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The JP Prescription Drug Awareness Foundation Education Module 1

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1 The JP Prescription Drug Awareness Foundation Education Module 1

2 The JP Prescription Drug Awareness Foundation
Mission: It is our mission to raise awareness and educate the community about the epidemic of prescription drug misuse and abuse. We want to provide education to the community on the safe use, safe storage and safe disposal of prescription drugs. We want to help reduce and eliminate accidental overdoses by creating educational and awareness programs. We want to make our community and world a safer place to live. Meet JP: Introduce the foundation in which you are representing

3 Learning Objectives Students will understand the risks and consequences of prescription drug misuse/abuse. Understand the connection between prescription drug abuse and other drugs. How the signs and symptoms of abuse differ based on the type of prescription drugs. Understand the difference between responsible and irresponsible use of prescription drugs. Understand that sharing prescription drugs with others is hazardous as well as illegal. Watch JP Video

4 Before we begin… Take Pre-assessment Survey
We want to know what you already know about prescription drug abuse and misuse. This is not a test so just guess the answers you don’t know. We will teach you all the correct answers soon! Students will add their own definition of a prescription at the bottom of the Pre-Assessment Survey Refer to the Activity Guide for the Rally Robin exercise

5 What do you think? What exactly is a prescription?
A prescription is an order written by a health care professional that gives permission to a pharmacist to supply a medication to a patient. A prescription says who can take the medication, in what amount, and for how long. Note* This slide has fly-ins! Ask students what they think a prescription is (either raise hands or small group discussions). This slide is very important because we do not want students leaving with the belief that all prescriptions and drugs are dangerous. People all over the entire world rely on medications to keep them healthy. Taking a prescription exactly as it was written is not what we are talking about when we speak of drug abuse or misuse.

6 A few definitions... Misuse Abuse
Use of a prescription drug (for a medical purpose) other than as directed or indicated. Example: I had a prescription for Vicodin when I got my wisdom teeth out…now I am taking it for knee pain Abuse Intentional self-administration of a prescription drug for a non- medical purpose. Example: My brother had a prescription for Vicodin when he got his wisdom teeth out…now I am using it to get high Refer to the Activity Guide for the Pick a Side exercise.

7 What do you think... How many teens report having misused or abused prescription drugs at least once? 1.) 1 in 4 teens 2.) 1 in 5 teens 3.) 1 in 6 teens 4.) 1 in 7 teens

8 What do you think... 1.) 1 in 4 teens
How many teens report having misused or abused prescription drugs at least once? 1.) 1 in 4 teens 2.) 1 in 5 teens 3.) 1 in 6 teens 4.) 1 in 7 teens This number comes out to be almost 5 million teenagers

9 Broncos Stadium: 76,125 people You would have to fill the Broncos Stadium 66 times in order to reach 5 million people…that is a lot of teenagers! The Broncos stadium holds a maximum of 76,125 people

10 2013 2X Did You Know? More Coloradans Died from Rx Drug Poisoning
Than Drunk Driving

11 Did You Know? One person dies every 12 minutes from a drug related overdose or interaction. Image courtesy of Dr. Robert Valuck

12 Did you know...

13 Let’s brainstorm! Why do teens abuse prescription medicines?
Because I can’t stop Because being high feels good To feel better about myself To escape problems at home To be competitive with grades, after school activities etc To relax To fit in To have fun My friends are using To look cool Stress Can anyone think of reasons someone might abuse prescription medicines? Slide has fly ins to be used after possible suggestions.

14 Activity: Turn & Talk Discussion
What do you think? What is the number one reason teens abuse prescription medications? 1. To fit in with friends 2. To help deal with stress 3. Because they are easy to get 4. To be competitive at school with grades 5. Because they are already addicted Activity: Turn & Talk Discussion

15 What do you think? What is the number one reason teens abuse prescription medications? 1.To fit in with friends 2.To help deal with stress 3.Because they are easy to get 4.To be competitive at school with grades 5.Because they are already addicted Activity: Turn & Talk

16 What do you think? Activity: Turn & Talk
Are prescription drugs safer than street drugs? Are prescription drugs addicting? In terms of abuse, prescription drugs are not safe alternatives to street drugs Addiction can occur just as easily with prescription drugs as it does with street drugs. Activity: Turn & Talk When a friend gives you a prescription—whether it’s to cure a sore throat or to get you high—there can be serious health consequences because the medication is tailored to your friend’s needs, not yours. Abusers of prescription medications may mistakenly believe that because the drugs come from a pharmacy and not from a drug dealer they are safer to take, even at high doses or without a prescription. The fact is that if someone takes prescription medications in a manner that is not as a doctor intended, he or she could face serious health risks—and for certain medications those risks could be addiction and death.

17 What can we do? Safe Use Safe Storage Safe Disposal

18 Safe Use It is important to only use prescription medications as prescribed for you by a health professional.

19 Safe Use If a prescription was not written for you, simply do not use it

20 Safe Storage What can we do to prevent others from abusing our prescription medications?

21 Safe Storage Lock up medications-(don’t store in medicine cabinet)
Sharing isn’t caring Talk to your friends and loves one’s and Spread the word

22 Safe Disposal Tossing in the garbage or flushing down the toilet are not good ways to dispose of medicine

23 Safe Disposal Here is what you can do to keep everyone safe:
Mix with kitty litter or coffee grounds Find a “take back” location in your area

24 Activity Time! 3-2-1 GO! Reflect on three things you learned, two questions that you have, one thing that is on your mind.

25 The JP Prescription Drug Awareness Foundation Education Module 2

26 Module 1 Review Prescription drug abuse is a MAJOR problem among teenagers and adults Do you remember the difference between abuse and misuse? There are many reasons that teens abuse and misuse prescription medications. Does anyone remember the #1 reason?

27 3 types of medications we are most concerned about in terms of abuse are:
Painkillers (e.g., OxyContin®, Vicodin®) Sedatives (e.g., Xanax®, Ativan®) Stimulants (e.g., Adderall®, Ritalin®)

28 Where are we getting prescription drugs?

29 What do you think? Which of these is the ‘worst’ drug?
Oxycontin (prescription medicine to relieve pain) Heroin Have students raise their hand to indicate which they think is the worst drug

30 Look How Similar! These drugs are actually almost identical! If we were to look very very very closely at their chemistry under a microscope you would see that there are only 2 differences between these drugs. Both can be extremely addicting, which is why you should only use prescription pain relievers under the supervision of your doctor (for medical need). Oxycodone can be a great drug for someone who has pain and needs to control that pain.

31 Stimulants Common reasons for use:
All night study sessions Staying conscious longer to drink more Weight loss Encouragement from peers or parents What can happen when abused and misused? nervousness unable to sleep heart problems toxic psychosis

32 Sedatives Sedatives are usually used to help relax and relieve stress in people with extreme anxiety Most common medicines are Valium and Ativan When not used correctly they can: cause you to stop breathing make you very sleepy or drowsy (dangerous while driving!) impair your coordination especially dangerous with alcohol

33 Some consequences of abuse

34 Pharm Parties or Skittles Parties
Scenario: Someone puts a bowl full of prescription drugs in front of you and tells you to take ONE with a beer. Which drug are you least worried about hurting you? a.) Pain killer like Vicodin and Oxycontin b. ) Medicine to help you study better like Ritalin c. ) Medicine to help you sleep d. ) Medicine to lower blood pressure Explain to class what a pharm or skittles party is. A Pharm or SKittles party is a get-together where prescription drugs are exchanged and randomly ingested, in order to become intoxicated. Lets discuss a scenario...

35 Pharm Parties or Skittles Parties
Trick Question! We want to explain here that this is a trick question. Everyone has a unique makeup and what may be safe for one person could be very dangerous for another. Medicines, whether they are for something like high blood pressure or something to help pain can be dangeroups when not taken under the supervision of a medical professional like doctor or pharmacist. You should not take a medicine unless you have a prescription for that medicine and NEVER share with others!

36 Colorado Good Samaritan Law
Scenario: You are at a party and have a friend who has passed out from drinking and taking pain relievers. You think they need to go to the emergency room because they will not wake up. You have been using drugs and drinking alcohol and are worried you will get in trouble by the police. Will you get in trouble if you call 911 for help? a.) Yes, I am high and drunk! Of course I will. b.) No way. Poll the class?

37 Colorado Good Samaritan Law
ALWAYS CALL 911! This law was created to encourage people to call 911 in case of an accidental overdose. In Colorado, you will not be in trouble if you call 911 to help someone, even if you are under the influence of illegal drugs.

38 Prevention- JUST SAY NO
What do we know about the misuse and abuse of prescription drugs that might make it easier to say no? Addicting Can cause brain damage Expensive Can cause death or serious consequences Illegal Activity: Create Scenario/Role Play slide has fly ins

39 Prevention It is easier to stay off drugs than to get off drugs
Just say NO! Talk to a friend or loved one about what you have learned Talk to a doctor, health care professional, or pharmacist Call 911 if someone is overdosing! Naloxone Activity: Create Scenario/Role Play

40 A quick word on Naloxone (Narcan)...
Naloxone is a medicine used to help people who have overdosed from opiates such as prescription pain medicines or heroin. It is given as an injection or a nasal spray to someone who has overdosed from opiates like pain relievers or heroin. It works by ripping the pain reliever off from the spot it is attached to in the body. End of day 2

41 So what did you learn? Get Ready for a Snowball fight!
Write down questions, thoughts, or comments about prescription drugs Do not put your name on the paper this exercise is anonymous Do not include anyone else’s name in your story or comment When you are done, crumple your paper into a ball and wait for the instructor to say: “Let It Snow”! Throw your “snowball” into the air, pick up a new “snowball”, read it and throw it into the air, repeat process. On the third “snowball”, get into groups of 3 and discuss your reactions. Post lesson survey

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