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Canadian Meteorological and Oceanographic Society (CMOS)

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Presentation on theme: "Canadian Meteorological and Oceanographic Society (CMOS)"— Presentation transcript:

1 Canadian Meteorological and Oceanographic Society (CMOS)
Purpose / Mission: CMOS exists for the advancement of meteorology and oceanography in Canada Le but de la SCMO est de stimuler l'intérêt pour la météorologie et l'océanographie au Canada

2 What CMOS does… Operates 14 Centres across Canada
Annual Congress brings together meteorologists, oceanographers and related disciplines to discuss issues of common interest Takes positions on topics such as natural hazards, weather modification, climate change

3 What CMOS does… Presents annual awards in the fields of meteorology and oceanography Provides scholarships/bursaries to students at graduate and undergraduate levels Travel bursaries of up to $500 are available to assist students to attend the annual Congress and give a paper on their thesis research

4 What CMOS does… Provides a supplement to the NSERC post-graduate scholarship Supports travel by Canadian high school teachers to Project Atmosphere Accredits consultants Endorses media weathercasters Publishes Atmosphere-Ocean (peer reviewed journal), CMOS Bulletin (bi-monthly), annual review and Congress program/abstracts

5 Membership and Privileges
All members have the same privileges and receive the CMOS Bulletin and Annual Review Fees Regular member $80 Sustaining member $226 (receives all publications) Corporate member $160 Student member $20 (receives A-O online) Retired member $53 Associate member $53

6 Upcoming Congresses 2009 – Halifax Last of all . . .
2010 – Ottawa (joint with CGU) Last of all . . . CMOS is our own Canadian society, and provides Canadian meteorologists, oceanographers, and related disciplines with a forum for direct contacts with each other, through membership, the CMOS web page, publications and the annual Congress. No other society provides the same benefits. Support your society!

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