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009-60 Schedule and Associated Reports for Availabilities Over 9 Weeks in Duration; provide and manage Jon Hillenbrand CNRMC 19-20 AUG 2015.

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Presentation on theme: "009-60 Schedule and Associated Reports for Availabilities Over 9 Weeks in Duration; provide and manage Jon Hillenbrand CNRMC 19-20 AUG 2015."— Presentation transcript:

1 Schedule and Associated Reports for Availabilities Over 9 Weeks in Duration; provide and manage Jon Hillenbrand CNRMC 19-20 AUG 2015

2 Topics Timeline to Revision Notable Differences Table 2: Deliverables
Excel Deliverable and Use Supporting Initiatives

3 Integrated Schedule Timeline
MIS Pilot Phase I Phase II September August October June Nov / Dec March May December - July Global RIE #1 Global RIE #2 Global RIE #3 TS Rev F Issued AWC Workshop #1 AWC Workshop #2 & 67 Submitted FMMS Meeting w/Industry (MIS) January SSRAC Defers & 67 Proposals January - May SSRAC 2014 July Schedule Integration Meeting March / April September 2009 to Present Schedule Integration F2F Pt. 2

4 Notable Improvements NSI acknowledges the first required issuance of the IPS will include "Planned" vs. "Actual" dates to allow KTR Schedulers additional time to refine the schedule prior to the commencement of production work. Actual dates are required to be submitted at A-0 (Schedule of Record (SOR)). The Time-Oriented Gantt chart display of the IPS is submitted in an Adobe format. The weekly submission is only required to display the Critical Path and Controlling Work Items, associated Activities, Key Events (KE), and Milestones (MS). This is a significant reduction in the effort required by the KTR and provides a much more manageable product to the government.

5 Notable Improvements Assignment of predecessor/successor relationships for Work Activities, assignment of KE/MS designation for all Work Activities, and durations for all Work Activities. Actions currently practiced in most KTR scheduling software. The required weekly export of the IPS data elements will now be in a format compatible with Microsoft Excel. We see this as an improvement over previous requirements and should reduce the workload on KTR schedulers.

6 Notable Improvements Testing Requirements clarified (Stage 3 through 6 as defined by the GSO) – no stage 2 testing in the schedule. AIT, Government Contracted Third Party Maintenance Providers, Ship's Force, CIS, and Fleet Maintenance Activity data required for schedule integration: For the schedule to be truly (Defined as GFI) integrated, all of this information must be provided to the KTR Must be integrated into the schedule by A-0 Schedule of Record (SOR). Required reports identifying missing data. Common Excel template provided by KTR.

7 Table 2 Deliverables (Draft 009-60)
Notable Improvements Table 2 Deliverables (Draft )

8 009-60 Excel Deliverable and Use
revision expands the required data fields to include elements already typically used, or automatically generated by, scheduling software. Revision directs routine export of schedule data elements to an Excel file, allowing at-will Government manipulation for analysis, eliminating on-demand ad-hoc reports, and providing a useable tool for investigating concerns raised from .pdf Gantt Chart reviews.

9 009-60 Excel Deliverable and Use
Required Excel data: Work Item Work Activity (Schedule Task) Title ICN Key Event Milestone System Component Location Executing Activity Superintendent or Zone Mgr Planned Start Planned Finish Early Start Early Finish Late Start Late Finish Actual Start Actual Finish Percent Complete Duration Calendar Identification Total Float

10 009-60 Excel Deliverable and Use
Advantages of Excel Data Identification of work scheduled with negative float. Identification of work scheduled with zero float, indicating it should be part of the critical path of the availability. Identification of accumulating work activities pushed beyond baseline dates or with shrinking float. (Snowball) Identification of growth in the number of parallel critical path activities. Ready identification of work failing to start or finish as scheduled; or unachievable as scheduled.

11 009-60 Excel Deliverable and Use
Advantages of Excel Data Identification of opportunities for early starts. Isolation of scheduled work by Key Event, Milestone, location, component, executing activity, etc. for analysis of issues such as: Potential Growth/New Work impact. Identification of the need for schedule relief. Impact of incremental schedule changes. Ready extraction to support MRL/ERL requirements.

12 Supporting Initiatives
Overall goal is On Time Delivery Make a Plan Show Progress to the Plan Identify Risks to Integration Methods: Improved Schedule Integration Tools (Revised ) Excel Spreadsheet for filtering Picture of Critical Path/Controlling Item Network Focus on Intentional Communication Develop Project Management Tools to support policy KE/MS Frameworks, Work Split Strategy Focus on Accountability/Policy Compliance Work Integration Focal

13 Supporting Initiatives
Greatest needs for improvements rooted in cultural issues Schedule process must support more effective communication. Raw data transfer in Excel drives a discussion/validation of integration risks Weekly data supports progressing to a plan A simplified critical path network provides focus for leadership discussions Teams need to improve knowledge of foundational scheduling knowledge. Increased understanding of how the process works and the benefits Project Management Rules of Thumbs Dedicated roles in the team to support more intentional schedule focus Teams need to use the schedule to drive out unknown integration risk It’s a living document to solve problems – not a one time artifact to be graded Answers questions - Do you have a plan?/Is it good?/Where are you on the plan? Integration of all work on the project at the right level to take actions

14 Scheduling Philosophy
The schedule is a dynamic process. It is a set of iterative actions that are continuously executing to create common expectations for the work remaining and reduce risk of integration challenges. Schedules are living documents and not a one time artifact Schedule data in excel augmented with networked reports from contractor’s software is sufficient to drive effective dialogue An integrated schedule exists only after a contract has been awarded. Prior to award, the schedule consists of availability duration analysis and a framework of Key Events/Milestones. Key Events and Milestones definitions need to be reinforced Challenge with Definitions: Key Events (JFMM) = Milestones (Contract) Increased number of Internal Milestones will help drive team and track progress towards Key Events Integrate Modernization via Pivotal Milestones (i.e. Install CANES Foundations) Schedule maintenance happens on a weekly cycle. Level of Detail for a Schedule Activity must support valid progressing Rule of Thumb : 800 Man Hours < Activity < 40 Hours Updates to progress are a Pull from the “KTR” rather than a “Push” from Integrating Activities

15 Implementation Plan Standard Item-Cultural Training -Pilots
Final FY16 Change 1. Implement on FY16 avails. Awareness Briefs/Senior Support of Focus on Schedule RMC COs/WFOs/Port briefs/QER Discussions/Road Show Work Force Development Training Short Term - FY15 Q4/FY16 Q1 Availability training at A-30 IPTD Long Term - WFD PM classes/NSI Classes Scheduling Champion Coaching role at each RMC to support day to day scheduling questions Pilot role on the gov’t project team to increase schedule integration support for the PM (ACE/ITE/WIM) Pilots in Planning and Execution Policy documentation Project Team Handbook Update Quick Reference Tool for project team members (Strategy)

16 009-60 Questions?

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