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Learning Outcomes This is an initial step in identifying one’s strengths and motivators. I hope the learners get excited to learn more about themselves.

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Presentation on theme: "Learning Outcomes This is an initial step in identifying one’s strengths and motivators. I hope the learners get excited to learn more about themselves."— Presentation transcript:

1 Learning Outcomes This is an initial step in identifying one’s strengths and motivators. I hope the learners get excited to learn more about themselves and how that knowledge can be used to develop themselves and their careers. Because this course is meant for a volunteer adult audience, I do not have any learning standards set as this is meant to be an individual exploration process. Do not show this slide to learners 10/22/2015

2 Preparation Send an to the audience prior to the session to include: Pre-read: Random number assignment Control the size of the audience - a minimum of 5 and a maximum of 15 Set this up as a one-hour virtual course with both visual and audio elements – I used WebEx Do not show this slide to learners 10/22/2015

3 Career and personal exploration workshop
Part 1 – Human Motivation (HM) Theory by David McClelland I’d like welcome you to the first installment of our Career and Personal Exploration Workshop. The goal of this workshop is to introduce you to resources and ideas that can help support you as you are thinking about where your next step will be in your career path. Some of these resources will help you explore your own personal needs, likes and dislikes to assist you in planning where you want to go. Hopefully, all of you received the information to read an on-line article regarding McClelland’s Motivation Theory. Exploring this theory will be our first step of many in identifying your strengths and identifying what energizes you. Pre-read:

4 https://commons. wikimedia
Just for fun and an opportunity for us to get to know each other a little better, I would love to know where you would like to visit if time and money were no object. Facilitator Notes: Use a virtual platform that will allow the learners to “point” to a place in the picture and explain how to use it. Have a conversation with each of the learners about their choice. 10/22/2015

5 Today’s Journey McClelland’s Human Motivation Theory
Pre-read Word Search Needs Assessment Share Activity – What Motivates You Share Activity – Surprises from the Assessment Share Activity – What Do You Want to Do? Hopefully, you had some fun talking about a dream journey that you’d like to take some time in the future. So, now, I’m sorry to say, we have to come back to reality, but, I’m hoping that today will also feel a little like a journey as you learn a little more about yourself. We’re going to participate in a word search to remind us of what we learned from the pre-read article that we pulled from Mind Tools and then we’re going to take some time to answer some assessment questions that might help us determine what motivates us. Then, I have three sharing activities so that we can have a conversation around what motivates you, if you had any surprises from the results of your assessment, and your thoughts about what are the things that you want to be sure are included in your next job so that your feel connected and successful in that role. Are there any questions before we begin? 10/22/2015

6 McClelland’s HM Theory is also known as
The dominant motivating driver for an individual is largely dependent on his/her life experiences and _______ A person who doesn’t like high risk or uncertainty People with institutional Power drive want to _________ the efforts of a team to further the company’s goals McClelland’s motivators are _______ People with Power as their dominant motivator enjoy status and ___________ People with Achievement as their dominant motivator like to take __________ risks to accomplish their goals People with a personal power drive want to control ______ People with Affiliation as their dominant motivator favors __________ over competition A person who enjoys competition and winning McClelland’s HM Theory can help you ________ your team more effectively A person who often likes to work alone Those with a strong Power motivator are often divided into two groups: personal and _____________ We have a word search we can participate in to ground ourselves back into McClelland’s Human Motivation Theory which is going to be the basis of our conversation today. Facilitator Note: Use a virtual platform that will allow the learners to use a “highlighter” on the slide and explain how to use it. Have a conversation around the topics as words are found to get everyone on the same level of understanding of the concepts.

7 Identify Your Drivers “Who are you now?
Who have you decided to become? Make this decision consciously. Make it carefully. Make it powerfully. Then act upon it. ~Tony Robbins I find this quote by Tony Robbins, a well-known motivational speaker, very powerful (read the quote) I believe it is key to be very purposeful in your decision-making when it comes to your career. Thinking about both short-term and long-term goals, what tools and skills you need to help you reach your goals, and basing those decisions on what will keep you motivated and engaged. 10/22/2015

8 McClelland’s Needs Assessment
For each of the statements in the upcoming assessment, check the box that most closely agrees with how you feel. Consider your answers in the context of your current job or past work experience or school experience. I pulled the information for this assessment from Utah Electronic High School’s website. I altered it slightly to fit this format. Facilitator Note: Explain the activity 10/22/2015

9 https://share. ehs. uen. org/sites/default/files/6
Facilitator Note: Use a virtual platform that will allow the learners to “type” their score on the whiteboard and explain how to use it. Walk through 2-3 statements and how you might score them.

10 McClelland’s Needs Assessment – Part 2
Write in your score for each question from your assessment across the upcoming page. When you are done, add up the numbers in each column and put the total at the bottom. Facilitator Note: Explain the activity. 10/22/2015

11 Assessment Results Question # Achievement Influence Affiliation 1 2 3
2 3 4 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 Total Achievement Total Influence Total Affiliation Facilitator note: Walk through how to score each question. Use a virtual platform that will allow the learners to “type” their score on the whiteboard and explain how to use it. Also, use a virtual platform that will allow you upload individual slides so that each learner has their own set of assessment questions and scorecard. It would be beneficial, also, if you could download the completed the results to be shared with the individual after the session is over. 10/22/2015

12 What Motivates You? Need for Achievement Need to Influence
Need for Affiliation According to the results of the assessment, what motivates you the most? Facilitator note: Use a virtual platform that will allow the learners to “point” to one of the motivators. 10/22/2015

13 Chat Question Did anything surprise you about the results?
Do you think the results are actually true for you? If not, what do you believe is your true motivator? Facilitator note: Use a virtual platform that will allow the learners to “chat” with everyone in the session to share their thoughts. Or, if you feel the audience would be more comfortable talking than typing, open up the phone lines for a verbal conversation. 10/22/2015

14 What Do You Want to Do? Achievement Influence Affiliation
Solving Problems Doing it Better Achievement Coaching Leading Influence Working with People Consistency Affiliation Now it’s time to think about what you want to do. What are the things that motivate and drive you. Do you like to solve problems or make things better more efficiency or better customer experience? Do you like to coach and lead others helping individuals and an organization grow to their full potential? Or do you like to be sure to always work with people and have some consistency in what you do? I want you to think about those things that really get you excited and motivated so that you can think about what your next career move should be that will include activities that will engage you and help you grow and develop. Let’s take a moment to open up the floor for any questions. Thank you so much for your participation in today’s Career & Personal Exploration Workshop. I’m looking forward to seeing you in the next installment of this series. Have a great day everyone!! 10/22/2015

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