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Just now, we enjoyed a wonderful song. Have you heard it? What is it?

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Presentation on theme: "Just now, we enjoyed a wonderful song. Have you heard it? What is it?"— Presentation transcript:

1 Just now, we enjoyed a wonderful song. Have you heard it? What is it?
友谊天长地久 Just now, we enjoyed a wonderful song. Have you heard it? What is it?

2 Interpersonal Relationship
Module 3 Interpersonal Relationship —— Friendship [.intə`pə:snl] adj 人与人之间的, 人际的

3 Discussion 1.What is good friends?
2.What qualities should a good friend has? We can read activity 1 at first !

4 share happiness and sorrow enthusiastic good-tempered(宽容的)
The qualities of a good friend honest kind friendly genuine outgoing helpful brave patient humorous faithful share happiness and sorrow enthusiastic good-tempered(宽容的)

5 a. When I am in trouble, a good friend turns up immediately, trying his / her best to solve the problem for me. b. A good friend is a person who knows whatever you think in your mind and can help you ; share happiness and sorrow

6 Some mottos about friendship.
A friend in need is a friend indeed. 患难见真情。 True friendship lasts forever.  真正的友谊地久天长。 A faithful[ `feiθful]friend is hard to find. 知音难觅。 .

7 chat friendship lonely relationship shy trust
2 Introduction Match the words with their meanings. chat friendship lonely relationship shy trust 1 the way in which two or more people behave towards each other. 2 nervous when with other people. 3 to believe that someone is good and honest. 4 a relationship between two people who are friends. 5 to talk in a friendly way, especially about unimportant things, 6 unhappy because you are alone or have no friends. relationship shy trust friendship chat lonely

8 matters friends to know friend
3 Match the words in Box A with the words in Box B. make get personal close A B matters friends to know friend

9 She is _____ to live but I don’t think he is ______.
alone lonely She is _____ to live but I don’t think he is ______. 2. That is a _______ mountain village. 3. I am _____, but I don’t feel _______. 4. He came _______. 5. You ______ can help me. 单独的,独一无二的,只有,仅仅。单独地,独自地 寂寞的,孤独的,荒凉的,lone lily孤独地。寂寞地 alone lonely lonely lonely alone alone alone

10 外研版 选修6 模块3 reading Roy’s Story

11 Exercise 3:answer the questions about these words and phrases.
1. financial, note, wallet, make money, raise money 2. theft,thief 3. knock over 4. move house 5. make money 6. raise money 7. amount

12 Fast reading: 1. What was Roy like before his father died?
Exercise2.Qs for fast-reading: 1. What was Roy like before his father died? 2. What kind of relationship did Roy and Daniel have? 3. How did Roy change? 4. What happened in the classroom that surprised Daniel? 5. What happened to the £500 ? 6. How did Daniel know who had stolen it?

13 A close relationship, where they trusted each other
1.What was Roy like before his father died? Outgoing, popular, and friendly 2. What kind of relationship did Roy and Daniel have? A close relationship, where they trusted each other

14 4. What happened in the classroom surprised Daniel?
3. How did Roy change? He became silent and moody, lost interest in his schoolwork, and lost friends. Because of his father’s death. 4. What happened in the classroom surprised Daniel? He saw Roy taking money from other boy’s pockets.

15 5. What happened to the £500 ? 6. How did Daniel know who had stolen it? It was stolen from a box in a classroom. Daniel felt cold while waiting for Roy In his bedroom, so he put on Roy’s Jacket and found the money in the pocket.

16 Main idea of each para. Para 1: “I” had no friend when “I” came here.
Para 2: Roy was kind to me and we became good friends. Para 3: Roy changed a lot, becoming silent and moody as his father died. Para 4: “I” saw Roy stealing others’ things.

17 Para 5: “I” was not sure whether Roy
was a thief. Para 6: The £500 was stolen by someone. Para 7: “I” decided to ask Roy about the thief only to find the £500 was in his pocket. Para 8: A no-end story’s end; I didn’t know how to deal with the problem.

18 careful-reading 1. As his friend, what can you do for him at such a time? 2. If you were “I”, what would you do? o 18

19 Exercise 4. find words in the passage
1. a charity 2. a cloakroom 3. to burst out laughing 4. a locker 5. to go bright red (blush) 6. moody 7. a fair

20 Exercise 5. 1.(b) 2.(a) 3.(a) 4.(a) 5.(b) 6.(c) 7.(a) 8.(a) 9.(a)

21 Homework Please write your own endings to the story.

22 本资料来自于资源最齐全的21世纪教育网

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