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Exploring the world of text to speech readers

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1 Exploring the world of text to speech readers
Software downloads, web browser add-ons, apple, and android

2 objectives Participants will get a brief overview of UDL
Participants will discover the importance of ensuring all students have access to curriculum. Participants will be introduced to wide variety of text-to-speech options across platforms.

3 What is UDL? UDL stands for Universal Design for Learning
Universal design for learning (UDL) is a framework to improve and optimize teaching and learning for all people based on scientific insights into how people learn.  Encompasses 3 principles: Provide multiple means of representation (the “WHAT” of learning). Provide multiple means of action and expression (the “HOW” of learning). Provide multiple means of engagement (the “WHY” of learning). Today, we will be focusing on the “WHAT” and the “HOW” of learning by looking at text-to-speech options across formats.

4 Time to Explore…. Remind participants that we explored extensions, add-ons, software downloads that will work within our district’s framework. There are many more out there. Beware…quite a few of the software downloads come with extra unwanted materials and may interfere with your computer’s functionality. 1: Adobe Readers and Microsoft Word Speak Command 2: Web Browser Extensions and Add-ons FireFox Chrome Unable to locate anything specific for Internet Explorer if you know of some please let us know 3. Software Downloads 4: Apple Products 5: Android Products

5 Integration of UDL with Technology
Start small Start with a single lesson or activity and build success from there OR Start with just one student Engage everybody The intention is to stimulate every type of learner, regardless of the individual support they might require Not every student is going to need the technology presented here Use technology but don’t rely on it UDL is not about technology but it is about using technology in an intentional way

6 Focus on the whole environment
Students need accessibility in all curriculum areas and if it isn’t there, “We don’t see a deficit in a student. We see a deficit in a curriculum or in a learning environment.” (Greene, The Journal: 6 Ways to Engage Every Learner Using UDL) Bring students on board Demonstrate the technologies that are available for all students. Allow the students to help determine which tools work for their individual learning style by having on-going discussions with them about the different tools. Be flexible Try your best to evaluate the variability of your students and provide options based on student needs.

7 Thank you Should questions arise, feel free to contact your Assistive Technology Team member for assistance. /

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