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Theory of Quasi-Electrostatic Waves in a Magnetoplasma Applied to Antenna Measurements on Board Rockets and Satellites Evgenii A. Shirokov Institute of.

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Presentation on theme: "Theory of Quasi-Electrostatic Waves in a Magnetoplasma Applied to Antenna Measurements on Board Rockets and Satellites Evgenii A. Shirokov Institute of."— Presentation transcript:

1 Theory of Quasi-Electrostatic Waves in a Magnetoplasma Applied to Antenna Measurements on Board Rockets and Satellites Evgenii A. Shirokov Institute of Applied Physics of the Russian Academy of Sciences, Nizhny Novgorod, Russia

2 Outline Introduction Excitation of quasi-electrostatic waves
Propagation of quasi-electrostatic waves Reception of quasi-electrostatic waves Conclusion

3 LH < 0 < ce /2 < pe
Whistler-Mode Waves kz LH < 0 < ce /2 < pe Electromagnetic waves Quasi-electrostatic waves (k >>2π/λem) (k) = 0 = const Resonance cone k┴

4 Quasi-Static Approximation
k >> 2π/λem

5 – a resonance cone in r-space
Green’s Function – a resonance cone in r-space

6 Excitation of Quasi-Electrostatic Waves
Integral equation: 2a 2L << λem 2L given potential on the antenna surface S unknown surface charge density S Solution methods: 1. Analytical (only for simple geometry) 2. Numerical (the method of moments)

7 Real part Imaginary part

8 Propagation of Quasi-Electrostatic Waves
unknown potential given charge distribution on the antenna Solution method: Fourier transform Key features of the radiation field: it is localized on the resonance cone; it is subject to a nondispersive pulse spreading and a significant group delay. t t t

9 OEDIPUS-C Experiment (1995)

10 Received Signals at 100 kHz
noise level noise level initial pulse duration T = 0.3 ms

11 Effective Length of a Receiving Antenna
γ Er exp(–it) lgeom E exp(–it) Reradiated (scattered) wave Incident wave U = Eleff cos γ lgeom ≠ leff due to reradiation

12 Calculation of the Antenna Response
Reciprocity theorem: Charge fluctuation in a plasma Antenna trial charge 0exp(–it)  exp(–it)  exp(–it) 0exp(–it) Incident field Trial field

13 Resonance direction for the group velocity
Source Model τ Spacecraft with receiving antennas H0 Resonance direction for the group velocity ξ Fictitious source of chorus emissions

14 Model of the Incident Wave Field and Its Source

15 Main Parameters of the Model
The source length ltr kobsltrcos θres = 2√2 Distance τ0 from the source to the spacecraft along the resonance cone

16 Resulting Expression for the Effective Length
Thin Straight Dipole Piecewise constant charge distribution Two Small Spheres Approximation with 2 point charges

17 Poynting Vector THEMIS C 28.08.2007 15:51:46.3 UT THEMIS A

18 Wave Normal Angle THEMIS C 28.08.2007 15:51:46.3 UT THEMIS A

19 Estimate of kobs kz θobs θres kobs k┴

20 THEMIS C A Date UT (h:min:s) 15:51:48 03:18:23 λm (deg.) 15 L 5.4 5.0 ω0 (s-1) 9 425 15 708 ωce (s-1) 47 005 38 020 ωpe (s-1) θres (deg.) 78.0 64.7 θobs (deg.) 75.0 58.0 leff/lrec 2.7, 2.7, and 0.4 13, 12, and 0.8

21 Conclusion The theory of quasi-electrostatic waves in a magnetoplasma covers all aspects of antenna measurements in the near-Earth plasma (excitation, propagation, and reception). This theory has been used to analyze the results of some antenna measurements on board rockets and satellites in the near-Earth plasma.

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