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Preparing for GCSE English Language

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Presentation on theme: "Preparing for GCSE English Language"— Presentation transcript:

1 Preparing for GCSE English Language
Key Principles: You CAN revise for English Regular, repeated revision works; practice makes perfect! Effective revision takes resilience Use PLCs, mock exams, missions and teacher guidance to identify which areas to revise

2 Reviewing what you have done
You will remember so much more if you revise Reviewing what you have done

3 Key Dates: GCSE English Language Exams Tuesday, 6th June: Paper hr 45mins Monday, 12th June: Paper 2 1hr 45mins


5 REVISION ACTIVITY #1: Cue cards & Soundbites
On your phone/tablet: Record someone reading a script you have written of how to answer each exam question and key things to remember for each question. Recording your own voice can be annoying!

6 REVISION ACTIVITY #2: Mock Personalised Learning Checklist (PLC)
Use your latest Personalised Learning Checklist (PLC) issued after your Mock exams to help your prioritise revising for RED and AMBER areas Also being updated here: V:\English \GCSE Revision resources

7 REVISION ACTIVITY #3: Practice Exam Questions
Timed writing is an essential part of being successful in the exam. Use the resources in your pack to answer the questions in silent, timed conditions. Remember to use the techniques and timing on your crib sheets! Language Paper 1: Reading Source A: 15 mins Q minute per mark Q5 45 minutes Language Paper 2: Reading Source A and B: 15 mins Q minute per mark Q5 45 minutes

8 REVISION ACTIVITY #4: DIY Make Your Own Exam Paper
Paper 1: Find one Reading Passage which you can use for your exam paper. You can use an extract from a modern novel, for example. Use the EXAM QUESTION PROFORMA on the next slide to write the questions for your exam paper. Paper 2: Find two Reading Passages which you can use for your exam paper. You can use extracts from newspapers online, magazines and biographies, for example. Challenge! Write the ‘answers’ to your exam paper in a Mark Scheme. Use a mark scheme to help you write these in the correct format.


10 Paper 2: Writers’ viewpoints and perspectives
Q1 Read again source A, from lines 1 to 15. Choose four statements below which are TRUE. • Shade the boxes of the ones that you think are true • Choose a maximum of four statements [4 marks] Q2 You need to refer to source A and source B for this question: Use details from both sources. Write a summary of the differences between _____ and _____. [8 marks] Q3 You now need to refer only to source B. How does _________ use language to try to _________? [12 marks] Q4 For this question, you need to refer to the whole of source A together with source B. Compare how the two writers convey their different attitudes to _______________. In your answer, you should: • compare their different attitudes • compare the methods they use to convey their attitudes • support your ideas with quotations from both texts. [16 marks]

11 REVISION ACTIVITY #5: Complete DIY Make Your Own Exam Paper
Spend controlled, silent time to sit your DIY exam. Remember that: You should plan for relevant questions You should use highlighters How does it feel to be a Chief Examiner? If you can sit your own exam then you will be ready for any passage in the real exam!

12 Managing stress as you approach your exams

13 Top tips Sleep well – 15 & 16 year olds need 9 hours of sleep per night to function well. Go to bed on time. Eat properly – especially breakfast Exercise – reduces stress Don’t forget there is life after exams Follow your timetable so you know you are doing your best. Your best is all anyone expects. No one is perfect.

14 Homework and revision timetable
Successful students revise for a minimum of 2 hours a day, five days a week (during term time) Successful students ensure no distractions. 100% concentration. That still leaves a few hours every day to relax! And 9 hours to sleep

15 Switch off your music, put away your phone and focus
It is not possible to revise effectively whilst watching television, or playing a game or going online / listening to music!

16 A standard week of combined revision and homework
Homework guidelines: One hour of English, maths and science every week One hour of all other subjects every two weeks Equals one hour of homework 5 times a week Homework and revision guidelines: Two hours of English, maths and science every week Two hours of all other subjects every two weeks Equals two hours of homework/revision 5 times a week Extra holiday homework and revision

Monday Tuesday Wednesday Thursday Friday Saturday Sunday Maths Option B English History or Geography Option A Science Option C and D – 1 hour each next week.

Monday Tuesday Wednesday Thursday Friday Saturday Sunday Paper 1 Paper 2 Paper 1: Section B Paper 2: Section B Q1 and Q2 Planning skills Exam Paper: sitting in timed exam conditions Q3 Openings/ Endings Exploring different forms of writing Q4 Redrafting paragraphs Exploring different forms of writing Exam Q

19 Any questions?

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