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Understand the movement of planetary bodies.

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Presentation on theme: "Understand the movement of planetary bodies."— Presentation transcript:

1 Understand the movement of planetary bodies.
Complex Knowledge: demonstrations of learning that go above and above and beyond what was explicitly taught. Knowledge: meeting the learning goals and expectations. Foundational knowledge: simpler procedures, isolated details, vocabulary. Limited knowledge: know very little details but working toward a higher level. Understand how our view of the solar system has changed over time and how discoveries made have led to our changing our view of the solar system. Learn planetary characteristics such as number of moons, size, composition, type of atmosphere, gravity, temperature and surface features. Understand the movement of planetary bodies. Understand which planetary characteristics are more important than others when it relates to our understanding of other worlds. Understand how proximity to the sun influences planets. Understand the methods and tools scientists use to learn about other planets and moons in our solar system. Understand the conditions needed for a habitable world and determine if there are habitable worlds in our solar system or outside the solar system. Understand how we look for and study solar systems other than our own.

2 Due Friday December 15th This is on the website – and it’s worth 100 points if it is completely filled in

3 You could use more or less than 4
Name of category Criteria to join group Name of category Criteria to join group Name of category Criteria to join group Name of category Criteria to join group

4 What is this stuff? 17. Saturn, planet 1. Ceres, dwarf planet
2. Charon, satellite of Pluto 3. Earth, planet 4. Eris, dwarf planet 5. Eros, asteroid 6. Europa, satellite of Jupiter 7. Halley, comet 8. Hyakutake, comet 9. Ida, asteroid 10. Jupiter, planet 11. Moon, satellite of Earth 12. Mars, planet 13. Mathilde, asteroid  14. Neptune, planet 15. Phobos, satellite of Mars 16. Pluto, dwarf planet 17. Saturn, planet 18. Sun, star  19. Tempel 1, comet 20. Titan, satellite of Saturn 21. Triton, satellite of Neptune 22. Venus, planet  23. Vesta, asteroid 24. Wild 2, comet 25. Io, satellite of Jupiter 26. Ganymede, satellite of Jupiter 27. Datctyl, Satellite of Ida the Asteroid 28. Deimos, Satellite of Mars 29. Quaoar, Dwarf Planet 30. Sedna, Dwarf Planet 31. Nix, Satellite of Pluto 32. Mercury, Planet

5 1. Ceres, dwarf planet

6 2. Charon, satellite of Pluto

7 3. Earth, planet

8 4. Eris, dwarf planet

9 5. Eros, asteroid

10 6. Europa, satellite of Jupiter

11 7. Halley, comet

12 8. Hyakutake, comet

13 9. Ida, asteroid

14 10. Jupiter, planet

15 11. Moon, satellite of Earth

16 12. Mars, planet

17 13. Mathilde, asteroid 

18 14. Neptune, planet

19 15. Phobos, satellite of Mars

20 16. Pluto, dwarf planet

21 17. Saturn, planet

22 18. Sun, star 

23 19. Tempel 1, comet

24 20. Titan, satellite of Saturn

25 21. Triton, satellite of Neptune

26 22. Venus, planet 

27 23. Vesta, asteroid

28 24. Wild 2, comet

29 25. Io, satellite of Jupiter

30 26. Ganymede, satellite of Jupiter

31 27. Datctyl, Satellite of Ida the Asteroid

32 28. Deimos, Satellite of Mars

33 29. Quaoar, Dwarf Planet

34 30. Sedna, Dwarf Planet

35 31. Nix, Satellite of Pluto

36 32. Mercury, Planet

37 11. Moon, satellite of Earth

38 1. Ceres, dwarf planet

39 Web Quest defines a WebQuest as "... an inquiry-oriented lesson format in which most or all the information that learners work with comes from the web.“


41 Throughout the unit… Test (at end) 2 projects A Planet A Space Probe

42 Project #2: Due Wednesday in your science journal

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