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CHAPTER 2: Jewish Religion & Peoplehood

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1 CHAPTER 2: Jewish Religion & Peoplehood
Textbook description of images: “Touro Synagogue of Congregation Jeshuat Israel, Newport. Exterior and interior views of Touro synagogue, dedicated in Rhode Island in 1763 and the nation’s oldest synagogue. Note, in the interior lower left, the bimah, or sanctuary reading desk, for the Torah.”

2 Jewish Peoplehood common history mutual suffering chosenness ethnicity

3 Emancipation in Enlightenment Jewish Reform Movement
European Jews ghettos pogroms Emancipation in Enlightenment Jewish Reform Movement adapted kosher laws adapted gender segregation

4 Early Jewish Immigrants
Jews from Brazil to New Amsterdam Sephardim Iberian peninsula Ashkenazim German Reform influence

5 Post-1880 Jewish Immigrants
Eastern Europeans Orthodox Judaism fleeing persecution poor & illiterate in English Holocaust survivors

6 Jewish Religion monotheism covenant Jewish law Torah rabbi shema

7 Shift from Space to Time
annual ceremonial cycle Passover Weeks Booths Rosh Hashanah Yom Kippur Hanukkah

8 Jewish Practices ritual cleanliness Torah study bar/bat mitzvah
kosher dietary laws Torah study bar/bat mitzvah weddings

9 Major Forms of Judaism Reform Judaism Orthodox Judaism
Isaac Mayer Wise Orthodox Judaism Conservative Judaism made in America

10 Jewish Movements in America
Reconstructionism synagogue center movement havurah movement Zionism Hasidism Kabbalah revitalization movement

11 OVERVIEW Jewish peoplehood covenant & Torah Jewish laws Reform
Orthodox Conservative

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