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Patriot High School Softball 2014.

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1 Patriot High School Softball 2014

2 Coaches Christie Eikhoff – Head Coach Meghan Waymire – JV Coach Katie Speaks – Assistant Emily Stevenson - Assistant – updates, alerts, text message option, please check under team news.

3 Expectations All of us - Coaches, Parents , Players and Managers are a reflection of Patriot High School We expect good sportsmanship and character to be displayed at all times. This is on the field, in the classroom and any time you are representing Patriot High School. Discipline, focus, intensity, respect. Attitude Creates Excellence

4 Year Ahead 3rd year of program – lots of growth and great talent to build with. We will practice together, but play at opposite sites on game day. Pay attention to website and alerts. Text message alerts sent with changes to schedules on day of.

5 No guarantees There are not guarantees of playing time or positions to be played. What grade you are in has no bearing on whether you will play or not play. If players have questions about their individual situation have them come and talk to the coaches.

6 Letter Awards The participant must complete the season in good standing The participant must fulfill all team related obligations Varsity Play required – at least 5 appearances required.

7 Eligibility A student must be enrolled in not fewer than five courses offered for credit that can be used to meet graduation requirements and have passed five classes offered for credit from the previous semester. Prince William County high school students participating in interscholastic athletics, cheerleading, marching band, dance, step, and drill team must pass five subjects and earn a ”C” or better in two subjects at the end of the first semester, at the end of the school year, and at the end of the first and third nine weeks. This regulation applies to practices as well as games. The student may not practice, participate, or accompany the team during the ineligible period. (Refer to Regulation and 648-1)

8 Attendance Each student is required to attend school and classes regularly. Any student who is absent the day of any activity cannot participate in that event. On the day of an event (game or practice), a student must attend school for at least one half of the day, three and one half hours of the instructional day. In the case of a weekend interscholastic contest, attendance in school Friday applies to the above statement.

9 Outside Team Participation
The outside participation shall not conflict with the practice or contest schedule of the school including district, regional, and state championship play. Any such absence will be considered unexcused

10 Schedule Typical Schedule 2:00-2:20 – study hall in a coaches room
2:20-2:45 – get to the field 3:00-5:00? – practice – We should end right around 5 most days. Ladies will also be doing field maintenance chores and this may put them past 5 to the locker room 5:00 – 5:15 – To the locker room 5:15 – 5:30 – pick up by parents

11 Practice Agenda S/W/T = Stretch, warm-up, throw
Split team practice – JV /Varsity or Infield/Outfield Infield work defense while outfield will work offense Switch Team drills – situational plays, teaching moments, reflection on past performances Split skill practice – Offense/Defense All players work hitting drill stations All players work defense drill stations Team drills – situational plays etc.

12 Game Days Home games Away Game
Eat prior to games Meet in Locker Room by 4:00 On field by 4:30 Away Game Eat together at 2:45 3:15– move to the locker room 3:30 – 3:50 – prepare mentally, change into pregame attire, hit and get equipment for bus ride 3:50-4:00 – Meet Bus NLT 5:00 – Be at game site After game all girls will ride the bus back to the school. After all games girls will go to locker room to drop off uniform for cleaning.

13 Spiritwear order
Orders are complete and should be delivered in 2-3 weeks.

14 Parent support needs Game day food -
Sponsorships – Please make copies and distribute Coordinate dinner night out fundraiser – Booster club Join– forms on big teams Concession Duties – Sign Up Genius Mulch forms – we will need to help deliver Picture takers – Shutterfly sent Field days – and Field maintenance - End of Season Dinner – Banquet Senior Night

15 Concession Help Baseball:  Boys Lax:  Girls Lax::  Boys Soccer:  Girls Soccer;  Odyssey of the Mind  Please sign up to work at one of these events. The Booster Club supports us in many ways and we need to support them by volunteering our time. Softball players you may sign up for these events as well to help with hours you may need for a club or just to help support your school. Odyssey of the Mind is a huge one day event that needs massive amounts of support help. Consider volunteering some of your time on this day. 

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