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Christina (Yun-Jie), Wu 9B

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1 Christina (Yun-Jie), Wu 9B
Music Reflections Christina (Yun-Jie), Wu 9B

2 OUR PERFORMANCE!!!! index Date 26 Jan, 2015 09 Feb, 2015 16 Feb, 2015

3 26 Jan A BAND!!BANG!!!! Today a piece of REGGAE music were given to us!!! We prepared a short practice and performance!! I have heard of the term “REGGAE” before, however, I don’t really know what exactly it means to music, or means to people around the world. As the topic that we have learnt last quarter, Jazz, I think they are similar, because I know that Reggae means a type of music. In today’s lesson, teacher also played a reggae song for us, called “three little birds”, which was sung by a well-known reggae singer, Bob Marley. I love the feeling that the song gave to me, and I also found the singer’s voice/ accent interesting!!! He doesn’t sounds like an American or English!!! But the song was very nice!!! I think that I can enjoy my music class again this quarter!!!

4 9 Feb QUESTIONS AND ANS!!! Today we worked on our blog and wrote some questions of reggae down and discussed with our friends. - What is the pattern of reggae (what makes it special/ unique) - Is it a folk?? - the elements of reggae Me and my friends think that reggae is kind of like Jazz, because they are both fast in tempo and also the musical instruments that we can see in a reggae band is similar to the one we can see in jazz band. We think that it’s a folk, because we have searched some information on the internet, they said that reggae it’s a type of music from Jamaica and usually the contents reflects the people’s life and the society. Although this is the music that I am not really familiar with, or the music that I can usually hear from my surroundings, I would rather search some more information to understand in understanding it more. I personally think that reggae music is special and attractive to me.

THESE ARE OUR BAND MEMBERS!!!! Today is the day that we really practice as a band instead of individually at home!!! I was happy to see that everyone was trying their best in achieving a higher standard!!! I hope we will have a successful performance on that day~~~ There were some problems that we faced (pls see my blog) however, we solved them together!!! Super teamwork!!!! I am so proud of us~~~~ FIGHTING GUYSS!!! WE ARE THE BEST!!!!

6 16 Feb 2015-three little birds
Today we practiced the song that we have chosen, three little birds together in our band. we found that we are able to play very good individually, however, every time when we practice into group, all the things started to go wrong…>< I think that the problem is we cannot hear others while playing, the only way to solve this problem is to understand and be familiar with the different parts that everyone of us will be played, so that we are able to control our speed and easier for us to count and also to play. we have decided Wednesday, as our after school group Practice time, although the two singers can’t come, the drummer, keyboard players, and bass player all can come!!! Hope we can do better!!!

7 23 Feb 2015- last practice Today is the last practice of our band!!!!
we had our last practice in lesson, due to the limitation of the music instruments in the music room, we are not able to play again before our performance, however, I think that Wednesday’s practice was nice, and we all caught the skills and improved a lot in cooperating with others!!! I believe that we can do really good in our performance!! we sat in a group and discussed, also did some more counting and planning before next lesson, our performance, in order to make sure there will not be a mistake or accident happen!!

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