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Rome: the world’s first superpower

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Presentation on theme: "Rome: the world’s first superpower"— Presentation transcript:

1 Rome: the world’s first superpower

2 What is a superpower?

3 How did Rome achieve that position?

4 Rome began as a village in Italy page 110
What good decisions did the Romans make about the position of this village?

5 How well protected from attack was this village in its location in Italy?
in the north in the east on the west Where was the only danger in the south?

6 How did they govern? How did the Roman people gain the power to govern? Look at the way the Romans were first governed and why it was eventually unsatisfactory for them

7 How were the Romans organized socially? pages 11-12
Why did the Romans need slaves? How did they obtain slaves? What rights did the citizens have? What rights did the slaves have?

8 Were all citizens equal?
There were different ranks in society. What differences can you notice about their clothing? Which group is the upper class? Which group is the working class? Which was the larger group population wise? Which group held power in the government? Describe them Which wealthy group emerged in the lower class? What role did they carry out in society?

9 The Republic pages 9-10 Why did Rome need checks and balances in government to ensure Rome’s position as an emerging superpower?

10 Continuity in government
Complete this cloze passage in your books. The senate consisted of ________________ men called ______________. These men gave ____________________ to the magistrates. This made the senate very _______________ in the running of the Republic. To gain a position in the senate the man had to ________________________________. This meant that he was _____________________ in administration. Once the man gained this position, he never had to be ________________. He held the position for _________________. When the consuls were absent from Rome with the ________________, the senate made ______________________ about the running of the Republic.

11 Control:cursus honorum page 113
There was a set path for ambitious Romans to follow to work up to the top position. Put the least important official on the lowest rung of the ladder & then the officials on the other rungs of the ladder The most important official is on the top rung Indicate what task/s each magistrate undertook The length of tenure The number holding the position

12 How did those in charge solve the dilemma of the equestrians’ lack of say in government? page13
They gave them a ‘voice’ to keep the people united. Gaius Gracchus the tribune addresses the plebeian assembly Which officials became the representatives of the working class? What powers did they have?

13 How did Rome gain and keep control of the Mediterranean world?
The first war outside Italy page 13 Who? When? Where? Why?

14 Roman ingenuity How did the Romans succeed against the superior naval power of the Carthaginians

15 Round 2 v Carthage page 14 Who was the enemy leader?
What was the name of the war he fought with Rome? How long did it last?

16 Almost defeat A great general – how did he surprise the Romans?

17 Why then did the Republic end? Page 16
What was happening politically? Who was part of the First Triumvirate? How did Julius Caesar achieve political power in: 62BC? 54BC? 47BC?

18 Did the end of the Republic bring an end to Roman control? Pages 17-18
Who was the first Emperor? How did he make sure that Rome continued as a superpower?

19 How did he ensure that he was seen as the right leader for Rome?

20 The Empire page 16-18. How long did it last?

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