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Person-centred Behavioural Assessment and Intervention Plan

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Presentation on theme: "Person-centred Behavioural Assessment and Intervention Plan"— Presentation transcript:

1 Person-centred Behavioural Assessment and Intervention Plan

2 Positive Behaviour Support
Instructions Proactive Positive Reinforcement Data Evidence Process Theory

3 Features of PBS Interventions for Behaviours of concern
Teaching new skills Quality of Life

4 Why do we need to do something different?

5 We need to do something different because with our current practices, we see:
Increasing problem Behaviours Unclear and inconsistent ways of support Reactive Interventions Limited opportunities for people to learn new skills

6 What we are doing now is working.

7 C`s story C likes going shopping but was prevented from going, because the service thinks it is important for her not to be in the situation where she could get angry and exhibit CB

8 M`s Story M`s impairment was the fact he needed more help to process information, and sometimes got frustrated and would hit out – His disability was the fact that nobody at his service considered his communication needs, and didn`t help him.

9 J` Story J`s impairment was he was not allowed access to his snacks and drinks in the kitchen, and also was not allowed to walk freely around his house to go to the garden or his music room, because of health & safety. Sometimes he would get frustrated and pull staff by their arm and hurt them, his disability was nobody took the time to try and understand what he wanted in the first place, staff would say he deliberately tries to hurt them.

10 M`S Story Instead of being labelled with challenging behaviour
Now described as sociable Loves going swimming and visiting family Volunteers at the local foodbank

11 P`S Story No longer sits in front of the TV all day
More likely to be taking staff to the kettle Instead of being seen as challenging when pulling staff, he is now seen as taking staff to the things he wants He is now understood better

12 Functional analysis Observation of behaviour and carrying out interviews Scientific (ABA) analysis of behaviour to determine functions Design and implementation of interventions to reduce CB and increase skills, followed by continued support

13 Slow triggers, fast triggers and behaviour

14 Slow triggers, fast triggers and behaviour
Change in routine Demands Self-Injury

15 ABC Antecedent Behaviour Consequence

16 The `In their shoes` Test
This test asks a simple question – Would you like this intervention done to you? If the answer is ‘No` then the intervention fails this test of social validity

17 Three Stage Intervention
Reactive Secondary Primary

18 The assault cycle Crisis De- Escalation Escalation Recovery/ Baseline

19 Thank you Andrew Guy Telephone

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