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Clean Air Project: Team Big Green SpaceGasm Conceptual Design Review

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Presentation on theme: "Clean Air Project: Team Big Green SpaceGasm Conceptual Design Review"— Presentation transcript:

1 Clean Air Project: Team Big Green SpaceGasm Conceptual Design Review
Hillary Beltran, Edward Crawford, Nicole Harris, Edward Lowe, Emily Proano, and Kevin Wong 16 September 2010

2 Mission Overview Mission Objective: Take measurements of concentration levels of methane, carbon dioxide, and carbon monoxide Expect to find increased levels of each greenhouse gas Why do this mission? Interested in seeing quality of air Change in air quality over a time period

3 Design Overview Illustrations CO, CO2, CH4 sensors Protoboard
Electrical Components Illustrations CO, CO2, CH4 sensors Protoboard Microcontroller HOBO Camera Batteries

4 Functional Block Diagram

5 Team Big Green SpaceGasm
Kevin Wong Project Manager Hillary Beltran Structural Systems Engineer Eddie Crawford Software Engineer Nicole Harris Electrical Systems Engineer Emily Proano Structural Systems Engineer Teddy Lowe Electrical Systems Engineer

6 Date Schedule September 10, 2010 Team meeting (5:00pm – 8:00pm)
Complete Request for Proposal (RFP) September 15, 2010 Complete Conceptual Design Review (CoDR) September 16, 2010 Turn in RFP and give presentation on CoDR September 19, 2010 Team meeting (4:00pm – 5:00pm) September 21, 2010 Turn in order form for electrical components and spare parts To Be Determined Receive electrical components September 21 – 30, 2010 Design and test prototypes Cooler test Drop, roll, and whip tests September 26, 2010 September 30 – October 19, 2010 Modifications to prototypes and retesting October 3, 2010 October 5, 2010 Design Document Revisions A and B and Critical Design Review due at 7:00am October 5 – 7, 2010 Pre-Critical Design Review (CDR) October 10, 2010 October 17, 2010 October 19 – 25, 2010 Integrate and interface subsystems and final testing October 24, 2010 October 25, 2010 Final testing completed; final satellite completed October 26, 2010 Pre-launch inspection October 28, 2010 In-class mission simulation test October 31, 2010 November 2, 2010 Design Document Revision C and Launch Readiness Review (LRR) due November 5, 2010 Final satellite weight-in and turn-in November 6, 2010 Launch day (5:00am – 4:00pm) November 30 – December 2, 2010 Final team presentations and reports December 4, 2010 Integrated Technology and Learning Laboratory (ITLL) Design Exposition

7 Materials & Device Budgeted Cost Source Structure Foam Core Provided
Budgeted Weight Structure Foam Core Provided Gateway 20g Insulation 10g Desiccants $10 12g Hardware Canon Camera 220g HOBO 30g Heater System 100g Arduino (2) $59.90 SparkFun ProtoBoard (2) $9.00 15g Methan Gas Sensor (2) $9.90 Sparkfun CO2 Gas Sensor (2) $33.98 Parallax CO Gas Sensor (2) Wiring Switches 1GB MicroSD 3g Batteries $50 Safeway 210g TOTAL $192.58 N/A 760g Materials & Device Budgeted Cost Source Structure Foam Core Provided Gateway Insulation Desiccants $10 Hardware Canon Camera HOBO Heater System Arduino (2) $59.90 SparkFun ProtoBoard (2) $9.00 Methan Gas Sensor (2) $9.90 Sparkfun CO2 Gas Sensor (2) $33.98 Parallax CO Gas Sensor (2)

8 Biggest Worries Power failure Maintaining a temperature above -10°C
Taking data Weather conditions

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