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Do-Now answer the following question:

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Presentation on theme: "Do-Now answer the following question:"— Presentation transcript:

1 Do-Now answer the following question:
How do you think the collecting of the Buddha’s teachings (Tripitaka) helped the religion to spread beyond India?

2 Huang He & Yangzi River Valleys
Shang Civilization Fertile soil anyone?

3 China’s Topography North: Gobi desert South: Jungles
West: Himalaya mountains East: Ocean

4 Isolation Why might geographic barriers make it easier for a civilization to develop? Mt. Everest

5 The Chinese referred to themselves as the middle kingdom due to their isolation from the rest of the world

6 Demographics The majority of the population lived in the eastern part of the kingdom

7 Shang Dynasty (1766 B.C B.C.) The Shang family took control & set up the first dynasty

8 Social Classes Shang King Noble warriors Merchants & Artisans
Peasant farmers Does this sound familiar?

9 The Zhou Dynasty (1122 B.C.-256 B.C.)
Promoted the “mandate of heaven”

10 Fuedalism A system of government in which local lords governed their own lands but owed military service and other forms of support to the ruler.

11 Dynastic Cycle

12 Dynastic Cycle The concept of the “mandate of heaven” was promoted by which dynasty to justify them overthrowing the previous dynasty? Social Classes developed under which Chinese dynasty? What are two major belief systems that take root in Zhou China?

13 Religion Polytheistic
Pray to their dead ancestors to intercede with gods for help Fear ghosts Use fireworks to scare ghosts Use Oracle bones to communicate with spirits

14 Contributions Chinese writing Thousands of characters
Ideographs: drawings of ideas Calligraphy: fine handwriting Only the wealthy had time and money to learn to read and write

15 What famous explorer traveled the Silk Road?
Contributions What famous explorer traveled the Silk Road? Silk Trade routes become known as Silk Road

16 Contributions Ying Yang YING Earth Darkness Female forces YANG Heaven
Light Male forces

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