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1) For anyone interested in the topic , 2) Proceeding only in KOREAN

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1 1) For anyone interested in the topic , 2) Proceeding only in KOREAN
SCRANTON COLLEGE EWHA WOMANS UNIVERSITY DIS Special Lecture in conjunction with <Capstone Seminar in Global Economy> by Prof. Woo Wonseok “Corporate Lawyer as a Career” BY YOUNGJIN SOHN (Partner, Simpson Thacher & Bartlett LLP) √ Date and Time: April 8th (Thu) pm. 2:00 √ Venue: IEB #1202-1 1) For anyone interested in the topic , 2) Proceeding only in KOREAN

2 YOUNGJIN SOHN 1. Degrees: Seoul National University 1986 B.A. (Business Administration), magna cum laude University of California at Los Angeles 1989 M.B.A. 2. Careers: Samsung Electronics Co., Ltd – 1992 Team Leader, International Team, Strategic Planning Division Bain & Company (Bain Internconsulting) 1992 – 1993 Consultant Columbia University School of Law 1996 J.D., Harlan Fiske Stone Scholar Shearman & Sterling LLP, New York 1996 – 1998 Associate Simpson Thacher & Bartlett LLP 1998 – Current – Associate, New York & Hong Kong – Partner (2006), Hong Kong

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