international border Transboundary cooperation essential

4 Existing agencies UNDP World Bank /GTI Interpol CITES CMS

5 Argali

6 Convention on the Conservation of Migratory Species of Wild Animals
Конвенция о Сохранении Мигрирующих Видов Диких Животных (Боннская Конвенция) Workshop towards Trans-boundary Cooperation for the Conservation of Argali 2-4 December, Bishkek, Kyrgyz Republic Совещание по Заграничному Сотрудничеству для Сохранения Архара 2-4ого декабря, Бишкек, Кыргызской Республики

7 Single Species Action Plan for Argali sheep Ovis ammon
Framework for action at international, regional and national levels Prioritized list of threats List of actions Timeframe Lead agencies / responsibilities

8 Saiga Saiga tatarica

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10 Saiga MoU Signed by all range countries Long-term goal
5-year action plan ( ; ) Regular reporting on progress and implementation National focal points Formal meetings of range countries + technical workshops Close liaison with CITES Engagement with Traditional Asian Medicine industry

11 Results Positive action in all range countries New protected areas
Major investment in saiga conservation (especially Kazakhstan) Numbers Increased significantly >150,000 in 2011

12 Рахмат ! (c) Snow Leopard Conservancy




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21 Ancient ‘charismatic species’
Ladakh, India

22 process leading up to the workshop since the listing of Ovis ammon on Appendix II of CMS in This had included a side event at the 10th Conference of the Parties to CMS and a workshop on sustainable management of Central Asian game animals План Действий относительно Cохранения, восстановления и устойчивого использования антилопы сайги (Saiga tatarica tatarica)

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