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2 RAY CASTING This method is used for determining visible surfaces.
In this method a ray is sent out from each pixel position to locate surface intersections for object modelling.

3 Ray Tracing In ray tracing instead of merely looking for the visible surfaces for each pixel position ,we continue to bounce the ray around the scene. This provides a simple technique for obtaining Global Reflection and transmission effects.

4 Ray Tracing Algorithm This provides: Visible surface detection
Shadow effects Transparency Multiple light source illumination This algorithm is developed to produce photorealistic displays(for shiny objects require considerable computation time to generate).

5 Basic Ray Tracing Algorithm
pixel screen

6 Rat Racing Algorithm We first set coordinate system with pixel positions in xy plane. We then determine a ray path passes through the center of each screen- pixel position. Illumination effects accumulated along this ray path are then assigned to the pixel. We determine the contributions to a particular pixel by tracing a light path backward from the pixel to the scene.

7 For each pixel ray, we test each surface in the scene to determine if it is intersected by a ray.
If a surface is intersected, we calculate the distance from the pixel to the surface-intersection point. The smallest calculated intersection distance identifies the visible surface for that pixel.

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