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Water and Economic Growth

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1 Water and Economic Growth

2 Introduction Access to Water Safe Adequate Sustainable sources
Water Demand Domestic Agriculture Industry Water stress in India Population Climate change Urbanization

3 Water and Agriculture Sector Growth
Water as a most critical resource for agriculture. High volatility in agriculture production due to dependence on monsoon. Productivity of Irrigated area is far more higher as compare to rain-fed areas. Efficient use of water through micro irrigation Drip System Sprinkler System. Government initiatives Pradhan Mantri Krishi Sinchai Yojana (PMKSY Har Khet Ko Pani More Crop Per Drop

4 Water and Industrial Sector Growth
Sources of Water for Industrial Sector Ground-Water (35%) Surface Water (41%) Municipal Water (24%) Industrial water demand has been increasing with the pace of industrial development. Water demand in industrial sector About 13 per cent of the total freshwater withdrawal in the country. Will grow at a rate of 4.2 per cent per year. Rising from 67 billion cubic metres in 1999 to 228 billion cubic metres by 2025. Industries not only consume water but also pollute it. According to the World Development Report (WDR) of 2003, in developing countries, 70 per cent of industrial wastes are dumped without treatment, thereby polluting the usable water supply.

5 Water as an Economic Good
The term water “as an economic good” originated in the Dublin Conference (ICWE 1992). Water is not only economic good but a public good too in India which requires some amount of extra-market management to effectively and efficiently serve social objectives. The effective and sustainable management of water resources will lead to economic growth, Sustainable growth in agriculture And industrial sector. It also has significant contribution in improving quality of life, health condition, education standards and so on.

6 Need for Interventions
Resource Augmentation Storage Capacity 303 BCM (44%) Per Capita storage 225 m3 Water Bodies, not in use 1,14,410 (20 %) Ground Water Development 0.08 – 172% Irrigation Sector Coverage 46 % IPC-IPU Gap 21 % Water Use efficiency 30-40 % Piped water supply (Drinking water) Rural households 30.8 % Urban households 70.6 %

7 Ground Water – Status in Percentage
Availability Irrigation Use More than 50% of the total assessed units reported over-exploited/critical in Delhi, Haryana, Punjab, Rajasthan and Daman & Diu;

8 Water use efficiency in Percentage (Irrigation Sector)
Present level of efficiency Achievable efficiency Efficiency to be achieved by 2025 2050 Surface Water 30 60 50 Ground Water 55 75 72 Surface to 35 % Sprinkler to 60 % Drip to 90 %

9 Strategies – 3 Js Policy Interventions Jal Sanchay Jal Sinchan
Jal Sanrakshan Policy Interventions Har Khet Ko Pani Per Drop More Crop RRR of Water Bodies Good quality drinking water – 40 litres per capita per day Reduce, Recycle, Reuse – Industrial Water

10 Rationale behind Water Management Index
The variation in the availability of water resources Among the states And surface and ground water resources. Rapid increase in population and urbanization. NITI Aayog has framed an index called Water Management Index which may develop the competitive federalism among the states in conservation, management and efficient use of water. Index will serve the purpose of tracking performance and taking corrective measures to conserve water resources.

11 WMI - Tracking the Management Initiatives
Water Index WMI - Tracking the Management Initiatives To assess and improve the performance in efficient management of water resources Ranking of States on 28 KPIs 9 Sectors covered

12 WMI – Sectors Covered Weightage Sector
Source Augmentation (Restoration of Water Bodies)New folder (7)\source augmentation(Restoration of water bodies).pptx 5 Source Augmentation (Groundwater)New folder (7)\Source Augmentation (Groundwater).pptx 15 Major and Medium IrrigationNew folder (7)\Major and Medium Irrigation - Supply Side Management.pptx Watershed DevelopmentNew folder (7)\Watershed Development - Supply Side Management.pptx 10 Participatory Irrigation PracticesNew folder (7)\Demand-Side Management - Participatory Irrigation Practices.pptx Sustainable on-farm water-use practicesNew folder (7)\Sustainable On-farm Water Use Practices.pptx Rural Drinking WaterNew folder (7)\Rural Drinking Water.pptx Urban Water Supply and SanitationNew folder (7)\Urban Water Supply and Sanitation.pptx Policy and GovernanceNew folder (7)\Policy and Governance.pptx Total 100

13 Thank You

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