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Eduardo M. Valerio, Ph.D. Lock Haven University of PA

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1 Eduardo M. Valerio, Ph.D. Lock Haven University of PA
Visual Representation and Cultural Authenticity in the Second Language Classroom Eduardo M. Valerio, Ph.D. Lock Haven University of PA



4 Authentic…and memorable

5 Authentic…and memorable

6 Sources of authentic visuals
STUDY ABROAD Realia: Items from the target culture you obtained. Gifts you were given. Media presentations, brochures, etc., obtained from bureaus of information in target country Ticket from event you attended with pictures

7 Sources of authentic visuals
STUDY ABROAD Realia: Application forms Newspapers/Magazines National flag Driving test Driver’s license, photo ID

8 Sources of authentic visuals
STUDY ABROAD Realia: Legal agreement Birth certificate Car title Bank receipt/cheque Books

9 Sources of authentic visuals
STUDY ABROAD Pictures: involving the teacher (you) interacting in the target culture of places and people you know and can provide anecdotal information about yourself/people you know enjoying food, holidays, sports events, or activities

10 Sources of authentic visuals
PRINT/ELECTRONIC MEDIA When using pictures, be sure to select very high quality images… advertising (contrast with reality) food famous individuals from the target culture maps

11 Cone of Learning Experience
Whenever you are conveying facts to students, a good way to personalize the learning and interact with the topic is to use K-W-L What do you KNOW about the topic? What do you WANT to know about the topic? What did you LEARN about the topic? Using this method, students combine their knowledge of a topic for more meaningful learning experiences…

12 Cone of Learning Experience
Take pictures of students when they are studying cultural topics and display with the picture representing the topic in class. Have students eat a particular food in class. Then they will associate the taste and smell of the food with the picture.

13 Cone of Learning Experience
Have them try several foods and vote for their favorites. Learn how foods are used in the target culture, where foods are grown, what percentage of the gross national product is represented by these foods, etc. Have them create reports or develop displays based on their research.

14 Cone of Learning Experience
Skype an individual from the target culture who will talk with your students about a topic and even show them the interior of their home or the street, etc., while talking. Include YouTube or other videos that feature the cultural topic.

15 Cone of Learning Experience
Have students prepare for celebrations by creating decorations, etc. Play a video in support of the celebration and then let it repeat while students are working on the decorations, or play music from the target culture while you are creating.

16 Cone of Learning Experience
When you are teaching, consider having music from the target culture playing softly in the background during most, if not all, lessons. Have students study the history of celebrations and discover why people celebrate the way they do today.

17 Cone of Learning Experience
Have students study the history of music and discover how this history influences the way music is used today. Represent music with pictures of dancers. Teach the students to dance. Have them create a costume worn in a picture that can be hung alongside a picture of people dancing.

18 Cone of Learning Experience
Have students learn authentic dances or other musical presentations and host an event where students can demonstrate them. Invite native speakers from the target culture to participate in these events and possibly demonstrate themselves in the classroom or at the event.

19 Cone of Learning Experience
Have students create classroom displays. Assign each student to display an important fact or favorite memory or dream, etc., along with items in the classroom. (If students are not artistic, don’t have them draw or write, allow them to create with the computer.)

20 Cone of Learning Experience
Focus on one theme that can be developed to a deeper level… Study one country for a period of time and really learn about many aspects of that country. Architecture, daily routine, food, government… Focus on one holiday/life activity and see how many ways you can find that other countries celebrate that holiday. Christmas, wedding, birthday, coming of age, funeral, initial driving of a car, going to school, going to college, independence day, etc.

21 Cone of Learning Experience
Investigate cultural exchange/integration… This is a picture of Currywurst. The sausage is from German culture and the curry is from Turkish culture. These groups live in harmony and have joined their separate food preferences into a new food.


23 YouTube link. Allow students to write their own lyrics.

24 Photos from study abroad experience model the possibilities for students to travel and experience other cultures.

25 Annenberg Library 10. Fruits of the Americas All these videos model
ways to incorporate visuals 21. U.S. and Italian Homes with activities and authentic culture. 23. Promoting Attractions of Japan 26. Routes to Culture :20 min. Drums 24:20 min. 27. Interpreting Picasso’s Guernica :00 min.

26 Cone of Learning Experience
Compare and contrast with students’ first culture. Have them study historical underpinnings of their cultural products, practices, and perspectives. These practices will lead to authentic and memorable learning and give you ideas for representing culture in the classroom. End of presentation

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