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Lars Taxén Linköping University

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1 Lars Taxén Linköping University
Activity Modalities – A Unitary Conceptualization of Brain and Environment Lars Taxén Linköping University

2 My background Methods, processes, IT, Information systems
project management 34 yrs 15 yrs Researching the coordination of complex development tasks, PhD (2003), Associate professor (2007) 10 yrs Consulting Layman in neurosciences … en blandning av mina verksamheter,

3 The telecom network

4 Coordinating and integrating a telecom project

5 Research interest … långa utredningar, remissvar, mm känner säkert igen er Which are our neural predisposition enabling the coordination and integration of activities?

6 Point of departure [The] internal functional space that is made up of neurons must represent the properties of the external world – it must somehow be homomorphic with it (Llinás, 2001)

7 INTERNAL REALM EXTERNAL REALM homomorphism other humans social reality
Human brain and body artefacts social reality other humans vision hearing taste smell touch homomorphism

8 “External” sciences INTERNAL REALM EXTERNAL REALM homomorphism
Human brain and body artefacts social reality other humans vision hearing taste smell touch homomorphism

9 “Internal” sciences INTERNAL REALM EXTERNAL REALM homomorphism
Human brain and body artefacts social reality other humans vision hearing taste smell touch homomorphism

10 Knudsen, 2007

11 Knudsen, 2007

12 Activity Modalities - neural predispositions for coordinating and integrating actions

13 Coordinative universals -
- objectivation - contextualization - stabilization - spatialization - temporalization - transition Coordinative universals - Activity Modalities Focus on the target Frame a context of relevance Orient herself in space Conceive of actions leading to the goal Adhere to norms Latent capabilities that every healthy human is endowed with at birth Change focus

14 INTERNAL REALM EXTERNAL REALM Activity Modalities other humans
Human brain and body artefacts social reality other humans vision hearing taste smell touch Activity Modalities

15 Activity Modalities - the internal realm

16 Motor Premotor

17 Motor Premotor If there is a brain lesion in a specific part, the modalities are disabled, e.g. transition and superior colliculus

18 Summary

19 The most important issue in brain research today is that of the internalization or embedding of the universals of the external world into an internal functional space (Llinás, 2001, p. 64)

20 Points for reflection Activity Modalities definitely of interest in the external realm What about the internal realm? Neural correlates of the Activity Modalities? Already solved? Different names? A way to advance neuroscience? If so, let’s continue the discussion!

21 Thank you! Questions?

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