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Ancient India Review Good Luck!!.

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1 Ancient India Review Good Luck!!

2 India is located on the continent of
A Africa B Asia C North America D Europe

3 A peninsula B island C country D subcontinent
What name is given to a landmass that is like a continent, only smaller? A peninsula B island C country D subcontinent

4 The world’s highest mountain peak is
A Mount Etna B Mount Everest C Mount Rainier D Mount Shasta

5 Who were the people that invaded the Indus Valley?
A the Egyptians B the Greeks C the Europeans D the Aryans

6 What religion developed in the Indus Valley?
A Christianity B Judaism C Hinduism D Islam

7 This system placed the people of India into social classes.
A the Caste System B the Feudal System C the Social System D the Hindu System

8 There are _____ main castes.
A five B three C six D four

9 Hindus enter the caste system
A at the start of adulthood B when they are married C when they become a teenager D at birth

10 Hindus can change their caste at any time.
A True B False

11 Karma is very important to Hindus.
A True B False

12 Hindus who are not in a caste are called
A untouchables B outcastes C the chosen ones D both A and B

13 What job(s) is/are performed by the untouchables?
A sweeping streets B cleaning bathrooms C picking up the garbage D all of the above

14 The sacred river for the Hindu people is the
A Indus B Yamuna C Brahmaputra D Ganges

15 Hindus _____ their dead.
A bury B cremate

16 The collection of sacred Hindu writings is known as
A the Bible B the Vedas C the Torah D the Koran

17 Hinduism is polytheistic.
A True B False

18 Hindus believe in rebirth or
A cremation B karma C reincarnation D untouchability

19 The sacred animal of the Hindu people is the
A elephant B dog C camel D cow

20 The collection of good and bad deeds one has done is known as one’s
A rebirth B karma C caste D Veda

21 The worst jobs are given to the
A untouchables B members of the lowest caste C government officials D priests

22 Hindus consider all water to be holy.
A True B False

23 Most Hindu marriages are
A love marriages B arranged by parents C arranged by friends D none of the above

24 Hindu marriages are arranged to promote the caste system and social status of the upper castes.
A True B False

25 Items of value given by the bride’s parents to the groom’s parents.
A gift exchange B wedding gifts C luxury items D dowry

26 Criteria used by Hindus in selecting a spouse include
A caste B astrology C both A and B D none of the above

27 In India, sons are preferred over daughters.
A True B False

28 The Taj Mahal was built by
A Mohandas Gandhi B Moontaz Mahal C the Indian government D Shah Jahan

29 The Taj Mahal is a A mosque or Muslim place of worship
B mausoleum/burial tomb C government building D shopping mall

30 He brought independence to India.
A Barrack Obama B Winston Churchill C Jawaharlal Nehru D Mohandas Gandhi

31 A seasonal shift in wind patterns that bring heavy rains.
A drought B karma C hurricane D monsoon

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