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Welcome Parents and Student Athletes

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1 Welcome Parents and Student Athletes
Winter Information Night

2 Athletic Department Contacts
Stephen Nibbs (Athletic Director) Office Phone: Brian McGraw (Assistant Athletic Director) Phone: Jennifer Clements (AP in Charge of Athletics) Phone:

3 Athletic Department Information Outlets
Schedule Information: If interested you sign up to be notified about any changes to your athlete’s sports schedule. Click on “Notify Me” on the above website TJHS Athletics Website: TJ Athletics Twitter Remind 101 Enter this number (81010) TJ Athletic Spirit Wear Click on “Athletic Gear Online Store” School Store Located in Cafeteria Sold Directly at sporting events

4 Sports Packet/Physical Forms

5 Physicals Each athlete needs a SPORTS physical completed before their FIRST sport tryout . The sports physical needs to be completed BEFORE they can practice. The physical is good for the entire school year. ALL Physicals expire April 1st. Physicals for the NEXT school year need to be performed after April 1st.

6 Participation Fees Each athlete is required to pay a $93.00 participation fee for EACH sport they play. If you need assistance, with payments you need to directly contact Coach Nibbs OR We accept money orders, certified checks or you can pay online. (Only full payments will be accepted online) (Main Athletic Page of ALL Checks need to be written out to GTJHS. (Apparel, Fees, Fundraisers) Make sure separate checks for FEE and apparel. WINTER FEES NEED TO BE TAKEN CARE BY FRIDAY DECEMBER 2nd, 2016 (Paid in Full, Waivers etc)- NO EXCEPTIONS

7 Insurance All Athletes must be insured before they are allowed to tryout! School Insurance is Available: You can register at

8 2016-17 WINTER Try Out Dates Winter- November 15th
Check the Athletic Page for specific sports times. We will also send them out via FOF, Twitter, Remind 101

9 Student Eligibility Student Athletes must maintain a:
(2.0 GPA and NO F’s) to play a sport! They can become eligible at the beginning of each term and/or midterm. If they become ineligible at the START OF TERM they can become eligible at MIDTERM Eligibility for Fall Sports is Determined by 4th Term Grades! All incoming Freshman are eligible Term 1 of school year.

10 Ineligible Players can/ can not:
Practice Can Not dress. Can Not sit with team. Can Not Travel with team. Can Not scrimmage with team. Can Not attend any team functions.

11 Attendance Policy Student participation in athletics (extra-curricular activities) when they are not in school for a full day Students who have an unexcused lateness or absence from school will not be eligible to participate in extra-curricular activities that day. Students who have an excused lateness (Note from Parent or Doctor’s Note) and arrive before the end of first block or leave after the start of fourth block (miss less than 80 minutes) will be eligible to participate in extra- curricular activities that day. (Students will receive a brightly colored form from attendance that will be signed by Belinda James)- They need to give this to their coach! In order to participate in extra-curricular activities, students who miss more than 80 minutes that day must: Submit a note for a professional or legal appointment (doctor, court, etc.) explaining their lateness or early dismissal AND Receive approval from an administrator (Students will receive a brightly colored form from attendance that will be signed by an Administrator)- They need to give this to their coach! NOTE: ALL students are expected to come to school the day after a contest or event ON TIME. Late games are not an lawful excuse to be late to school the following day. School Starts at 7:30am.

12 Athletic Discipline Any discipline through athletic participation will come through the coaches of your sport. This policy should be clearly defined in their player’s contracts. FCPS Drug and Alcohol Policy Anything off campus is up to the parents to monitor. All on or off Campus/School Events are governed according to FCPS Regulation

13 Season Tickets/Admission
Gated Events (Regular Season Per Game Cost) $5.00- Adults $2.00- Students (7 years and older) (Adults 60 years and older- Free)- We have Special passes available if interested. $1.00- In Season Athlete w/ GTJHS School ID and Sports Pass - Passes will be given out by coaching staff - Passes must be signed

14 GTJHS Season Passes You Can Purchase the Following Season Passes Click on Season Pass Link on Winter: Season Pass (Family of 4)- $100.00 Individual Pass- $50.00 Student Pass (TJ Student)- $30.00 Spring (Lacrosse Only): Season Pass (Family of 4)- $30.00 Individual Pass- $15.00 Athlete Passes: Will be distributed if you make the team. Student Athletes will be allowed to enter other TJ WINTER gated events for $1.00 (With School ID)

15 Season Tickets/Admission
Gated Events (Playoffs Per Game Cost) $6.00- All Patrons (All Adults, Students- 7 or older) -MPSSAA State Passes Accepted- NO GTJHS Passes, Athlete passes or School ID’s will be accepted

16 PATRIOT PRIDE Before our athletic teams take the field or court, the Patriots Boosters has been hard at work raising money and generating enthusiasm for our sports program. Our organization is comprised of parents, coaches and loyal sponsors. We strive to assist our coaches by helping finance upgrades in facilities and equipment. We invite all interested parents to join us and get involved by volunteering to help at anyone of our fundraising events – we can’t do it without you! Contact one of the board members or join us for our monthly meeting, generally held every third Monday of the month, at 7 pm, in the front office conference room at GTJHS. For further information on the Patriots Boosters, please go to our website

17 Supporting all our student athletes
TJ Patriot Boosters Supporting all our student athletes

18 TJ Patriot Boosters Everyone benefits
Support & promote athletic groups at GTJHS by uniting students, parents, coaches, faculty, staff & community Provide moral & financial support Assure ongoing improvement of GTJHS athletic programs $20 per family membership for academic year Everyone benefits

19 GTJHS Athletic Enhancements
What FCPS Funded? What Boosters Funded? Indoor & Outdoor Scoreboards (2013) Practice Field Renovation (2012) Maintenance & repair of stadium lights (lights are 45 years old) Resurface track (2011) Replace gym floor (after 2011 flood) Fencing (2014) Senior Scholarships (2010-present ) Summer Conditioning (2012-present) Softball Pitching Machine (2013) End zone Camera (2013) Cheer Mats (2013) Gator (2012) Basketball Shoot Away (2012) Football Helmets (50%) 2012, 2013 and more! See complete list at

20 How Boosters Earns Funds?
Concessions!!! Outdoor (Fall and Winter) and Indoor (Winter) Stands Satellite Stations for Field Hockey, Baseball Teams must participate to earn funds! Added opportunities for teams to earn when GTJHS hosts county and regional championships

21 How can TJ families help? The TJ Community NEEDS YOU!
Volunteer for concessions for your student’s team(s) Ask local businesses to become a sponsor (buy a banner) Become a Team Liaison to the Boosters Be a Boosters member every year for just $20. Form available online and in your packet. Sign up tonight! Attend the Boosters Meetings: 3rd Monday of every month – see for details and any changes

22 Patriot Pride We have a long and proud standing tradition of creating a positive atmosphere in which all athletes, coaches, and fans can be proud of at Governor Thomas Johnson High School. We all share responsibility in our pursuit towards this level of excellence. As we depart this evening, know that these traditions are deeply linked to the RED, WHITE and BLUE so wear these colors with PRIDE! Please remember that every time we wear a uniform, a piece of apparel or anything that bears the name Governor Thomas Johnson Patriots, you represent your fellow students, staff, coaches and the Governor Thomas Johnson High School community both Past and Present.

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