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Course B, Group 3, Samothraki Summer University, 2016

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1 Course B, Group 3, Samothraki Summer University, 2016
Analysis and Futures Course B, Group 3, Samothraki Summer University, 2016

2 Driver‐Pressure‐State‐Impacts‐Responses (DPSIR) framework
the DPSIR Framework, provides a simple tool for capturing, visualising, and analysing the cause‐effect relationships between the interacting components of complex social, economic and environmental systems, and in managing the information flow between these parts.

3 From Stage 1 ‐ Establishment Example: Former information:
Starting point From Stage 1 ‐ Establishment Example: Former information: “The students from Samothraki Sumer University 2016 are highly environmental educated and comes from different countries” 2. Idea: “To make a program, in which the students will be involved in environmental activities and will enjoy in there time on the island.” Perspectives: Where? When? How? How much money do I need (aprox.) and how to find them?

4 Follow the program of the students; check local festivals etc. How?
Data collection Make research about: Where? Get information about the pubs, bars, discos on the Island – capacity; working time; type of music; prices etc. Search for places, where people can have fun – beach, fountain, river etc. When? Follow the program of the students; check local festivals etc. How? Ask them OR try to find, according to information, that you have about them, for example: nationality; age; education; modern tendencies etc.

5 Data analysis and describing present situation
Build and fill a matrix: Where? When? How? Saoki bar, cap.: 80p. Working time: 24 h. Music: mo. – reggae etc. Prices: Beer – 2 €, etc. Mo: Lectures 8 – 18 h. Free after 19 h. Most of the people are highly environmental educated, so according to the social researches so they may be “have fun” exploring nature Tu: Lectures 8 – 14 h. Free time 14 – 17 h. Lectures 17 – 19 h. Free after 19 h. Beach, cap.: inf p. Working time: 24 h. Music: no Prices: from shop Beer - 1 €, etc. They are from different countries, so they may have fun just talking to each other. We: Free after 15 h. Th: All day free, etc. River, cap.: inf p. Working time: h. Music: no Prices: free Everybody loves reggae music. 

6 Setting the possible scenarios to achieve our goals
Build possible ways trough the analyzed data: Where? When? How? Calculation of the needed funds for every scenario and research of the possible ways to get it! Saoki bar, cap.: 80p. Working time: 24 h. Music: mo. – reggae etc. Prices: Beer – 2 €, etc. Mo: Free after 19 h. Most of the people are highly environmental educated, so according to the social researches so they may be have fun exploring nature Tu: Free after 21 h., next day wake up at 5 am. We: Free after 15 h. Beach, cap.: inf p. Working time: 24 h. Music: no Prices: from shop Beer - 1 €, etc. Th: All day free, etc. They are from different countries, so they may have fun just talking to each other. River, cap.: inf p. Working time: h. Music: no Prices: free Everybody loves reggae music. 

7 Thank you for your attention!

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